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Loves of my Life

Sep 30, 2009

Today is hump day...... Middle of the week, nothing happening. Sooooo I thought i would share the loves of my life with you to pass the time. Plus they are all just so CUTE !!!

Me and my Hubby (a.k.a.  My HOTTIE Mechanic)

Now on to our Babies!

Angus (a.k.a. Angus Baby)

Holstein (a.k.a. baby girl)

Kodiak (a.k.a. Kodie)
yes he only has one look

Rusty (a.k.a. Rusty Man, Old Man)

Tiger (a.k.a Tiger Girl, Bat Dog)

Pleasure by: Jacquelyn Frank

Sep 27, 2009

*** SPOILERS ***

Beyond our world lies a land where darkness reigns—the land of the virile, sensual Shadowdwellers. Yet their mysterious abilities are no match for the power of desire…


As Chancellor of the Shadowdwellers, Malaya’s first duty is to her people. Her bodyguard, Guin, knows this only too well. For tradition’s sake, Malaya must marry, and the thought of this lush, vibrant, woman in a loveless union is impossible for him to bear. Guin loves Malaya—not as a subject loves his queen but as a man craves a woman. And even if he cannot keep her, he’ll show her everything she stands to lose…

Discipline. Penance. Order. A Sanctuary priest’s life revolves around such things. But when Sagan is taken captive and thrust into the Alaskan wilderness, he encounters a woman who challenges his faith and his self-control. Valera is a natural born witch who almost lost herself to the lure of dark magic. By rights, Sagan should shun her, but convention will count for nothing in the face of a passion that could change the realms of Shadowscape forever…

       First off I am a HUGE fan of Jacquelyn Frank. Her NightWalker Series is one of my favorites. Elijah.......*repeatedly quirks brow* Can you say YUMMY !!!!!
     *Blushes* Ok back to Pleasure. Pleasure is the 3rd book in the Shadowdweller series. It's a pretty good book, but not my Fav. of hers.

     1st~ She made it a 2 part book. First half is Sagan & Valera's story. Second half is Malaya & Guin's Story. Which i don't mind split books by any means, but she only gave Sagan 7 chapters. I would have so liked more of his story. Especially with who his women ends up being. I know this isn't the Nightwalker Series but they do tie together, and magic users are a big part of that series.
     The cats.....OMG, i love the talking cats, especially Ulysses. I enjoyed the cats can talk to Sagan & Valera, and their additudes. That's great !!! I would have loved for them to have more of a part in this book also.

     2nd~ Not the book itself  but the entire series, her writing style seems a bit different to me. Jacquelyn is definitely a little more blunt in writing the sex scenes in this series. For example:

Nightwalker Series:
...clutching him to her so she could shift her hips and rub her heat against the hard length of his sex.

Shadowdweller Series:
...He disregarded her limp sated state and set his cock in the hot wet bath of her sweet pussy.

*Blushing*  WOW!!!
      For me the sex scenes just didn't fit the characters. Guins, yes. Malaya, no. Her personality during the sex scenes, compared to the non-sex scenes just seemed liked split personalities to me. Don't get me wrong , her writing is still very good. Just different for me in this series.

      As for the story line i liked it very much. I liked how Malaya & Guin have a past together. * Shakes head in shame* Even though Malaya was BLIND for all those years. *tsk,tsk* But still i liked how they didn't just meet, and one of them falls in love with the other in 2 freakin seconds. It's refreashing to see.

      Malaya and the arranged marriage..... *cringes* Ewwwww. I could not imagine being in that situation. I don't care if i was a Queen, or if it would look better to my people. Nope, nonya, nada. Wouldn't do it. I want Love. *Sigh* I want physical & mental attraction and affection. I could not marry someone i didn't love. I am VERY happy the way Malaya worked around the arranged marriage. She gets to get married & have babies with who she wants and loves. Plus she is still following the law by getting married. *Sticks out the tounge* In your face council......HA!!!

       Daenaria & Magnus. This was a good part, but very sad. *Teary-eyed* I can't believe she actually lost the baby. I'm soooo glad Daenaria gets to be there when the evil bitch dies. She so deserves to be a part of that!
       Now the evil bitch in this is great. Trying to figure out who she is, is ming boggling. I loved that it kept me on the edge of seat. Definitely great writing on keeping you in the dark. A+ on that. Everytime something came up about her you i finally get to find out who the evil bitch is. I liked that !

       Overall this was a great book. I highly recommend the entire series. But make sure you  start with the Nightwalker Series first !!!

Visit Jacquelyn Franks website.

Vampire Diaries (week 3)

Sep 25, 2009

Ok. Not much happened this week .  *Evil grin*  I DID like the bedroom scene. What.... 2 men in one ???? yessss. What.... you can change faces.....oh oh can you do Vin ?????

Hmmmmm it is a hard decision between the 2 brothers. Stefan , Damon, Stefan , Damon.  *Gasps*  evil.....damon......noooo!!! Awwww ok ok. But he is a HOTTIE, and what ....he may have a soft side  *hand on cheek*  .

The football thing,just doesn't do it for me.Classic high school football jock. No thanks. I am glad the person damon went after was the football coach/history teacher. Yuck, don't like him very much. Guess i don't have to worry about that now do I.

