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THE DARKEST SECRET - Author Feature with Gena Showalter + SERIES Giveaway!

Mar 31, 2011

It's The Lord's!!!
It's The Lord's!!!

*Chants* Gena, Gena, Gena! * winks at bells *
Amun is here!!! Amun is HERE!!! *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

And thanks to the wonderful people over at Harlequin , I have had the wonderful opportunity to read and Review The Darkest Secret (which will be coming very soon ) , AND......Wait for it.....WAIT FOR IT.....I get to give away A complete signed series of all Lords of the Underworld books to date!

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Jean Murray: Tuesday Talking Teaser + Giveaway + Gest Post

Mar 29, 2011

Please help me welcome back AADPhilly Author Jean Murray. Jean is here today with a

Jean is reading from

Followed by a Guest Post

What do Egyptian mummies and home buying have in common?

Crazy question, right? But the more research I do in Egyptian burial rituals for Soul Reborn and in purchasing our next home, the question doesn’t seem so crazy. In writing Soul Reborn, Book 1 in the Key to the Cursed series, I had to conduct a sufficient amount of research on Egyptian mythos, specifically the afterlife and how Ancient Egyptian’s prepared for their rebirth. Are you seeing the similarity to home buying yet? If not, you will soon.

Ancient Egyptians had a fairly complex view of the soul and life beyond death. Death was not the end. It was only the beginning. Egyptians spent significant wealth and resources investing in their death and burial plan, as the return on investment came tenfold, ensuring their safe passage to the paradise isle of the underworld (30 year loan mortgage for ultimate dream home). It was imperative to have a top notch embalmer to represent them at death. (Realtor) These priests were paid top dollar to ensure a proper burial was completed, to include location, and tomb contents. (bank loan & closing costs). In preparing for one’s death and rebirth the tomb was loaded with all the essentials, servants, furniture, pets, wealth, food etc… (Adequate Square footage with large pantry). And a protection plan, curses and spells that protected the tomb from looters (security system). And most importantly, incantations from the Book of the Dead and plenty of wealth to pay their way through the underworld (Homeowners insurance). If you failed to prepare properly and lacked resources, the soul would not be rejoined with its body and could be denied entrance into the afterlife (not qualifying for loan).

So you see, mummies and home buying are not that dissimilar. Buying a home is an excellent investment. It is exciting but stressful and requires significant resources and forethought. Your dream home will be filled with all your worldly treasures to enjoy in your new life. What would your dream home/afterlife look like? What would you take with you?

For more blog topics and to read my series, “The first 60 days,” please visit my blog at Thank you, JoJo, for having me over to play. Soul Reborn will be released April 2011. Happy reading! See you in the Afterlife!
website - –coming soon.

*~* Giveaway *~*
Jean is here today giving away
~1 E-book Copy of
Soul Reborn

- Must leave a meaningful comment about Jean's Tuesday Talking Teaser

- Must leave a valid e-mail to contact the winner (please do not add your complete e-mail. we do not want it picked up by spammers. for Exp: leave DOT instead of . or AT instead of @ )

For another entry into Jeans giveaway, check out her interview:

**Giveaway ends Fri night ( 4-1 ) at Midnight

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Jean Murray Interview +

Mar 28, 2011

Jean Murray

A little about myself… I live in the DC metro area with my family. I write paranormal romance and urban fantasy. My inspiration comes from the most unexpected places. My favorite treasure-trove of ideas are found in the myths, legends, art and history that surround us. Where does your inspiration come from?

About you:
Do you have any hobbies?
My writing is my hobbies besides reading. It gives me a way to escape my everyday stressors. Now that I have my Kindle, my hobby is even easier to feed.

March Mayhem Bolg Hop + Giveaway's!

Mar 27, 2011

The HOP is here!

We only have a small group of blogs joining us for this one, but the swag is worth the trip!!!

Here are my giveaways for the hop.
There will be 2 winners!
I hope you enjoy them!!!

