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Schedule Sunday 2-28 / 3-6

Feb 28, 2011

(I know this is late, sorry. Yesterday was ....well...just crazy )

Welcome to my new weekly post " Schedule Sunday " This is where I will let you know whats happening on the blog for the week. Interviews, guest posts, Book tours, giveaways, reviews and more. Make sure you mark it down on your calendars so you can come back and don't miss out on anything. If there is anything you want to see please let me know!

~ JoJo Review - My Blood Approves by Amanda Hocking
~ Schedule Sunday (Late)
~ Winners Post

Book on a Journey With The Order of Smut Vixens and JoJos Book Corner

Feb 27, 2011

You've heard of the Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants Right?

Well this is nothing like that!

This is The Order's First Annual Book on a Journey..... Now your gonna ask us what does it all mean bazzle? It means a lot, because it gives us a chance to Connect one Book Lover at a time... Three Books, Three Journal's on Three Different Journey's. Mistress Bells , JoJo and I are hoping you will join us on this adventure... In fact the adventure can't even begin until we have your participation.... With the help from Book Lovers Across the far and wide, three books will embark on an awesome journey.... CAUTION: It may have some turbulence, depending on its destination.....

The Traveling Books

Blog Tour: An Unexpected Evening by Roxanne Rhoads + Giveaway

Feb 26, 2011

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Guest Post: Karin Tabke - Vamps, Weres and Daemons, Oh, My! + Giveaway

Feb 25, 2011

Vamps, Weres and Daemons, Oh, My!

First off, I want to say, thank you! to Jojo for the inviting me to hang out here today!

Now to chat about the above mentioned title. So what floats your boat?  Vampires, weres, daemons?

I always thought I was a vampire girl, and while I still am, I fell in love with my lycan brothers, Rafael and Lucien, while writing BLOOD LAW, the first book in my Blood Moon trilogy series.  It goes without saying that Marcus Cross, the vampire hero of ENEMY LOVER, L.O.S.T. book one (written as Karin Harlow), defines the phrase, Please-dear-God-make-him-take-me-NOW-before-I-explode-into-a-pile-of-unrequited-lust. Yep, Marcus is one hot vampire.  He and his lady-love, Jax, make a reappearance in ENEMY MINE, book two in the L.O.S.T. series. 

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Bronwyn Green Interview + Giveaway

Feb 24, 2011

Please help me give a warm welcome to

lives in Michigan with her wonderful husband, two amazing sons and six somewhat-psychotic cats. When not tormenting her characters, she can usually be found helping with reading and writing projects in her sons’ classrooms as well as being the car pool mom extraordinaire for five teens and a couple of preteens. Besides writing, she also enjoys reading, knitting, sewing, cross stitching, pottery, drawing—basically anything that helps her avoid the tortures of cleaning and cooking.

About you:

A penny a day, Means a book giveaway!

Feb 23, 2011

Its that time of the Month! I did not get to do one in January because I didn't really have enough change to make it worth it. So this is a combo of January and February (ya slow change months lol) anyhoo

Here is February's Jar

AAD Meet and Greet: Author C. Margery Kempe: TTT + Interview + Giveaway

Feb 22, 2011

Today I bring you another new to me author that i can't wait to meet in August at AAD Philly! 
Author C. Margery Kempe brings to us today a

Followed by a short interview and giveaway!

Here is C. Margery Kempe
reading some from

Dragger Ella

Winners Winners Winner!!!!

Feb 21, 2011

This is gonna be short and sweet, *shakes head* cause im late for work! gaaaaa

Winners of (please go the the comments section on each link to see winner)

AAD Meet and Greet with Rita Sawyer go here:

AAD Meet and Greet with Michele Bardsley go here:

Dean Day Giveaway go here:

Congrats winners! Please email me within 48 hours!

HOTTIE of the Month - Feb - Mar + Giveaway!

Woooo Hooooo I have a yummie for you this month!
This Months Hottie of the Month was recommended by

I would like to present to you for your Licking Viewing pleasure


"Worth Your Weight in a 'Gator Battle Award"

Feb 20, 2011

 "Worth Your Weight in a
 'Gator Battle Award"

I Won I Won WOOO HOOO!!!

Thank you my Tigris for passing this on to me! If you all don't know Tigris yet, you must check her out! She ROCKS the house!
Tigris Eden Blog
Tigris Eden Website
Tigris Eden Twitter
Order of the Smut Vixens

Now on to the award!

