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AAD2010 ....... I miss you already!!!

Sep 30, 2010

Click on Pics for LARGER views

I had decided to do a few separate post talking about EVERYTHING to do with my time at AAD2010. But I have been so busy lately, I haven't had time to read, review, breathe, let alone do any post! Sooooo I am doing one GIGANTIC post of everything! Well, maybe not gigantic, but I wont make it terribly long because I don't have a lot of time, But it really was a blast and you guys so missed out! *covers up a snicker* But you def don't want to miss next year, It is going to be even better than this year!

For starters FREAKIN ROCK!!! Stella ran around like a chicken with her head cut off the entire time, making sure everything was perfect for everyone. Hunnie, you succeeded in my eyes!!

I was so excited to meet my roommate, who is one of my favorite blogger / twitter / personal designer peeps that i talk to online almost everyday *big grin* You KNOW I'll share photo love! And she is:

 Robin AKA Intense Whisper

The Awesome Robin met me at the airport thursday evening, after waiting 2 extra long hours for me to arrive late due to horrible weather and the temporary closing of Newark airport. I was also greated by Annie of Etopia Press (gaaa who I realized I never got a pic of) who was just plain sweet! Robin and I were supposed to go to a BLOGGER ONLY party as soon as we got to the hotel but *sniffles* we missed the party due to my plane delay. I sawwwwwwie Robin! But we did get to go to dinner with Annie, and spend the evening picking her brain about running / owning a publishing business, and chatting back and forth about books!

We all got these really KEWL name Badges

Then Friday - Saturday blew by like the breeze! So much went on,and all at once, that I can't recall 1/2 of what we did!! There were Awesome Lunches and Dinners, and everytime we went in to eat everybody had a stack of books sitting in front of them on the table. Plus there were books being given away right and left, And on Saturday was the open signing, and we got the opportunity to get our books signed!
My signed books

There were a TON of awesome panels, one which I can't remember the topic, but I got to see:

(pictured from left to right)
Stephanie Julian,Judi Fennell,Jess Haines

Leann Renee Hieber,Denise Jeffries

 Some of the Authors I got to meet were:
(A slide of the few pics I remembered to get are at the bottom)
Cat Adams
Cat Johnson
Dahlia Rose
Denise Jeffries
Diana Castilleja
Eliza Gayle
Jacquelyn Frank
Jennifer Armintrout
Jess Haines
Jessica Lee
Joey W. Hill
JoLynne Valerie
Judi Fennell
Leanna Renee Hieber
Rosemary Laurey
Samantha Sommersby
Sonya Bateman
Stella Price
Stephanie Julian
Tilly Greene

I also got the priveladge to meet a few more of my bloggers buddies

(Left top) Tanya from Among The Muses
Robin from Intense Whisper
(Bottom left) Joy From Joyfully Reviewed
Ali from Simply Ali

Robin from Intense Whisper

Not Pictured:
Joanna (AKA BeckerJo) from Book Love
Terry Kate from Romance in the Backseat

There is just so much I want to share with you guys, but my brain is just not working. So maybe I will end up doing another post. Cause really So much good stuff! All the bloggers got the opportunity to grab some of the extra books to use as giveaways on our blogs. I didn't get to grab as much as I would have like for you guys because of my lack of space in my suitcase but i did manage to grab a few! So here are the pics of the books I came home with. I manages to mail myself and stuff in my suitcase , and win 83 books! (click pics for larger views)








And last but not least some goodies I got just for you guys!!!






I hope you all enjoyed my post! I can't wait till next year, I'm already planned! I hope to get the chance to meet some of you next year!

Walking to help find a CURE!

Sep 29, 2010

Walking to find a CURE!

Pictures left to right Me, Tiffy, Mom

Team Bubby is back at it again this year!

Team Bubby was put together in memory of my Bestfriends (tiffy, pictured above) grandma. Bubby means Grandma in Hebrew. This year I have made a personal goal of raising $200. I have ALSO challenged myself to BLOW PAST that and reach $500 by this friday Oct 1st ! I know I am last minute with this, But I could so use all of your help to spread the word! Facebook, Twitter, Blog Post, Anything to help spread the word!

