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Review : Still Taking Chances by Roz Lee

Oct 27, 2011

Reviewed by Amy Fine

Still Taking Chances by Roz Lee is a BDSM erotic fiction set on Sycamore Street in Prairieview. Hud has come home after his grandmother's passing but what he finds here will change his life.
About the Book:
After a mission in a South American jungle goes wrong, DEA Agent Elgin ‘Hud’ Huddleston returns to his boyhood home to lick his wounds. Despite his better judgment, Hud is drawn to the woman across the street, a petite Dominatrix with a freeze your balls off name.
Mary Beth Winters packed away her toys and put the BDSM lifestyle behind her years ago when she realized the men she dominated didn’t need her as much as she needed them. But when a troubled bad-boy, Elgin ‘Hud’ Huddleston, moves in across the street, she dusts off her toy box and risks her heart to help him heal.

My Review:
I'll admit I've never read a BDSM novel before and I had not clue what I was getting into! Elgin and Mary Beth's story is almost too hot to handle. It's a short novel but does not disappoint. Mary Beth was a dominatrix in her former life but has come to Prairieview to leave that life behind. She was extremely close to Elgin's grandmother and has been tending her house after she passed away. Elgin 'Hud' Huddleston has come back to his grandmother's house after finding out about her passing and being on administrative leave from his work as a DEA agent. Hud is a sub and fled his hometown when he was younger because of fear that noone would accept him as he was. Now that Hud is back home, he coerces Mary Beth back into a lifestyle that she has long forgotten. With Hud's persuasion, Mary Beth agrees to help him with his needs but what she finds is a man in emotional pain and he really doesn't even know why. Elgin finds himself outside Mary Beth's studio everyday, even when his mind is telling him no. With each session, Mary Beth is closer to breaking Elgin of all the emotional baggage he carries around. Just when Mary Beth feels like she has broken through, Hud leaves and sells his grandmother's house. Mary Beth vows to never dominate another man. What happens next will leave you wishing there were more pages to this story!
I cannot pick a favorite part of this story! It was full of desire, pain, lust, and love from the beginning when Hud first laid eyes on Mary Beth, to the end, which I will not give away ;-)
One of my favorite quotes was, "You can breathe now Mistress. I won't tell anyone." Noone had called her that in a very long time. Hearing it from his lips sent a tingle along every dormant nerve ending in her body, and made her want things she thought she'd never have again.
5 out of 5     If you are into BDSM erotica, this book will not disappointment. You will probably need a cold shower!
Publisher: Red Sage Publishing
Pages: 74
ISBN: 13-9781603107242

Lush's Throw Back Hottie

Oct 26, 2011

Bells and I decided to do a throw back hottie post and yes so many fine ass men to choose from, but I decided to pick my obsession. He is my obsession for so many reasons.. well he can sing (I melt), he is hot, and well I dig the hair and  oh I almost forgot his eyes *dreamy sigh*. Bret Michaels you rock my world!!!

Oh yes... Even though I missed these wonderful years because lets face the facts I am only 28 but HOT DAMN I should have been born in the 70s so I didn't have to miss this man.LOL. I always end up missing the best things. *sigh* I just want to lick him *giggles*

To make matters worse he is still good looking for his age so today. So for my first and last throw back hottie this is all for you Bret!!!!

Blog Tour: Tueday Talking Teaser with Dina James

Oct 25, 2011

Welcome to todays

Today I have the wonderful
reading from

Review:Wrong Kind of Paradise" (Paradise Series) by Suzie Grant

Reviewed by Amy Fine
"Wrong Kind of Paradise" (Paradise Series) by Suzie Grant is a historical fiction pirate romance. It is set in the late 1600 on the open seas and areas such as Port Royal and the Caribbean.

Publisher Overview
Even the Hell’s Angel needs a guardian and English Privateer Blac Barclay is unwillingly recruited for the job in this high seas adventure.

Now Blac must choose between revenge against the British Lieutenant who’d ruined his family or keeping his word to the pirate who’d saved his life. Escorting the pirate’s daughter to her grandfather’s care becomes impossible when the little wanton steals his ship. Ordered by the Lieutenant to retrieve the woman they call the Hell’s Angel, Blac is determined to honor his word to his friend and use the wayward wanton as bait. But will his plan cost him the only woman to ever steal his heart?

When Angel De’haviland’s father is imprisoned with charges of piracy, the pirate’s daughter commandeers a British privateer’s ship and plans to kidnap a high ranking official to ransom for her father’s release. But her attempted abduction is foiled by the very captain whose ship she’d stolen, and she becomes a captive herself. Now she must trust her handsome captor to free her father as he leads her right into the Wrong Kind of Paradise.