Package #1


Mar 26, 2011


Newest winners are always on top

~This is the page you can look at to see all the current contest winners. I had been doing seperate posts for winners, or adding them to the giveaways post page. But due to the fact that i am currently limited on internet usage I will start posting all the winners on this page.

~UNLESS the author themselves are picking the winner, then those will be posted on their individual post. ~Winners, If you see your name here, please email me at jojosreviewsATgmailDOTcom with what you won in the subject line. If you won and e-book, your email is all that is needed. If you won a physical copy, please provide your mailing address.

Book Tour: The Samaritan, by Fred Venturini : Guest Post + Giveaway

Mar 23, 2011

I have eleven scars from eleven separate incidents, collected as a result of bad luck and bad decisions. All of them are evidence of healing, and healing, to me, is a curious phenomenon and something that I wanted to explore a little bit in my novel, The Samaritan.

Think of healing. What comes to mind? Bright thoughts of light and religion, of closed wounds and miracles? Probably. But healing, the process, the body going through the repair of a devastated area, well, that is agonizing and takes a lot of time. Depending on the devastation, of course.

Review: The Samaritan by Fred Venturini

by Fred Venturini

To age is to embrace a slow hurt inside and out, to collect scars like rings on a tree, dark and weathered and sometimes only visible if someone cuts deep enough. Scars keep the past just close enough to touch, but healing is forgetting. Healing invites another cut. Healing is the tide that smoothes away our line in the sand. For life to begin, the damage must be permanent.

- Dale Sampson, The Samaritan

Dale Sampson is a nobody. A small town geek who lives in the shadow of his best friend, the high school baseball star, it takes him years to even gather the courage to actually talk to a girl. It doesn’t go well. Then, just when he thinks there’s a glimmer of hope for his love life, he loses everything.

Book Tour: Author of Cutting Cords - Jo Ramsey: Choosing a Title & Giveaway

Mar 22, 2011

Choosing Titles
By: Jo Ramsey

I have to admit, I’m not good at choosing titles for my books. At all. Which is a problem, because I’m one of those authors who can’t start writing until I have a title for the book. That tendency has led to me giving books titles like “Insert Title Here” and “Becoming.” Becoming what? I have no idea, but that was the original title for the fourth book in my Reality Shift series. My publisher and I are working on a new title now, since we’re working on editing that book so the ARCs can be sent out sometime next month.

Easter Hoppin Blog Hop

Mar 21, 2011

Easter Hoppin Blog Hop
April 15th - 17th

Hosted by Danielle of Lush Book Reviews


What - Easter Hoppin Blog Hop Giveaways
When -  12:01 AM April 15th until 11:59 PM April 17th
Where - All around the blogging world!

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Crymsyn Hart Interview + Giveaway

 interest in the paranormal started in childhood. It spurred on her delving into the darkness of her imagination to produce various worlds filled with the undead, shape shifters, dark angels, and everything else with fangs.
Using the knowledge of all her years as a professional psychic, she has incorporated these experiences into her works. To date, Crymsyn has published over forty novels with several different publishers, such as Amira Press and Purple Sword Publications. She graduated with a BFA in Writing, Literature, & Publishing from Emerson College.
Crymsyn now resides in North Carolina with her husband and two over sized lapdogs.

Blog Tour: The Truth About Vampires + Giveaway

Mar 18, 2011

Raised by a bibliophile who made the dining room into a library, Theresa has always been a lover of books and stories. First a writer for newspapers, then for national magazines, she started her first novel in high school, eventually enrolling in a Writer's Digest course and putting the book under the bed until she joined Romance Writers of America in 1993. In 2005 she was selected as one of eleven finalists for the American Title II contest, the American Idol of books. She is married to the first man she ever went on a real date with (to their high school prom), who she knew was hero material when he suffered through having to let her parents drive, and her brother sit between them in the backseat of the car. They currently live in a Victorian house on a mini farm in the Pacific Northwest with their two children, three cats, an old chestnut Arabian gelding, an energetic mini-Aussie shepherd puppy, several rabbits, a dozen chickens and an out-of-control herb garden. You can find her online on Twitter, Facebook, at her Web site or blogging with the other Lolitas of STEAMED!

