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Its a Breeding Frenzy with Lara Adrian Contest

Nov 29, 2009

OK All you Awesome Book Fans......*jumps up and down*......It's contest time !!!! One of my Great Twitter Friends @Tigris_Eden  is doing this AWESOME Contest which involves The Midnight Breed Series by: Lara Adrain. *fans self* This series is HAWT! You sooooo don't wanna miss out on this contest. There are some great prizes! Even 1st,2nd,3rd runner up prizes ! So head on over to Tigris_Edens Website to join the contest, which ends Dec 5th @ noon ! But don't forget to grab one of the buttons i designed for the contest  to show your support for the Midnight Breed Series too !!!





What do you like ?!?!?

Nov 28, 2009

**Hey everyone, please take a moment to take my polls, they may have some adds pop up, but if they do just click the little red X to close it**

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Contest Winner Pleasure Unbound By: Larissa Ione

Nov 23, 2009

Congradulations to our
Winner !!!

Please email me your snail mail

(ok i seriously just got off work when i recorded
this, ....please don't be too harsh! LOL )

*** winner must contact me by fri. or a new winner will be picked ***

Queene of Light By: Jennifer Armintrout

Nov 18, 2009

*** SPOILERS ***

In a time not long from now, the veil between fantasy and reality is ripped asunder creatures of myth and fairytale spill into the mortal world. Enchanted yet horrified, humans force the magical beings Underground, to colonize the sewers and abandoned subway tunnels beneath their glittering cities.

But even magic folk cannot dwell in harmony and soon two Worlds emerge: the Lightworld, home to faeries, dragons and dwarves; and the Darkworld, where vampires, werewolves, angels and demons lurk.

Now, in the dank and shadowy place between Lightworld and Darkworld, a transformation is about to begin....

Ayla, a half-faery, half-human assassin is stalked by Malachi, a Death Angel tasked with harvesting mortal souls. They clash. Immortality evaporates, forging a bond neither may survive. And in the face of unbridled ambitions and untested loyalties, an ominous prophecy is revealed that will shake the Worlds.

Well i have to say i really do like this series so far. It was a little slow for me at the beginging, but picked up and i just couldn't put it down. I do like the fact that Ayla, and Malachi were not " destined " to be together. Yes there is a destiny that is supposed to happen, but that can change at any time , depending on what path they chose at that time. Yes they had strong feelings that pulled them, but they didn't just get that feeling and instantly knew they were mates. Don't get me wrong i do like that in some series, but it is refreshing to see more and more romances like this that are shying away from it. Now speaking of Romances, i do like the romance that is in this book,but there is not enough of it for me. I like a book that has romance ....and lots of it. I do think what little romance was in the book did fit the characters very well.
The world created in this series is by far different. It all takes places underground and in sewers . Which is good,but it would be nice for them to go above ground eventually. i like how every race technically has their own place, and each place is a little different and goes with the race. I found it very easy to picture the description of surroundings. *cringes* Kinda creepy what your imagination can come up with when you are picturing them living in the sewers.
Now for Ayla i really do like her character. I like the fact that she is this strong willed assassin, that no matter her past and the life she had before she still kicks butt. Yes she is half human, but she doesn't let that stop her from doing what she wants to do. Except when it comes to her heart.I don't like that fact that she is weak when it comes to her emotions. *shakes head* There were times i just wanted to reach into the book and slap her,and say " girl wake have a heart, and it is ok to use it, you got some hawtness fallen angel right in front of you, but yet you would punish yourself in being unhappy, just because Garret Offers you a place by his side. Yes Malachi is considered the enemy, but get over it, follow your heart! " Ya i know thats what helps makes the story , but still wake up women !
 Malachi i sooo like his character. He is this Hawtness fallen angle with yummy black wings *sigh*. It really does suck that he fell and it wasn't even by his doing technically. But no matter what he eventually picked himself up and moved on trying to make a life. * fans self*  Did i mention he is a Hawt angel with big black wings !!! Garret i was dissapointed in his character. I really thought he was a good guy. I can't believe he did what he did to Ayla. He had her fooled this entire time!! Makes me wana slap him. I think he got what  he deserved !
For Queene Mabb *whistles* now she was Miss Bitch with a capital B right there. She was made out to be evil,self centered and hateful. Which she truly was, but i still do wonder if she might have had a softer side that we just didn't get a glimps at before she was killed.