My Impressions
Logan De'haviland is a well known and feared pirate. He is captured by the British and loses most of his crew in the battle. His daughter, Angel, watches this all unfold and runs to the only person she trusts to help her, Blac Barclay, her father's best friend. Blac tries to make Angel believe he will rescue her father but she must go and stay with her grandfather for save keeping. Angel is not having any of that! Angel steals Blac's ship and crew, along with the few crew of her father's ship that is left. She goes on a 2 year mission to find her father and free him. As she is trying to kidnap a British official to ransom for her father's release, Blac catches up to her and takes his ship back and her as his captive.

Blac has vowed to dearest friend, Logan, that he would deliver Angel to her grandfather for safe keeping and a proper life, and since he has gotten her back, he sets course to do just this. Over the years, Blac has watched Angel go from scrawny child to seducing woman. Angel has always had feelings for Blac as not just a guardian but something more. Once Angel is held captive on Blac's ship, she begins trying to seduce the very man who helped raise her. Blac is shocked and confused about his own feelings. As Blac almost loses Angel to outside threats on numerous occasions, he realizes what he is trying to protect, the love of his life. Blac cannot refuse his feelings for Angel anymore.

You will have to read the book to see if Blac finally gives in to his lust for Angel and if Angel is able to free her father. This book is full of twists and turns which keep you turning page after page! I loved the action scenes just as must as the romance scenes. With every page, through good and bad, you felt like you were right there every step with Angel and Blac.

My Favorite Scene
When Blac and Angel are in port and have to finally face their feelings for one another. Blac attempts to explain why he cannot let himself love Angel. Angel tries to explain why this love is so right. (Quote) He gave a sad smile. "No matter how I feel about you, Angel, I will deliver your sweet bottom to your grandfather where you will be safe. Neither you, nor your...alluring charms will sway my decision. Your fate was sealed the day your father gave me guardianship."

My Favorite Quote
"Then understand this-nothing is more important to me than your safety. If it comes down to you or your father..." he paused. ..............Angel placed a finger on his lips and shushed him. "Don't say anymore, I understand. But..." she whispered. "Please understand he's my father. I've loved him all my life as well. Don't ask me to choose. Please."

5 out of 5

Published July 19th 2011 by Suzie Grant
383 pages

Amazon Kindle:

Barnes & Noble Nook:



Review: All Wounds by Dina James

Oct 24, 2011

All Wounds
Book 1 in the Stranger Things series
Author: Dina James
Publisher: Mundania Press
Genre: Young Adult
ISBN: 9780762437177
Release date: 10/11/11
Author's website: Dina James

It's said that when opportunity knocks on your door, you have only one chance to take it.  No one said what you're supposed to do when it kicks it.

All Rebecca MacDonnell wants to do is get through high school with grades good enough to win a prestigious scholarship so that she can finally leave her miserable life behind. One evening, after a particularly bad day, she finds out that people other than her aging grandmother need her help, and desperately so.

Well, not "people," exactly. Vampires, werewolves, demons, ghosts, goblins, and other things thought only imaginary all need help sometime, and Rebecca was born with the unique ability to heal ethereal beings. She is about to turn seventeen, the age at which her talent will manifest in its entirety, and become a true Healer…if she lives through the event. A war between various ethereal factions is brewing, and Healers are a valuable commodity to any side. Those who wish to harness Rebecca’s manifesting healing powers for their own purposes must get to her before her seventeenth birthday.

Only two vampires and a rogue werewolf stand between Rebecca and those determined to make her serve them, and the fact that Rebecca has no clue what she's doing doesn't exactly help matters.  Neither does being seriously attracted to more than one of those just trying to protect her.  For a soon-to-be seventeen-year-old Healer-in-training, that's a lot to handle.

Especially on top of her homework.
All Wounds is a great start to a new YA series by Dina James.  Now I don't read a lot of YA books, but once in a while something will catch my eye and I will read it.  All Wounds was one of those books and what I liked most about it is that it starts off with the reader learning about the main Rebecca MacDonnell.  She's a teen with a lot of responsibility on her shoulders as she takes care of her ailing grandmother that has dementia.  Her social life is zero and she doesn't feel as if she is special at all.  Her once boring life changes overnight as she learns the truth about her family and that her birthday is a day of importance.  Once she turns 17 she will become a powerful healer in the paranormal world and until then she is in danger.  Others come to her aid to protect her and this is when the book gets fun as we get the opportunity to meet some awesome characters. 