To thank you all for helping me spread the word, Ill choose one of the books I recieved at AAD2010, and one of YOU awesome peeps will win! Just come back here and post links to where you share.Please put each link in a seperate post.

To Donate click the DONATE button below

I am determined to make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. By participating in the 2010 Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk®, I’m committed to raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer research, care and support.

Today more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s. In addition, 78 million baby boomers are approaching the age of greatest risk for developing this fatal disease. Now is the time to ACT to end this epidemic!

This year, to support those affected by Alzheimer’s, I’m participating in the local Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk® to raise funds and awareness to fight this disease. The Kansas City Metro Memory Walk will take place on Saturday, October 2 at Corporate Woods in Overland Park.

The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer care, support and research, and funds I raise will go directly toward supporting their efforts.

I know I can make a difference with your support! Will you consider making a donation? It’s easy to give online by following the link below. (taken from the Alzheimers website)

Thank you in advance for your time and generosity – together, we can help end Alzheimer’s!

Memory Walk

if you can't click the button, You can follow this link

LAST DAY to enter Wind Warrior Blog Tour & Giveaway

Today is the last day to enter the 

Reminder of what you can win:

 1 Romantic Two-lid willow picnic basket with deluxe service for two ~ $125.00 value

1 Succulent Godiva Chocolate Tier ~ $75.00 value

1 Exquisite Pearl & Crystal Necklace ~ $50.00 value

2 Amazon Gift Certificate ~ $25 value

To view the gifts & read further descriptions visit her website at

 Don't Forget to check out:

Wind Warrior ~ The Iroquois Series ~ Book One

Leslie Michaels is a visionary, and only those close to her know of her special gift and the visions that come when her mind and body surrender to sleep. Fate has a way of righting many wrongs, and for Leslie it is a destiny that changes her life dramatically. But not before she is forced to flee into the wilderness to escape a murderous trapper bent on claiming her for his very own. Faith and a strong will to survive are her only companions, until she encounters Winnokin, the handsome Seneca war chief who first came to her in her dreams. Not only does he prove to be her rescuer and protector, he teaches her that tragedy can breed happiness and the passion to live and love deeply once again.

On Sale Now at Amazon, Borders, Barnes and Nobel ISBN# 978-1-61663-162-8. Read more than a dozen reviews on her website at

Friday Forgot ABout Finds

Sep 24, 2010

By Tami Hoag

Strange things were happening in Drake House: A perfect rose appearing on a antique dress materializing out of nowhere...a mysterious spirit roaming the halls...

Five years after Rachel Lindquist had left California to chase her dreams, she returned home to care for her aging mother, only to find herself chasing a ghost! Addie Lindquist insisted a presence haunted Drake House and had hired noted parapsychologist Bryan Hennessy to investigate, but Rachel knew better than to believe in what she couldn't see—or to surrender to the strong current of desire pulling her towards Bryan.

Bryan had dealt with skeptics before, but convincing Rachel was the biggest challenge of his life. The enchanting beauty had lost faith in everything that wasn't practical, and that included matters of the heart. As Bryan fought her reluctance to succumb to feelings she couldn't control, a second, more sinister force began to stalk them, threatening to drive them from Drake House and from each other—a force that could be banished only by a man who believed in the power of love and...Magic.

Publisher: Bantam Doubleday
Dell Publishing Group Inc
Published: 01 January 1980
Format: Paperback
Categories: Romance
Adult & Contemporary Romance
ISBN 13: 9780553290530
ISBN 10: 0553290533
Book Depository

By Judith McNaught

Corporate raider Matthew Farrell had come a long way from the poor, scruffy kid of Indiana's steel mills. A long way from the country club where, feeling like an outsider, he had dared to fall in love with a beautiful blonde named Meredith Bancroft, and known a once-in-a-lifetime passion and betrayal that still haunted his memory...Now world leaders courted him, the media watched his every move, and he was ready to move in on the Bancroft empire.