The “Worth Your Weight in a ‘Gator Battle Award” is only given to the wily, the brave, and the cheeky, so get down with your bad self, you’re deemed worthy to run with the A-C’s!

Schedule Sunday 2-21 / 2-27

Welcome to my new weekly post " Schedule Sunday " This is where I will let you know whats happening on the blog for the week. Interviews, guest posts, Book tours, giveaways, reviews and more. Make sure you mark it down on your calendars so you can come back and don't miss out on anything. If there is anything you want to see please let me know!

~ Hottie of the Month + Giveaway
~ Monthly giveaway Guessing Week!

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Rita Sawyer Interview + Giveaway

Feb 18, 2011

Please help me give a warm welcome to AAD Author Rita Sawyer!

Rita Sawyer
When it comes to writing I have always made up stories to entertain my kids. As they grew up I began writing romances to entertain myself. Luckily I have a wonderful supportive family, and friends that are willing to sit there and listen to me ramble on about what my characters have done, or are about to do.

When I’m not totally caught up in getting my characters and scenes fleshed out I can usually be found with her nose stuck in a book, or snuggled up on the couch with my hubby or one of my kids watching a movie. I enjoy spending time with my big noisy family, and not just because they provide me with lots of ideas for my stories.

About you:

JJBC - Do you have any hobbies?
RS - Cooking and baking. I used to fancy myself
with a future as a cake decorator, but an injury to my
 wrist made me reconsider.

Book Tour: Careless Whisper By: Wendi Zwaduk

Feb 17, 2011

What’s in a Name?

I wanted to thank JoJo for having me here. I love going on these tours and seeing new sites. It’s a lot of fun and I’m thrilled to be the guest.

My topic question was ‘picking a title for the story’. Ahh...simple and yet not. Titles are hard and easy to come up with. They’re easy because sometimes they just happen and fit. Other times it’s excruciatingly hard because there is more than one book out already with that title.

I have a theme in my books. They have song title names. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not to capitalize on the song. In many cases, the song the book is titled after isn’t the main song or one of the main songs on my iPod as I wrote it. For example, Careless Whisper is named after the Wham! song. But that wasn’t at all the version I had playing. I was listening to the harder, rougher, Seether version. And the actual inspiration for the book came from a Kelly Clarkson song – “Already Gone”. The hero was involved with someone else before the book and his wife tells him, ‘Look, I’m already gone’ because she’s dead. But that’s not what the hero/heroine wanted the book to be named. It was their story, not the hero and his former wife’s. So I let the story flow and the title actually came out of dialogue late in the story. Ryan mentions a careless whisper causing many of the problems.

Guest Post: Laura Kreitzer on Phantom Universe & Human Trafficking

Feb 16, 2011

Hello Literary-Folk!

My name is Laura Kreitzer, and I’m the author of the Timeless Series and the Summer Chronicles. This week I would like to alert everyone on a colossal crisis that’s gone unnoticed in the world: human trafficking. That’s why I’ve asked hundreds of blogs to be involved with spreading the word on this issue that’s become close to my heart.

As an author, and someone whose life is put in the spotlight, I keep most people at a distance. Only a handful of my friends know the whole me and the events from my past. But this week I’d like to share with you a part of myself that the outside world doesn’t see (and a part of me I don’t like to share). I was emotionally abused for five years by someone I thought loved me, my mind beaten into submission. Though the turmoil I went through doesn’t penetrate as deep as someone forced into slavery on the worldwide market for human trafficking, I can sadly relate in some ways: imprisoned, my life dictated down to what I wore, ate, where I went, whom I spoke to, where I worked, when I slept, bending to his every whim. He did not sway, even when I cried through some of the more traumatic things he had me do. I was a slave in my own home. In my desperation for freedom, I held out a gun and asked him to just end my suffering. I was desperate.

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Michele Bardsley: TTT + Interview + Giveaway

Feb 15, 2011

Welcome to today's AAD Meet and Greet, with another wonderful Author
 Michele Bardsley.
 Today she is here is share with us her

Followed by an interview and giveaway!
So Grab a cup of Joe, and get ready for 
Michele Bardsley reading from

Never Again

Happy Dean Day + Giveaway!

Feb 14, 2011

Its that time of year again!!! Squeeeee!!!!! Its
Dean Day!
So no messing around! We are going straight to the good stuff!
Here's too all those Supernatural Fans out there!!!