So Ayla ends up pregnant and I think this will be a big part of the rest of the series. I'm not exactly sure what her part will be yet, but i do hope it has something to do with them being able to go above ground again. Maybe the Light world and Dark world eventually beable to get along and not be mortal enemys.
 In the end Ayla becomes queene, which is ok, actually the entire time i was reading this i was asking myself " self....why is this book called Queen of Light, when the main character is an assassin." Well duh...I guess i should have seen that one comeing. But she seemed to just fall into the queene roll really easy. I would liked to have seen a little more struggle for her in accepting the roll, and getting comfortable with it. Yes she has people there to help her along the way, but it is a different place than the life she had with nothing, and noone looking at her like she mattered. Being Queene isn't something just anybody can step into and be all over it.

Overall I really likes this book. I think it is going to be a great series. I have never read anything by Jennifer Armintrout, but lemme tell ya i already bought the 2nd book. I can't wait to start reading it too. I would reccomened this to anyone looking for a different read !

Visit Jennifer Armintrouts Website

Interview and Giveaway with Ivy, BookReaderTimes

Nov 15, 2009

* Update *
 I had the wrong list for Ivy's Characters she's in love with, so I have corrected that. Also *squuueal* did you see Larrisa Ione commented herself !!!! *faints* that is so freakin awesome !!! *sigh* Fan moment, sorry  :0)  Hope you all are enjoying the contest. Im loving the lists and hijacking some new stuff to add to me TBR list !!

Hey Everyone. I please to announce i get to do my first contest !!! *jumps up and down* exciting right !!!  Well i have the honor of getting to host my first contest thanks to Ivy over at BookReaderTimes. She helps  run BookReaderTimes and is the one sooo generously giving away the prize !! Which is " Pleasure Unbound " by: Larissa Ione. And i thought what better way to have a contest ,than to interview the one giving away the prize. So sit back, relax, and lets get to know Ivy !!!

JJBC : Have you read " Pleasure Unbound " If so what is your opinion of it? What is your favorite part?
BRT : I really love this book (I really love the whole series so far) The characters are cool and it has a few interesting twists. I feel bad for all the things Tayla has gone thru… I love Eidolon and there are other great characters in this story and in the series. My favorite part is full of spoilers… I can tell you that it was an encounter between 2 people.
JJBC : I have to say i love this entire series, I can't wait for the fouth book (Ecstasy Unveiled) to come out January 26, 2010. Once i started this book, i couldn't put any of them down !

JJBC : Tell us a little bit about yourself.
BRT : My name is Ivonne but my friends and family call me Ivy. I have always loved books and the world of fiction. I think that every book that I have read has invited me in to a new world. A world with all kinds of creatures, some are good and some are evil. But in the end it’s a world full of surprises where your imagination can run wild. Reading is my passion,. And then there is my baby  Bamby, she just turned 6.
JJBC :  I completely understand what you mean. The imagination is such a powerful tool when it comes to reading. I love seeing each world unravel itself as i get further into a series.

JJBC : What's your favourite book of all time?
BRT : I would have to say that my favorite book of all times is “Charlotte’s Web” by: E.B. White. I must have read that book a million times when I was younger… lol
JJBC : I must be honest, i have never read this book, but i do love the movie !!!

JJBC : Who are your favourite authors?
BRT : Wow... I have so many... Sherrilyn Kenyon, Patricia Briggs, J.R. Ward, Laurell K Hamilton, Yasmine Galenorn, Karen Marie Moning. I have too many to list them all.