A cool, poised executive in her family's legendary department store chain, Meredith had once defied her father for the sexually magnetic, intense Matt Farrell -- and their brief, ill-fated marriage was the disastrous outcome. Now, as the Bancroft firm is threatened by a hostile takeover, Meredith is forced to confront Matt. As tensions build between them, bittersweet memories rise to the surface, leaving them suspicious, restless, and uncertain. Will they be able to believe in each other -- and grasp the tender miracle that is before them?

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Ltd
Published: 01 June 1992
Format: Paperback
Categories: Romance
Adult & Contemporary Romance
Historical Romance
ISBN 13: 9780671776800
ISBN 10: 0671776800
Book Depository

Prince of Wolves
By Susan Krinard

Through with running from the past, Joelle Randall has come to the rugged Canadian Rockies determined to face her pain and begin anew. All she needed was a guide to lead her through the untamed mountain wilderness to the site where her parents' plane had crashed so long ago. But the only guide Joelle could find was Luke Gevaudan, a magnetically attractive loner with the feral grace of a wolf and eyes that glittered with a savage intensity. She couldn't know that Luke was the stuff of legends, one of the last survivors of an ancient race of werewolves... a man whose passion she would not be able to resist--no matter how terrible the price.

Publisher: Bantam Doubleday
Dell Publishing Group Inc
Published: 30 September 1994
Format: Paperback
Categories: Fantasy Romance
Adult & Contemporary Romance
ISBN 13: 9780553567755
ISBN 10: 0553567756
Book Depository

Thrifty Thursday Spreading the #AAD2010 Love!

Sep 23, 2010

So alot of you know that i spent this past weekend at the AWESOME AAD2010 - Authors After Dark 2010 (post coming soon) and I met some wonderful new to me authors! So I though what a better way than to share some love! So this weeks Thrifty Thursday is dedicated to those Kick Ass Authors from AAD2010!!!

THE Vampire Queen's Servant
OMG I love this cover!!!
By Joey W. Hill

His blood. His soul. His body. Hers for the asking…

Lady Elyssa Yamato Amaterasu Wentworth is a centuries-old vampire who’s been given a new servant – Jacob, a total alpha male unaccustomed to submitting to any woman’s wishes. What really binds Jacob to her are not her sensual midnight hungers, but something far more provocative. It stirs her blood, renews her life and awakens her soul like only true love can. The passion between Lyssa and Jacob yields something else unexpected – a shared history that reaches back through the centuries and is fated to challenge their destiny like nothing ever will again.

Published: 02 September 2008
Format: Paperback 373
Categories: Horror, Fantasy
Erotic Fiction, Romance
Adult & Contemporary Romance
ISBN 13: 9780425215906
ISBN 10: 0425215903
Book Depository
The Ice Dragon (Dragon Knights)
I can't wait to start the Dragon Shifters!
By Bianca D'Arc

When a royal black dragon falls under enemy fire, only the wild Northern Ice Dragon and his unlikely female rider can save him. Half wild, like the baby Ice Dragon she calls friend, Lana is a rare and powerful dragon healer. She saves the life of the royal black, only to learn this most sacred of dragons is half-man, able to shift from one form to the other at will.

Roland is king of all dragons and humans in his land but he’s far from home, mortally wounded, and his only refuge is the incredible woman who has saved his life and her young wild dragon friend. Lana is the purest form of magic to him, heaven to his senses in both dragon and human form. He knows almost from the first moment that he wants her for his very own.

But a warlord plots in the north, seeking to kill the dragons, who protect the northern border, and overrun Roland’s peaceful kingdom. Lana and her incredibly skilled Ice Dragon friend are the only ray of hope for the knights and fighting dragons of the Northern Lair. Just as Lana is the only love Roland will ever know. He can reunite her with her lost family, but can he win her heart and make her his queen?

Publisher: Samhain Publishing Ltd
Published: 29 August 2006
Format: Paperback
Categories: Fantasy, Romance
Adult & Contemporary Romance
ISBN 13: 9781599982878
ISBN 10: 1599982870
Book Depository
Wild Blue Under
YAY can't wait to start this trilogy!
By Judi Fennell

Rod Tritone, heir to the throne of the undersea world, needs a queen capable of ruling the oldest kingdom on earth. Someone regal, learned and of noble birth. Problem is, the only eligible noble-born Mer princess is half-Human - and she doesn't have a clue about the non-Human part.