5 things i luv about Dean

Schedule Sunday 2-14 / 2-20

Feb 13, 2011

Welcome to my new weekly post " Schedule Sunday " This is where I will let you know whats happening on the blog for the week. Interviews, guest posts, Book tours, giveaways, reviews and more. Make sure you mark it down on your calendars so you can come back and don't miss out on anything. If there is anything you want to see please let me know!

~ Dean Day + Giveaway
~ Monthly Follower Giveaway Guess Week

Darklands Blog Tour with Author Donna Burgess + Giveaway

Feb 12, 2011

Happy Saturday everyone! Today I have special Guest Author Donna Burgess, of the Darklands Blog Tour, Hosted By: Bewitching Book Tours

I want to thank JoJo for having me on her awesome site today. This blog tour has been a lot of fun, and for most of the guest posts, I've discussed one of my favorite things--vampires. But, as I have gotten more involved with the world of e-publishing and primarily, independent publishing, I've realized what an incredible community of writers there is out there. Over the past couple of months, I've become one of those people who constantly talks up the reasons for “going indie” rather than seeking traditional publication. Today's self-published author is no longer viewed as the un-publishable hack of a decade ago. Especially, now that royalty checks can actually pay bills and the books are so easily found (many on bestseller lists of their particular category). It feels good to control one's destiny.

Not only are these “renegade” authors (okay, they're not really renegade, but it sounds cool) talented, they are also supportive of one another. And best things an already-published author can do is offer advice to new authors and those who think they'd like to begin writing a book someday. So, here I go:

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Jae Lynne Davies Interview + Giveaway

Feb 11, 2011

Happy Friday everyone! For Todays AAD Meet and Greet, we have a sweet <3 I got the chance to meet last year at AAd. Please help me give a warm welcome to Jae Lynne Davies. On twitter for those of you who would like to chat with her, look for @JaeLynneDavies

Jae Lynne Davies

Jae Lynne Davies has been an avid fan of the paranormal since childhood, when her imagination began to take form in written word. Shortly after the birth of her second child, she began writing stories based on her ideas, and before she knew it, she’d created a world where the passion is hot, relationships are forbidden, and the constant struggle of power leaves readers feeling for the villain today, and the hero tomorrow. When not playing in her fantasy world, Jae Lynne is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and now resides in Southern New Jersey, is a wife to a wonderful and supportive husband, and a mother to two young children

Review: Shadow of the Sun By: Laura Kreitzer

Feb 10, 2011

Shadow of the Sun
Book  #1 Timeless Series
By: Laura Kreitzer

Pub. Date: September 2010
Publisher: Obsidian Mountain Publishing
Format: Paperback 524 pages
Category: Young Adult. Fantasy
Websites: Author , Publisher , Book Depository

Gabriella’s past is a mystery, but that never stopped her from achieving her goals. As a Supernatural Specialist, and far more intelligent than anyone her age, she was always ignored by her peers. Because of the isolation she has always felt, she put her life and soul into her job. Being a Supernatural Specialist hasn’t given her the divine intervention she always longed for, until one day a shipment arrives from Italy containing three dead bodies with an uncanny ability to regenerate. Gabriella is frightened and intrigued, but not as scared as she becomes when a dark creature attacks her.

As the bodies come back to life, the plot takes an unexpected twist that you won’t see coming. The supernatural world only begins to unfold before her as angels appear, her dreams start to haunt her, and the very past she has forgotten comes back with startling clarity. Romance blooms, escape plans are made, an assassin is out to kill her, and death is only around the corner. But what is more terrifying than all of it is the fact she is the chosen one, the Illuminator, the one who will save them all.

My Thoughts

Blog Tour with Author Devyn Quinn: Interview + Giveaway

Feb 9, 2011

(from her website)

Devyn Quinn lives in the scenic Southwest, though she has called several other states home. She is a huge fan of dark gothic music & shoot-’em-up action movies. But reading is her first love and Devyn spends too much time with history books, as well as feeding her addiction for celebrity biographies. She especially enjoys reading books on Hollywood before the 1960′s and is crazy about Marilyn Monroe, her legend and her myth.
Devyn lives with her cats, ferrets, and one little single Shih Tzu doggie, Tess.

Refusing to embrace her mermaid heritage, Gwen Lonike prefers to live as a human. All she wants is to run her hotel in Port Rock Maine, in peace. But when her sister Tessa returns from the Mediterranean with news that she had inadvertently opened the gateway to a lost mermaid kingdom–and accidentally freed its dangerous queen–Gwen can no longer hide behind her idyllic life.