JJBC : Whats your favorite genre to read?
BRT : Fiction

JJBC : How many books are on your tbr list right now?
BRT : My tbr list has over 100+ books. My tbr book pile has 25+ books.
JJBC :  This is not hard to believe. It seems the more people we meet on twitter,blogs,forums the more books,series,authors we seem to find out about and end up adding to our TBR Piles !

JJBC : When and why did you start your forum?
BRT : We started the forum in February 2009. It all started one night when I went out to dinner with a group of friends. I was reading a new series of Vampire books that a friend had recommended. I was so into the books that I would talk about them all the time. It was at that dinner that I thought of starting a book club. The forum was a way for us to communicate before and after book club meetings. We also wanted to discuss books with other readers from around the world.

JJBC :  Tell us a little about your forum?
BRT : Book Reader Times is a group if friends who share their love and passion for books. Through this forum we hope to find people who enjoy books and friendship as much as we do. We created this forum in hopes that different people from different places would share their thoughts about the books they read. Book Reader Times is a club based on fiction books.

JJBC :  What's been the high point of forum so far?
BRT : Connecting with other people that share the same interest in books as I do. Also meeting people from all around the world.

JJBC :  Where do you see your forum in a year from now?
BRT : A year from know I hope that we have double the amount of members we have now. I hope that our forum will become a source of information for all members. I see it as a place were readers and authors can communicate.

JJBC : If you could get stuck in a book/series, which would it be and why?
BRT : I would prefer to be stuck in a series. I would love to be stuck in Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter Series. I just love the setting of their world. (I also love the Dark Hunters! They are HOT! lol)

JJBC : Ivy has recently started a post on her forum " Fictional Characters your in Love with ", and I thought it would be great to share.
BRT : Ok..... I have I really don't think I can sit here and type them all. I fall for all of them! All the Dark Hunters, Black Dagger Brothers.... I just love them all!

~Jean Claude

JJBC : I have to say there are soooo many of my own, but to name a few:
~Edward (Twilight Saga)
~Jacob (Twilight Saga)
~Rehvenge (Black Dagger BrotherHood Series, J.R. Ward)
~Lucien (Lords of the Underworld Series, Gena Showalter)
~Elijah (Nightwalkers Series, Jacquelyn Frank)
~Hawk (Highlanders Series,Karen Moning)
~Wraith (Demonia Series, Larissa Ione)

JJBC : Thank you Ivy for stopping by a letting us know a little bit about yourself and BookReaderTimes

To Find a little more about Ivy (BookReaderTimes) visit her at:
BookReaderTimes Forum
BookReaderTimes Website

To find a little more about Larrisa Ione and the Demonica Series visit her at:
Larissa Ione Website

 Now to the Contest:
To qualify for the contest you MUST comment, and/or leave your list
of  " Fictional Characters your in Love with "
contest will run till Sunday 11-22-09

Extra Entries:
(please put everything in one post,and please only follow us
if your interested in following, not just to get points)
+2 Follow me JoJosBookCorner Blog
+1 Follow JoJosBookCorner on Twitter
+2 Become a member of BookReaderTimes Forum
+1 Follow BookReaderTimes on Twitter
+2 Post this Contest on your Blog/Forum (must leave link)
+1 SideBar Post on your Blog (must leave link)
+1 Tweet this (must leave link)
+1 Add JoJosBookCorner Button to your Blog ( copy & paste )

This is a contest......have FUN !!!

Saturday Delights #4

Nov 7, 2009

*** Update ***
Oops * slaps forhead * I forgot to post this yesterday, i saved as a draft instead....duh !!!

Happy Saturday everyone !!! I know i missed last saturday being Halloween and all, so i will share 2 YUMMY recipies with you today !!!

The First goes out to the awesome BookObsessedGrl. She is participating in Nanowrimo all of november.*cheers* woo hoo,yah, you go girl ! So she will Def. need reading/writing food! Enjoy hun!! The last ones is just cause......damn it sounds soooo good, and pumpkin anything is my FAV!!!   Enjoy everyone. Don't forget if you have a recipe you'd like to share just contact me!