Valerie Dumere has screwed up her life at every turn, so when her mother dies and leaves her the family business, Val realizes it's up to her to buckle down and get her life on track. No more excuses.
So when a guy shows up claiming to be her destiny, she scoffs. No way. She isn't running away from her responsibilities ever again - no matter how good the guy looks without a shirt.
But Rod isn't going away. He can't claim his inheritance without her - and Val will lose hers if she goes with him.
It's going to take one whale of a tale to get her to chuck it all and follow him off into the wild blue under...

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Published: 03 November 2009
Format: Paperback 
Categories: Fantasy, Romance
ISBN 13: 9781402224270
ISBN 10: 1402224273
Book Depository
So tell me, Have YOU read any of these Authors?
 What do you think?
Feel free to link reviews if you would like!!!

Winners Winners Winners...OMG Winners! Blogfest2010 and More!

Sep 20, 2010

Hi all my wonderful peeps!And welcome all my new followers! I know this has taken FOREVER but I just got back from AAD2010 SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE It was so freakin Awesome! But thats another post at another time. *clears throat* You might want to keep checking back though.....*hint hint*
 Since I have made you wait so long I will just get down to the goodies!

Here are the winners for:
Bloggie Bday
Bloggie Bday with Scott
Dakota Banks
RG Alexander

I will have the first part of email addresses under each winner just so you know for sure you are the correct winner! I will try to get emails out to everyone shortly after this posts, and the winners have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be picked.
*** please include what you have won in the subject***

Congrats Everyone, and a HUGE thank you to everyone who
stopped by!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Swag Winners


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Book Depository Winner


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Business Cards Winner


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bloggie Bday

Book + Swag Winner


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bracelet Winner


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bloggie Bday with Scott

Book Winner


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dakota Banks

Book Winner


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

RG Alexander

Book Winner


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Congrats again Winners!
for stopping by for the giveaways!!!

Don't forget my current giveaways:

Guest Post: Emily Ryan-Davis + Giveaway

Excitement! Breathlessness! Exclamation points!

Hi, readers of Jo Jo’s book reviews blog! I’m here this week to talk about my audio books, one currently available and its sequel scheduled to release Tuesday, September 21. Jo Jo had opportunity to listen to MATING CALL and I certainly hope she enjoyed it enough that she’s not embarrassed by my presence here today. ;)

Since book two (DRAGON DANCE) is becoming available soon, I’m going to refrain from talking about either title singularly and instead focus on the experience of hearing my stories instead of reading my stories.

Listening to MATING CALL and DRAGON DANCE…wow, what an experience. I blushed, I patted myself on the back, and I even found my stomach churning during moments of high tension. Hearing the narrator deliver my words with inflection and punctuation, the rise and fall of her voice, her hissing syllables whenever my characters hissed—I at times felt like I was walking through the world (possibly because I was working out on a treadmill while listening) instead of sitting and experiencing.

If you’ve ever listened to a well-acted audio book, you know what I mean: you can hear and see and practically touch what’s going on. A well-written book provides the same experience, but somehow hearing a story in a strong, enthusiastic voice changes it a little. I almost never blush when my characters are getting naked on the page, but my cheeks were flaming as they got naked in my ears. What an experience, feeling like I could actually reach out and touch Salim’s bare chest. ;) Definitely an experience I want to repeat.

-MATING CALL is the first of a paranormal romance serial trilogy crammed full of dragons both solid and ephemeral. Books two and three, DRAGON DANCE and DRAGON BOUND, will be releasing in September and November of this year (don't forget Tuesdays are discount days at AudioMinx).

Mating Call
by Emily Ryan-Davis
Dragon Queen: Book One

Cora Phillips has witchcraft in her blood, but she's convinced she inherited the recessive rather than the dominant trait. Her mother and sister are the real heiresses to the Lune tradition; Cora has neither the interest nor the inclination to take up the Dragonkeeper mantle. Years ago, she left the New York City Witch lifestyle to the other women in her family, and said goodbye to all the velvet and lace. However, during a moment of insomnia-induced insanity, she agrees to come back to celebrate Christmas/Winter Solstice with her family.