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Elise Hepner Interview

Mar 17, 2011

Elise Hepner has been writing erotica full time for three years now. She stumbled into the genre while doing a college research paper on pornography for her Woman’s Studies minor where she was asked to clarify the difference between erotica and porn. As a very sex positive person, she went at the task with gusto, and did lots of research--to her utter glee. Many Cleis books later, she knew she'd found her genre. Her career was sealed when she began writing for Alison Tyler's blog short-short contests and picked up an awesome mentor. Now she writes from her “woman cave” office in the basement with her cat, two ferrets, and her husband who has his roam of the kitchen on the upper floor when she's not busy making tea and taking “research breaks”.

About you:
Do you have any hobbies?
Mostly I just read and write a lot. I've tried a few other things like knitting, painting, etc and they don't seem to keep my brain occupied. But, I never really stop working either, so it's kinda bad in the workaholic department. I also watch a lot of reality, trash TV and I'm kinda addicted to Netflix On Demand. I just finished Spartacus Blood and Sand. Yum. Can you say inspiration?

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Mari Freeman: TTT + Giveaway

Mar 15, 2011

Please help me give a warm welcome to another one of our fabulous Author After Dark Authors Mari Freeman. She is here today with a wonderful new:

Mari is reading from

Hot, Hard, and Howling

Don't forget to listen to the end for the wonderful giveaway details! This is one giveaway you don't want to miss!

Looking for a NEW Reviewer !!!

Mar 14, 2011

Good morning my lovely peeps! I've got some great news for you!! Things have gotten so crazy busy the last couple months, and I have been super busy that I Just don't have enough hours in the day. So what does that mean? Well with my normal daily things, Full time job, all the interview/ guests posts that are being planned, and the swarm of review requests coming in, I just can't keep up with it myself! *wipes brow* Seriously crazy busy!

Book Tour: By: Alayna Williams + Giveaway

Mar 11, 2011

Alayna Williams 

About you:JJBC ~ Do you have any hobbies?
My husband and I are amateur astronomers. I also belly dance a bit...but not in public. Nobody needs to see that, trust me! ;-)

JJBC ~ What do you like to read?
I like to read all flavors of fantasy and sci-fi. My favorites are books that challenge me with endings I can't predict. When I pick up a book, I really want to explore something new to me that keeps me guessing.

Chapter 1: Rogue Oracle by Alayna Williams

by Alayna Williams
Delphic Oracle #2
Pocket Juno Books
Mass Market Paperback, $7.99
ISBN 978-1439182819
Feb. 22, 2011

The more you know about the future, the more there may be to fear.

Tara Sheridan is the best criminal profiler around - and the most unconventional. Trained as a forensic psychologist, Tara also specializes in Tarot card reading. But she doesn't need her divination skills to realize that the new assignment from her friend and sometime lover, Agent Harry Li, is a dangerous proposition in every way.

Former Cold War operatives, all linked to a top-secret operation tracking the disposal of nuclear weapons in Russia, are disappearing. There are no bodies, and no clues to their whereabouts. Harry suspects a conspiracy to sell arms to the highest bidder. The cards - and Tara's increasingly ominous dreams - suggest something darker. Even as Tara sorts through her feelings for Harry and her fractured relationships with the mysterious order known as Delphi's Daughters, a killer is growing more ruthless by the day. And a nightmare that began decades ago in Chernobyl will reach a terrifying endgame that not even Tara could have foreseen…

Excerpt from Rogue Oracle
Chapter 1

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Selena Illyria Interview

Mar 10, 2011

Interracial author Selena Illyria was born with an overactive imagination. With great curiosity and a love of writing that pushes her imagination there are many worlds she'd love to explore, from paranormal to sci-fi from cyberpunk and beyond.