Well thats about it this time!
Thanx Muchly,

Book Friday

     Ok all my lovely peps this is now Book Friday. Most of you who have been chatting with me over the past couple weeks know i just recently got back in to reading. *smiles* I know I know close those mouths, an no i did not just come out of a cave.As of January i have decided i LOVE reading again *can actually hear my husbands teeth grind together* But i am seriously behind on all the good books/series out there. I am ordering MORE books tonight, so i NEED NEED NEED suggestions.
     Now every friday from here and after i will try to list at least a few suggestions i find or have heard of. Please if you know of any series that i don't have listed, please leave a comment with them.
    For now what i have read so far:
~Black Dagger Brotherhood Series
~Immortals After Dark Series
~Demonica Series
~Lords of the Underworld Series
~Atlantis Series
~Nightwalker Series
~ Shadowdweller Series
**Currently reading " Dark Prince" in the Dark Series

Ok this is what i have so far and badly need good suggestions for tonight!

Thanx Muchly my fabulous Peps,

Vampire Diaries (week2)

Sep 21, 2009

Hey Everyone ~
    Sorry i'm a bit late with week 2. Have been Busy Re-designing my blog.....Hope you all like it. Now for my scoop.....

     First off *Blushes* Stefan is a HOTTIE !!! *Fans self* Ok, had to get it out of my system. This is going to be a pretty good tv  series i think. There isn't much left on tv that i like since they got rid of Chramed and Gilmoregirls. Everything has pretty much turned into Realit tv. *sticks out the tounge* YUCK !!!! I hate reality tv.
     As for Vampire Diaries i think it is starting out pretty good. The episodes have been pretty exciting so far. This week my main issue was when Elena was done with Stefan because she found out he had an ex-girlfriend. BOO freakin WHOOOO. She has an ex-boyfriend. They've known each other for all of 5 seconds and she thought he should have told her his entire past by now??? Did i understand it wrong or is she just being a girl? *backing away hands up* Hold up no offence ladys, but BLAH...........
     As far as damon *taps temple* where do i know him from???? Some have said LOST but i don't remember him on it has to be from somewhere else. But in Vampires Diaries i love his humor. He brings bad ass with a kick of funny to the show.
     Bonnie.... I so like her. She's a witch which *laughs* so awesome. Wouldn't that be freakin super !!!!
     Ok, till next week. I gotta go do, whatever it is i gotta do!!!

Thanks Muchly,

HOTTIE of the Month

Sep 14, 2009

Hey Everyone~

After drooling...*blushes* hmmm i mean pondering over some of the pictures i have found online i have decided we need a HOTTIE of the month category. Yes??? I agree with you. So i have thought very hard on who to begin with. I know i know there are alot of HOTTIES out there, and some will be nameless pictures.......But i have decided our first HOTTIE of the Month will be Vin Diesel. i think he is 100% pure HOTTIE....and i have a thing for bald guys, *grins* ask my hubby!!!
AnyHoo hope you like the pics. If you have someone in mind you think should be HOTTIE of the month, or you have just found some droolishis (hmm did i spell that right.....sure why not) HOTTIES pics ,feel free to send me an email.

Until then Happy drooling !!!
Thanks Muchly,

Tid Bit

Sep 13, 2009

Hey everyone,
Thanks for stopping by. i know there isn't alot on here yet, but i'm working on it! Right now I'm in the process of building the matching website designing a new logo..(any suggestions would be great) and working on this here awesome blog. Any suggestions you have on any of the above listed is always appreciated. Even criticism is welcome.....*blinks repeatedly with puppy eyes* but please not too harsh, i am only one simple,innocent,fragile little girl !!!!!! Ha, ya ok ok i know.AnyHoo thanks again for stopping by. Hope to see you again in the future, and don't forget to tell everyone!!! Until next time,
Thanx Muchly

Vampire Diaries (week1)

Sep 11, 2009

Morning everyone~ so did you catch vampire diaries last night? I did and I thought it was great. I have yet to read the books so I can't say how the comparison is. But after a few episodes will see if its worth reading. What do you think? Thats it for now. Happy Friday!!
Thanx Muchly,

About Me

Sep 5, 2009

My Name is Jodie. Everyone calls me JoJo.I am 29 1/2 years old.I have spent the last 11 years w/ my husband..5 of them we've been married. We don't have kids yet but we do have 5 dogs and 2 horses. I have just recently gotten back into reading in novemeber of 2008. What started it all back up you ask.......Twilight! Yes i have to admit i LUV the series.It once again reminded me why i loved reading.The next i picked up the Black Dagger BrotherHood by: J.R. Ward. OMG Best series ever! From there on my passion for Romance was born. Even though Romance is my favorite read, I try to keep an open mind on what to read. But i do prefer to have atleast a little touch of Romance in a book/series, i also like to have atleast a touch of paranormal.My fav. genres to read: Romance,Paraonormal Romance, ANYTHING HIGHLANDER ( *wink wink* i do luv me some Highlanders), Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and i have to say soon i may have to give m/m, and M/F/M Romance a go. It just sounds so tempting not to give it a try! Ok i have done it. i have stepped up and done. I've read my first M/F/M....OMG...I'm hooked....I'm totally hooked!!!!! Now to give M/M a try. I already have the book, now to read it.......


Sep 4, 2009

Welcome to my corner of the blogging world. This will go along with my book website once it is done. If your Into paranormal romance, stop on by and have a look see. but please be patient with me as I work on finishing it up!!!
Thanx Muchly future fans,

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