It comes as a shock to all three women when Cora, through clumsy fumblings to "get in touch with her goddess" at her sister's urging, calls a pair of ancient dragons into her meditation circle.

Cora swears it's a mistake. Her mother swears it's the correct course of events. Eventually, every Dragonkeeper issues the call to mate. Problem is, nobody expected Cora to summon even a single dragon, let alone two.

Before long, the dragons' guardians come knocking, literally, and ruin any hope of politely apologizing and returning the creatures.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dragon Dance
by Emily Ryan-Davis
Dragon Queen: Book Two

Self-preservation, not cowardice, drove Cora Phillips to run from the supernatural intrigues surrounding Salim Aridi, Greg Cho, and their respective dragon aspects. She spent a year rebuilding a sense of normalcy, and she learned to cope with the risidual nightmares that followed her brief collision with modern myth.

The moment Salim loses control, however, the dragons demonstrate just how meaningless human distance really is and return to remind Cora that dragon ties are not so easily broken.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Emily Ryan-Davis writes for Ellora's Cave, Liquid Silver Books and Freya's Bower. News of projects, releases and blog appearances can be found at MATING CALL, DRAGON DANCE and DRAGON BOUND are currently available in electronic and print format at Freya's Bower.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


But enough about me! If you’re interested in a chance to win a download of the MATING CALL audio, leave a comment + a way to contact you letting me know whether you’re a blusher when you listen to a love scene, or whether it doesn’t phase you at all. I’m dying to know if I’m the only one!

Ends Sept 26

Blog Tour " Where the rain is made by: keta Diablo

Sep 17, 2010

• Hi friends,
Welcome to the blog tour for Where The Rain Is Made. Keta and I are glad you stopped by.

~JJBC On your website you break your backlist into two categories: "erotic" and "m/m" romances. Which do you prefer to write? Is one genre easier to write than the other?

~KD I’ll say the male/male novellas are quicker because they’re not full-length novels. The erotic romance is almost always full novels. And there’s more research with the historical romance. I enjoy writing both because of the variety and the different lengths, but if you really pinned me down I’d have to say I’m really fond of reading and writing historical romance.

~JJBC What is the best book you've read in 2010? What upcoming 2010 book release are you most looking forward to reading?

~KD I absolutely loved The Spymaster’s Lady by Joanna Bourne and hope to get to the other books in the series soon. I think she’s a wonderful writer with an amazing grasp of plot and character depth. Like many authors, I don’t have a lot of time to read so I have to be very selective in what I choose. I’ll often read the reviews and ask around if I’m on the lookout for a new book. My TBR pile AND TBR list is huge. I still have book sitting on my nightstand that I received last Christmas and haven’t had the time to open them yet. I know, pathetic.

~JJBC Who is your favorite author?

~KD Again, this a hard question to answer. I wouldn’t choose a favorite, but some of the authors I read are Helen Kirkman and Joanna Bourne. I love Bourne’s The Spymaster’s Lady. I also love a few older novels, To Kill A Mockingbird and Windflower, which I read about once a year.

~JJBC Do you hear from your readers and what do they ask?

~KD Thank goodness, yes. I love hearing from readers. Mostly they tell me how much they enjoyed the book. I haven’t had any write to me and complain, but I suppose they wouldn’t. Sometimes they say, “I have this great idea for a story. Can I send it to you?” And I must tell them that I have so many stories in my head now, I won’t live long enough to publish them all.

~JJBC What are you passionate about these days?

~KD Homeless people, women and children who have no medical insurance. You don’t even want to get me going on those issues. Why are we the most power country in the world, yet we have one out of eight children who go to bed hungry in the US? I don’t understand it. And I really can’t tolerate the thought. There’s no excuse for it.

~JJBC What do you do to unwind and relax?
~KD Read, garden and spend far too much time at my local animal shelter trying to figure out a way to bring them all home. I can’t, of course, but I donate items, food and money to them, do what I can to help out. I love animals and think they’re so accepting of humans. My cat, Emma, doesn’t care if I forgot my deodorant this morning. She loves me just as I am.