Nana's Banana Bread
(i have no pic, but if you make this
and take a pic please send me and i'll share)

5 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 large egg
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups mashed, very ripe bananas
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Spray bottom only of 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray

Beat butter in large bowl with an electric mixer set at medium speed until light and fluffy. Add granulated sugar and brown sugar;beat well. Add egg, egg whites and vanilla; beat until well blended. Add mashed banana, and beat on high speed 30 seconds.

Combine flour, baking soda, salt and baking powder in medium bowl. Add flour mixture to butter mixture alternately with cream, ending with flour mixture. Add walnuts to batter; mix well

Pour batter evenly into prepared loaf pan. Bake until browned and toothpick inserted near center comes out clean, about 1 hour 15 minutes.

Cool bread in pan on wire rack 10 minutes. Remove bread from pan; cool completely on wire rack. Slice and serve with butter or jam.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pumpkin Whip Recipe


1 package (3.4 ounces) instant butterscotch pudding mix
1-1/2 cups cold milk
1 cup canned pumpkin
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1-1/2 cups whipped topping
Gingersnaps, optional


In a large bowl, beat pudding and milk until well blended, about 1-2 minutes. Blend in pumpkin and pie spice. Fold in whipped topping. spoon into dessert dishes. Chill. Garnish with gingersnaps if desired. Yield: 6 servings.

Nutrition Facts: 1 serving (1 each) equals 160 calories, 5 g fat (4 g saturated fat), 8 mg cholesterol, 282 mg sodium, 25 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 3 g protein.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Hottie of the Month

Nov 5, 2009

Hi all! *Ducks behind Mr.Pewter* Sorry.......*Shakes head* I know I know I should have had this done on the 1st, but ....*bites nails* I FORGOT !!!!! Can you believe it???  Oh well anyhoo, Our HOTTIE of the Month for November is one of my fav's!!!! All I can says is *fanning self*  " He makes me..... Bite my Lip and Want to Do Dirty Things " !!!! Plus I like a guy in Leather.....Plus my Fav color is Green. *sigh* He was made for me!!! Num Num !!! Ok Ok. Drum Roll Please * bangs on the coffee table* HOTTIE of the Month for November is :

Justin Hartley
aka: Oliver Queen
aka: Green Arrow

Whats your Flavor??? Book in Hand , E-book Reader , or Audio Book

Nov 2, 2009

*waves* Hi all my followers !!!

Ok, recently I have found an app on my MyTouch that lets me read e-books. I have been pondering the idea of a kindle, Should I or shouldn't I for a while now. But I wanted to try reading e-books before I spent the small fortune on a kindle. I have to say it is AWESOME !!! Here are a few of the ups i have found for all. Which should i choose?

Book in Hand~
~ They have such HAWT covers! *points over,& pets perty cover* awww my pretty
~You soooo can get your books signed.....Which is awesome !!!
~ I love Showing off my books on my shelves for everyone to see. *points down*
~ Does make it easy to share, if you are one who shares
~I love the feel of a book in my hands
~ Did i mention the HAWT covers !!!

E-Book Reader~
~ I like to read in bed alot and the lighting is never really good. I can't turn all the lights on beacuse my huband is usually sleeping. So having a lit screen is great.
~ They are great if you are going on vacation, or long road trip. you can have soooo many of your books with you
~ I do sit outside alot with my dogs and read. and it is very windy at my house. I don't have to worry about the wind blowing the pages from my hands.
~ You want a book, click buy the dowload. no waiting on shiping *sigh* soooo nice

Audio Book~
~ I love using my ipod at work. i have all 4 Twilight Audio books on my computer. so i just load and listen all day long and don't have to worry about anything in my hand !
~ Its nice listening to an audio book when i drive.

Hmmmmm * taps temple* Which should i choose, which should i choose? Ha i'm greedy....I choose them all!!!

So now you Know my opinion. Whats yours Flovor ? Book in Hand , E-Book Reader , or Audio Book?

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