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Review: Fallen by Lauren Kate

Sep 30, 2011

There’s something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori.

Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price’s attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He’s the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move.

Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce–and goes out of his way to make that very clear–she can’t let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her

452 Pages 
Delacourte Press

I wish I know who did the cover for this book. I find it haunting and yet amazing at the same time.  Most of the book was told through Luces perspective. I found at times that I would have love to get Daniels take on the situation.  But for the most part the perspective worked for me. I knew that Daniel was an Angel. I got that much from reading the blurb on the back of the book. 

And I especially liked the three way tug that Luce experienced between Cam and Daniel. Although I would have to admit that Cam was more to my liking through out most of the book. Daniel was stand offish towards Luce, and I get that he wanted to stay clear of her for fear of her dying again, but I wanted a bit more of their romance. Which I know we will get more in book two and three. 

The other characters in the book didn't hit me until the very end. Well Gabbe did but she was an easy target to figure out it was some of the other characters I was introduced to that through me for a loop. 

The reform school Luces went to was a bit dreary but I think that is what the author was going for.  Although  how they all ended up at the same school was never explained.  There were a couple of points on the story that had holes in them, but I have to be honest I didn't really realized until just now. So that says that it was small enough not to be notices. ((SCORE!!))

I am currently reading the second book in the series Torment. Not very far into but its in a different setting. 
 That reminds me if anyone has read the book, did you feel strange about the shadows?  I didn't not entirely grasp that concept and hole that there will be more to their explanation in the second book. I thought they were harmful, but it seemed that they were almost protective of her? (Ponder moment)

I was pleasant surprised that I enjoyed this book as much as I did. I didn't loose interest, and I found my self wanting to take read the book even while at work. I was utterly distracted. Who wouldn't be? Daniel has a chance now to keep his love instead of re-living her death every 17 years. 

Lush Reviews: Animal Attraction (Animal #2) by Jill Shalvis

Sep 29, 2011

 Originally posted on

"She’s tempting his basic instincts…

Sunshine, Idaho, is a quiet ranching town, a perfect place to give injured animals a refuge…or to find one. And veterinarian Dell Connelly suspects there’s a reason his clinic’s uber-efficient receptionist has taken shelter here.

Jade Bennett couldn’t be happier to escape her well-meaning but smothering family and their expectations, not to mention the big-city jungle. There’s nothing like working with injured animals, having a forlorn, grumpy stray kitten make its home under her desk…or enjoying the gorgeous views of her ruggedly sexy boss

Jade is used to planning everything in her life, but Dell’s understanding has sparked an uncontrollable desire. And though Dell has never had time for love, Jade’s strength and sass is the kind of call no red-blooded male can resist…"

Expected publication: October 4th 2011 by Berkley

ISBN 0425244008 (ISBN13: 9780425244005)
original title Animal Attraction (Animal, #2)

Jill Shalvis delivers another witty romance that was more than enjoyable to read. I couldn't get enough of this amazing story. Not only do the characters capture you, but the animals do as well.

Jade Bennett has a past that she has left behind and came to Sunshine to start over, but family is important to her and they need her. Jade's time at the vet clinic is coming to an end. She has given them her notice but what she doesn't realize is that leaving the life she has grown to love just might be a mistake. Jade has become close with the people of Sunshine and it finally feels like home. It also doesn't help that she has a thing for the sexy Dell Connelly.

Dell is not only every woman's dream in Sunshine but an animal lover which is even sexier. He has always been attracted to Jade but couldn't do anything about it because she works for him. Now that Jade needs him to get over her traumatic past they have become closer and she stirs something inside him that he has never felt before. With her time coming to a end, it is time for Dell to convince her that things could work, but will he be enough to change her mind to stay?

It is no real secret that I am a big Shalvis fan, but this has to one of my favorite books she has written. The banter between the characters is outrageously funny and endearing. Not only has she developed two strong main characters but her side characters are just as strong from the beginning to the very end. There isn't one person who I didn't like throughout the entire story. 

One of my favorite parts from the book was: 

"You're not a spreadsheet," Jade said. "Or I would."
"If you gave it a shot, I'd let you at my accounting system, too."
"Don't tease me," she said, her eyes dilating with even more lust.

One thing is for sure Shalvis can bring out the tension between characters and not over do it. It is just enough to keep you interested and invested in the storyline. Another plus is the way the romance plays out. I liked the fact the romance doesn't happen over night and they aren't immediately jumping in bed together. It is drawn out to make you want and hope for more for these characters.

Animal Attraction is a must read!! You get a hot guy, animals, and of course lets not forget the romance of a lifetime. This story was a perfect set up for the next book which I am now dying to read. I truly loved this story to pieces!!! This was definitely another winner for Jill Shalvis. 

Pre- Order it Now Here 

Welcome to the Blog Takeover

Sep 25, 2011

We wanted to welcome y'all to the blog takeover. You might not know us all but believe me you will get a chance. We are here to not only help out our friend and fellow blogger JoJo but to make this a fun experience to share what we love.....which is reading and blogging. Sit down, relax and enjoy the ride as Bells from hangingwithbells , Tigrise from tigrisedengardenofbooks and me (Danielle) from lushbookreviewss take you into the world of all kids of romance, reviews, and everything in between. Happy Reading!!!

Blog Bash Day 24 with Bronwyn Green + Giveaway

Sep 2, 2011


Today, I have all kinds of things to share – hotties (you can never have too many) one of my favorite (easy) recipes and a question to get the convo rolling!

For those who don’t know me, my name is Bronwyn Green and I write erotic romance. I’ve got books with Ellora’s Cave, Total-e-Bound and Resplendence Publishing. I’m also an editor. But my most important job is ‘momming’ my two boys, spending time with my hubby and taking care of a house full of rescue cats. We’ve currently got five.

My favorite time of the year is coming and I’m about to retire the grill and bust out the crock pot. I love being able to start meals in the morning and have them ready when the fam gets home in the evening – all with very little work on my part. 

Blog Bash Day 23 with Joely Sue Burkhart + Giveaway

Sep 1, 2011

Hair Tribulations

Before Romance Trading Cards were popular, I'd planned to create some cards for my romantic fantasy series. This was literally years ago (The Rose of Shanhasson was published in 2008), but I was having a really hard finding my characters. I looked at thousands of pictures of smoking hot men, but none of them were right. In a word, what made this search so hard: hair.

All the warriors in that series had long (past their shoulders) hair. So even when I found a stockphoto that screamed the right personality and look for a character, I couldn't use it because it still wasn't right. I needed hair!

So I took a photoshop class, thinking I'd learn how to "paint" hair on a stock picture if I could find the right one, but alas, I have absolutely no talent in that regard. The few characters I'd managed to find the perfect picture for lingered in My Pictures, waiting for me to find a use for them again.

One of those pictures was this one:

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