~JJBC Do you have any suggestions for beginning writers? If so, what are they?

~KD Read everything you can get your hands on and then plop your butt in the chair and write. I don’t care if it’s the worse first draft you’ve ever seen. You can always fix it. There are many times I delete entire paragraphs and think a third grader can write better than me. But you can’t quit, you have to keep on writing and one day it will all come together.

About Where The Rain Is Made:

A decadent savage has captured Francesca DuVall and her brother, Marsh. Now she must spend every waking moment planning an escape. However, she didn’t count on the powerful draw of desire interfering with her scheme in the camp of the brutal Cheyenne dog soldiers.
Ethan Gray is a curator at a national museum . . . most of the time, but when he travels through time to help his beloved People he becomes Meko, leader of the most revered and feared tribe of the plains.

Although their worlds are decades apart Meko can’t resist the dark beauty he kidnapped during a raid. He has many battles to fight but none he wants to win more than the one that will capture Cesca’s heart forever. From the windswept plains of Colorado and the harsh life of a Dog Soldier to the placid life of a curator their love was fueled by passion and kindled by destiny.

You can find out more about Where The Rain Is Made by visiting the publisher’s site, Decadent Publishing,

You can also read Chapter One and part of Chapter Two here:

Keta is very active on Twitter and would love to have you follow her:

See my review which is posted on Book Lovers Inc HERE

We hope you enjoyed stopping by JoJosBookcorner. Tomorrow, you can have another chance to win Where The Rain Is Made by stopping by:

TWO BLOGS - September 18

Seriously Reviewed

The Black Raven Erotic Cafe

***   GIVEAWAY   ***

Keta will be giving away one copy of Where The Rain Is Made in PDF today.
 To be eligible, do these three simple things:
~ Follow my blog ( JoJosBookCroner)

~Follow Keta’s Erotic Romance Blog

~Leave a comment below with your e-mail address.

A winner will be selected on _Sept 25_  and announced here on the blog, so be sure and check back to see if you won. Keta will be notified by me and will send the book directly to you.

Good luck everyone, and again, thanks for dropping by,


September 12th
Leilani Loves

September 13th
Bitten By Paranormal Romance

September 14th
Lovin' Me Some Romance

September 15th
The Divas Bookcase

TWO BLOGS, September 16th
That’s What I’m Talking About

The Geeky Bookworm

TWO BLOGS: September 17th
Book Lovers Inc. Blog

Jojos Book Corner

September 18
Seriously Reviewed
The Black Raven Erotic Cafe

September 19th
Not Really Southern Vamp Chick

TWO BLOGS - September 20th
Sapphire Realm Romance Blog

Hanging With Bells Blog

TWO BLOGS: September 21st
Happily Ever After Reviews

Talk About My Favorite Authors Blog

Guest Post with Author RG Alexander + Giveaway

Sep 13, 2010

How I Grew Up To Write Erotic Romance…Wait, I Grew Up?

For most of my life, if you’d asked anyone around me what I was destined to be, you’d get a handful of varied answers: singer, hallmark card creator, caregiver, dreamer. No, the dreamer label doesn’t usually come with an official job for the resume or a regular paycheck, but they would say it just the same—often with worried expressions and fingers crossed that I wouldn’t walk absently into oncoming traffic because my head was in the clouds.

I’m one of those people who wanted to be everything when I grew up. Even things that weren’t supposed to be real. Like mermaids. I really wanted to be a mermaid. I would tell you all the training and breath holding and preparation I made for the day I would finally learn I was a lost princess from an underwater Atlantis—but then you’d just think I was strange.

On dry land, I loved to read. It was my sport of choice. And when I wasn’t reading, I was daydreaming. What if I could fly to school? What if the teacher was actually an alien? You get the idea. When I discovered romance, then paranormal romance, I was in heaven. Two of my favorite subjects together in one delicious package? How could you lose?

Here is the weird thing—for all the daydreaming I did, I rarely wrote them down. Oh, I tried once or twice, a chapter or a few paragraphs, but then I got frustrated and threw them away. I told myself they were mine, they were strange, and only my ability to rhyme with a Seussian affinity was fit to be shared with the masses.