One of the 1st characters that Rebecca meets is Sydney, a vampire that has agreed to help her learn her powers of healing.  He is a good friend to her grandmother and a master vampire.  He and Rebecca get very close and he warns her that their relationship cannot be more than what it is.  Let's just say it's very hard for Rebecca to not fall for him and vice versa.  Heck I even fell for him as well.  My buddy Melissa and I were discussing how much we loved his character one day and I gotta hand it to Dina James for writing such a great one.  He's so great that I've added him to my Book Boyfriend list under the Cougar category.  Another character that I loved was Billy.  He is Rebecca's bodyguard and a werewolf.  He brings comedy to the story even in serious situations.  Both of these character care deeply about Rebecca and encourage her to believe in herself. She needs the support of those around her more than ever to face whatever comes next.

I'm giving All Wounds a rating of:

My favorite part of the book is when Rebecca realizes that she is special and that she has the ability to help others.  She's not just some girl that people call names at school.  She's a girl that loves her grandmother and is learning more about herself everyday.  And now she has others that are looking out for her.  I'm looking forward to reading more of book 2 in the series Time Heals to see how much Rebecca's power will grow.  There is something truly special about her that has been hinted at throughout All Wounds and I'm looking forward to finding out.

Find our more about Dina at the links below:


Larissa Ione Giveaway Signed Copy of Immortal Rider

Oct 17, 2011

Sexy, powerful, and immortal, Limos is on a crash course with destiny. She’s been marked as Satan’s bride and her jealous fiancé wants her all to himself. The only way this Horseman can keep herself—and everyone else—safe is to keep her distance. But not even Limos can save herself from the secrets she’s kept . . . or resist the seductive allure of one very brave human.

Arik Wagner knows the saying “love hurts” better than most, yet he never thought stealing a kiss from Limos would land him in Hell. Literally. It takes all his military training to survive the demon torture, but once he’s topside, Arik realizes that the agony has just begun. With the Apocalypse looming and Satan demanding his bride, will Arik and Limos surrender to the desire smoldering between them? Or will giving in to their passion unleash hell on earth?

As you all know part of my Blogoversary this month I am here hanging out at JoJo's Blog to offer this awesome giveaway.... But wait! There are two more chance to win... One over at Hanging with Bells. And of Course the other is over at my blog. Tigris Eden Garden of Books 

Authors Helping Harry!

Oct 7, 2011

"Britain's Kindest Kid", Harry Moseley, is more than a nice kid with a big heart; he’s a real life hero. An eleven-year old hero with an inoperable brain tumor who has raised over £500,000.00 for Cancer Research UK.
Joining Harry in his quest for research funds, are an amazing group of 18 romance writers, along with a wonderful cover artist/graphic designer, who have come together to support Harry, and his charity: Cancer Research UK.
"Author Moments" is a collection of essays written by these talented writers. As a bonus, each author has included an excerpt from one of their current, or upcoming, releases.
From the New York Times bestselling lists to the writer who is just beginning their quest, you will find this anthology filled with generous writing advice and anecdotes. It won’t matter where you are on your road to publication or even in your life journey, Author Moments will fill you with love, laughter and a renewed hope that all things are possible when you care enough to come together and make a difference.  Like real life hero, Harry Moseley.
The Authors Helping Harry invite you to pitch in and help Harry find a cure simply by purchasing a copy of this wonderful anthology. 
Harry's book is now live on Smashwords! Check it out:

My Hottie of the Month!

Oct 5, 2011

Bells here.  So on Wednesday's on my blog Hanging With Bells I like to feature a Hottie each week. I call the post Hump Day Hottie.  Well, since today is Wednesday and I've got a Hottie in mind, I'm going to post him here on JoJo's blog.  In fact, I'm naming this guy my Hottie of the Month!

Timothy Olyphant!







Don't forget to swing by my blog to check out the Hottie I have posted!


October Hotties of the Month!

Oct 3, 2011

Danielle's Hottie of the month!

My hottie is the New York Yankee Shortstop Derek Jeter. Ladies I have a serious obsession with this man. I mean I love my Yankees but OMG!! Now why do I do I love him .... well lets face it he is the man, the captain, and Mr. 3000 hits!!!! Dear gods... even hubs is jealous over my future ex husband.LOL

Yum yum yum and those eyes! Hot Damn!!!! I would totally play some ball with his fine ass for sure!!! 

And when he is in pinstripes OMG *drool* I can not get enough!! Congrats goes out to Derek Jeter and the New York Yankees for winning the AL East title. Lets bring the World Series back to New York!!! GO YANKEES!!!!  


Bells's Hottie!

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