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Sep 28, 2012 more free stuff on Listia
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Announcing the release ofDawn's DesireA DARK KING STORYby Donna GrantTo celebrate the release, Donna will be having aBook Blurb Tour over the next 2 weeks,where you'll be able to get exclusive snippets< a new one ever day! >and a chance to WIN a copy ofNight's Awakeningbook 2 in the Dark Kings trilogy, every day!Come see what the lure of the Dark Kings are ~where you'll meet Dragons who brew Dreagan!!Donna is Giving away a Kindle or Nook copy ofBook 2 in the Dark Kings series, Night's Awakeningto one lucky commenter today!Be sure to check out ALL the Stops on Donna'sDawn's Desire Blog Tour for new blurbs every day ~and a new chance to WIN!Sept 23rd ~~
Sept. 24th ~~
(NEW excerpt on 2nd Stop!)
Today Donna is giving a way the first two booksin the Dark Kings trilogy ~And Be sure to stop by each stop on theBlog Tour for catchthe New exclusive snippetseach day!!
Night's Awakening
by Donna Grant
Book 2 in the Dark King's Trilogy
ISBN-13: 978-1466807440
Ebook Only
Dark Kings #2
August 28, 2012
Night's Awakening ~
Meet the hero ~
Guy is wholly unprepared for his life to be shaken to its very core when he saves a woman who has trespassed onto their land and decided to go caving in their mountain. While everyone else is worried what she might have seen, Guy is more concerned with the way he can't stay away from Elena or her very tempting lips.
Never once has he turned his back on his fellow Dragon Kings, but for Elena he would do anything just to keep her near him. Even if it meant going against everything it was to be a King.
Dragon Color: Red Power: Erase Memories Favored Region: DesertNight's Awakening
Fueled by dragon magic, the dark immortal warriors were never meant to feel human desire, much less fall in love. But when Guy, a member of an ancient order of shape-shifting warriors, meets Elena Griffin—a mere mortal whose beauty and blind ambition shakes him to his core—all bets are off…
Having left America to explore the Scottish Highlands, Elena suddenly finds herself lost in a dark cave—alone, injured, and utterly hopeless…until Guy appears from out of nowhere. Is she dreaming her own rescue when she falls into his arms? A man—and a passion—this strong is too good to be true. It's only a matter a time before she learns the truth about the flames in his heart. And the dragon in his soul…
Read a snippet from Night's Awakening ~~
"That sprain may be worse than I thought," Rhys said, breaking into Elena's thoughts.
She took in a steadying breath that did nothing to stop the feel of Guy's hot, hard body against hers. His warmth, his strength could be felt from her shoulder down to her thigh.
And that was through several layers of clothes.
What would he feel like skin against skin? Not that she would ever know, but she could fantasize. And she was very good at that.
"I'll be fine," she told them.
Guy's fingers wrapped around her waist as he gave a small tug with his arm to settle her more firmly against him. "Lean on me," he whispered.
His voice sent tremors of awareness through her. She couldn't regulate her breathing, not with him so near. When she wrapped her arm around him for balance, she felt the corded sinew through his thin shirt.
"Let's get moving," Banan said brusquely.
Elena glanced at Guy to find him watching her. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry.
"Ready?" he asked.
She nodded her head instead of attempting to use her voice.
Guy took the brunt of her weight, lifting her with his arm to keep her off her left leg. But the slightest touch of her foot against anything had pain slicing through her.
She thought she was doing a good job of keeping her agony to herself when Guy stopped and gently lifted her in his arms. Instinctively, Elena wrapped her arms around his neck and found her face inches from his.
Be sure to check out all the stops on Donna's Dark King's
Book Blurb Tour for more snippets!!
Aug. 26th ~ www.thejeepdiva.comAug. 27th ~ 28th ~ http://queenofthenightreviews.blogspot.comAug. 29th ~ http://www.booklovi 30 ~ www.simplyali.comAug. 31 ~ http://zcrazyartist.blogsp ot.comSept. 1st ~ http://harliebooks.blogspo t.comSept. 2nd ~ http://jacaburintexas.blogspot.comSept. 3rd ~ 4th ~ http://maw25.wordpress.comSept. 5th ~ http://hangingwithbel 6th ~ http://underthe 7th ~ 8th ~
The contest is for digital copies, Nook or Kindle, of the first book in the series, Dark Craving. If you have the book, or if you are international, you can get the equivalent in a GC (as long as we CAN gift amazon GC to your country).
Today's prize will be a Kindle or Nook copy of Book 1 in
The Dark King's trilogy, Dark Craving!
Donna Grant has been praised for her "totally addictive" and "unique and sensual" stories. She's the author of more than twenty novels spanning multiple genres of romance—Scottish Medieval, dark fantasy, time travel, paranormal, and erotic. Her latest acclaimed series, Dark Sword, features a thrilling combination of Druids, primeval gods, and immortal Highlanders who are dark, dangerous, and irresistible. She lives with her husband, two children, a dog, and three cats in Texas.
Learn more about Donna Grant and her books here --
The Dark Kings series is a spin off the Dark Warriors series and Dark Sword series.
Dark Craving
Dark Kings #1
July 31, 2012
Night's Awakening
Dark Kings #2
August 28, 2012
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