In a way, through the years, I did follow my dreams. I did everything. I sang in smoky blues joints and dark corner bars, I worked as a nurse in an Alzheimer’s ward and in hospice, I did a thousand and one jobs that made my resume start to resemble a novel all by itself. Waitress, check out girl, secretary, telemarketer, office cleaner, bartender. I even went back to school to study my favorite passions, mythology, religion and archaeology.

I would have, no doubt, continued my strange, transient career path indefinitely, if it weren’t for one thing. My husband. He watched me devour one romance after another, wishing I could write something that affected people in the same way. Made them smile, opened their minds, warmed their…hearts. He also *gasp* listened when I imagined out loud. I had an idea for a story—Lifting the Veil, my first book out with Ellora’s Cave—and he thought it sounded pretty darn good. One day he sat me down and said we would have to tighten our belts, but we could do it. Said he wanted me to stay home and sit in front of the computer until I’d written my story. He was kind of adamant about it.

How could I say no? And once I started, well, I couldn’t stop. As of August I’ve been typing away for four solid years, and I have no intention of stopping.

I love world building and putting a new spin on my favorite myths, or creating my own. And all of my past career choices have helped me with my characters. My heroines, often, have a little bit of my own experiences snuck in. I also love paranormal heroes. Or heroes that are somehow thrust into paranormal situations, like the ones in Possess Me, my debut Berkley Heat anthology.

The erotic part? That kind of just happened. Everyone knew I was a dreamer with a vivid imagination…but they had no idea.


Places to find RG Alexander:


Check out some of RG Alexanders Newest Releases!

Wicked Bad
Releases Tuesday Sept. 14th 2010 (tomorrow, YAY!)

Harrison Jennera Abbot was born with a silver broomstick in her hand. Heiress to a Magian dynasty. Good witch extraordinaire. She’s sick of it. She longs to be human, normal like her friend Callie. Or, uh, as normal as Callie ever gets.

She thought running away would be an adventure, but three months playing human has given her a new point of view. Just as she’s ready to return home, though, the real adventure begins. In short order, she’s attacked, saved, kidnapped…and seduced.

Jacob and Ric are convinced that Harrison is the destined third of their triad—if they can convince her they won’t use her as a sexual chew toy, or a social stepping stone. Before they can make her beg for the match, though, she needs to know the truth about who tried to kill her. And why her brother keeps sending her cryptic psychic messages.

Hard as it might be on their Magian male pride, they might have to let her go…trusting that in the end, she’ll choose them.

Warning: Contains an accidental orgasm, crimes of passion, sentient ropes, and powerful witches being magically delicious. Oh, and a charmed shower that only lives to please you.

Possess Me
Out NOW!

In the Big Easy, there’s a legend women long for: a sexual voodoo spirit who can fulfill their darkest fantasies. And in these three steaming-hot novellas, he helps three New Orleans couples achieve the ultimate satisfaction…

Release Me

When Allegra heads down to New Orleans to heal her wounds, she never expects to lose her heart to such a quiet, troubled man as Rousseau. She’s even less prepared for the scorching, sexual spirit within him—and what he can do to her…

Reclaim Me

Ben has loved Michelle as long as he can remember. But his beautiful artist has a way of running away from life—and what the pair could be. Leave it to the infamous sexual spirit to help Ben prove to Michelle where she belongs: in his embrace…

Redeem Me

It’s All Saints’ Day, the one day the voodoo spirit can walk the world in the flesh. When he bumps into Bethany, she might just be the reincarnation of a girl he once loved. Passion ignites, but can he overcome past mistakes and fall in love again?

Thank You so much RG Alexander for giving us a glimpse into your life!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

**Giveaway time**

1 lucky commentor will win a Book!
Wooo Hoooo *throws confetti*

Winner Options

*If winner lives in the US 
1 signed Copy of Possess Me
1 e-book from RG's backlist

*If winner lives International
1 e-book from RG's backlist

~Must leave a comment and/or ask RG Alexander a question
~Fill out the form
Contest Ends Sept 19th


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