Are you willing, dear reader, to step into her worlds? If you do feel free to poke around. Mind the pixies. They can be very um... excitable by newcomers. *wink*

Guest Post: Author Scarlett Scott + Giveaway

Mar 9, 2011

How historical romance found me
By: Scarlett Scott

I’ve been reading romance since I was a tween. Of course, back then romance novels were forbidden by my mother, who was not entirely unaware of the steamy material lurking in their pages and made it clear she did not approve. So I did what any romance loving girl in a bind would do and resorted to sneaking into my sister’s room, swiping a paperback off the shelves, and hiding it in my closet for clandestine consumption.

Since I was limited in my early reading days to whatever I could thieve from my sister, I fell into historical romances by default. But I fell in love with them just the same. I stayed up late into the night devouring Kat Martin and Lisa Kleypas historicals. Who needed sleep, I reasoned, when you could be wooed by a rake or seduced by a notorious duke? Definitely not me. (And let’s not even talk about the giant crush I still, to this day, harbor for the evilly sexy Nikolas in Prince of Dreams. I swoon.)

Guest Post: Kate Early - Is the Wolf-ness Sexy or the Power? + Giveaway

Mar 7, 2011

Is the Wolf-ness Sexy or the Power?

Hello Readers,

My name is Kate Early and I am one for the authors from the Ravenous Romance anthology "Werewolves in Love" cause hey - werewolves need love too!

Now I was thinking about werewolves when I wrote about the two men that make up Enforcing Will, which makes sense. And I had to decide what kind of wolves they would be. Half man half wolf? full wolf? Both? It is hard to decide, so I thought about what is sexy and great about being a werewolf.

Schedule Sunday 3-7 / 3-13 + Winners!

Mar 6, 2011

Welcome to my weekly post " Schedule Sunday " This is where I will let you know whats happening on the blog for the week. Interviews, guest posts, Book tours, giveaways, reviews and more. Make sure you mark it down on your calendars so you can come back and don't miss out on anything. If there is anything you want to see please let me know!


Cover Revealed!!!!

We all <3 Gena Showalter, and we REALLY <3 her for the new cover reveal! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I give you

The Darkest Surrender
Book 8 LOTU
By: Gena Showalter

Book Tour: Murder @ Play by Yvonne Eve Walus + Giveaway

Mar 4, 2011

Picking a title for your story

Agatha Christie used quotes from nursery rhymes. Isabel Allende tossed a coin to decide on The House of the Spirits. Terry Pratchett started his success with the intriguing Colour of Magic and has relied on the power of his own name, rather than the title, ever since.

Meanwhile, Shakespeare's Sonnet XXXIII could hardly qualify as inspirational - the name, that is. He should have called it Full many a glorious morning have I seen.

So what's in a title? Would The God of Small Things by any other name not have secured all the awards?

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Cynnara Tregarth Interview + Giveaway

Mar 3, 2011

Cynnara Tregarth
My name is Cynnara Tregarth.I live in Central Florida and though people think that this would mean I'd be a tan, lean machine-- they'd be wrong. I burn, baby, burn if I'm out too long! I've been writing since I was 6 years old. Before then, I used to tell stories to anyone who'd listen. In 2000, after my pending divorce, I got serious about writing, especially writing romance. I knew I could write something that would appeal to others as much as the books I read appealed to me.

About you:

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Rayna Vause Interview + Giveaway

Mar 1, 2011

R.A. Vaughn 
aka Rayna Vause loves reading and writing romance novels. She published a paranormal romantic suspense novel before discovering a secondary passion, M/M romance. Now, she divides her time. She writes tales of sexy men finding their way to love and the adventures of kick-butt heroes and heroines who overcome impossible odds. Of course, she also mixes in a bit of the supernatural.

When Rayna isn’t creating tales where love and the paranormal have no bounds, she’s getting caught up in a video game, planning her next trip to Disney World, or attending karate class where she has worked her way up to a green belt. To find out more about Rayna and R.A. visit

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