Covert-ops agent Blake Whittaker is far from happy when he’s assigned to trail paranormal activity back to him hometown, where he can’t escape crushing memories he’d rather forget. But when he meets and falls for Gwen, he knows he can’t cut and run. Yet how long can he hide his true mission from her? And how long can Gwen and her sisters remain safe from a nemesis bent on their destruction–and from Blake’s own superiors, whose ultimate mission could prove the greatest threat of all?

Review: Siren’s Surrender By: Devyn Quinn


By: Devyn Quinn

Pub. Date: February 2011
Publisher: Penguin Group (USA)
Format: E-Book
Series: Dark Tides Series , #2

Refusing to embrace her mermaid heritage, Gwen Lonike prefers to live as a human. All she wants is to run her hotel in Port Rock Maine, in peace. But when her sister Tessa returns from the Mediterranean with news that she had inadvertently opened the gateway to a lost mermaid kingdom–and accidentally freed its dangerous queen–Gwen can no longer hide behind her idyllic life.

Covert-ops agent Blake Whittaker is far from happy when he’s assigned to trail paranormal activity back to him hometown, where he can’t escape crushing memories he’d rather forget. But when he meets and falls for Gwen, he knows he can’t cut and run. Yet how long can he hide his true mission from her? And how long can Gwen and her sisters remain safe from a nemesis bent on their destruction–and from Blake’s own superiors, whose ultimate mission could prove the greatest threat of all?

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Kit Marlowe: TTT + Interview + Giveaway

Feb 8, 2011

Welcome back to another exciting AAD Meet and Greet!
Today we have the wonderful Kit Marlowe and she is here to share with us a:

Followed by a short Interview and giveaway!

So lets Start this show! Here is:
Kit Marlowe reading from

Review: Never Tempt Danger by: Denise Robbins

Feb 7, 2011

Never Tempt Danger
By Denise Robbins

Publisher: L & L Dreamspell
Published: 12 September 2010
Format: Paperback 260 pages
Categories: Thrillers Romance
ISBN 13: 9781603182607
Websites: Author, Book Depository, Publisher

Maureen thought her special gift was a curse. Maybe she’s right…

As the one man who accepted her “gift” slid the diamond ring onto her shaky finger, Maureen saw his death flash in her mind an instant before the bullet struck. With blood on her hands and a government research project in the balance, Maureen—Gilly—Gillman does the only smart thing she can. She disappears. If there was one thing Maureen had learned, it was Never Tempt Danger.

Special agent Lucas Danger knows Maureen Gillman better than any other man. Assigned to find Gilly and her military robot prototype, Lucas discovers that his past has caught up with him. When the woman he loves collides with his secretive past, Lucas has to open his mind as well as his heart to save Maureen.

Who will get to her first?

My Thoughts

Schedule Sunday 2-7 / 2-13

Feb 6, 2011

Welcome to my new weekly post " Schedule Sunday " This is where I will let you know whats happening on the blog for the week. Interviews, guest posts, Book tours, giveaways, reviews and more. Make sure you mark it down on your calendars so you can come back and don't miss out on anything. If there is anything you want to see please let me know!

AAD Meet and Greet: Author Renee Bagby Interview + Giveaway

Feb 3, 2011

Evening all my wonderful lovely's! Sorry todays AAD Meet and Greet is late. But its here now! So help me give a warm welcome to a New to me Author that I can't wait to mee this year at AAD!!!

Renee is a military brat turned military wife who is currently stationed in MD with her husband and two cats.

Whether writing as D. Renee Bagby or Zenobia Renquist, she is a world-builder. She loves inventing new cultures and shaping their histories and laws because it beats researching the existing ones.

Her stories span the fantasy gamut but she dabbles in sci-fi and contemporary from time to time. While her main characters tend to be of different races, she doesn't let skin color rule or limit her stories. For her, it's all about how much she can torture her characters so they earn their happily-ever-after ending.

The rules are all new and pre-conceived notions will only slow you down, so when reading Renee's stories, she asks only one thing -- Leave Your Reality Behind.

About you:
JJBC - Do you have any hobbies?
RB - I read manga (Japanese comics), usually shoujo and yaoi/BL. I love going to the movies with my husband. I also dabble in inkle loom weaving and knitting chain mail.

JJBC - What do you like to read?
RB - I prefer fantasy/paranormal romance and dabble into the other sub-genres as the mood strikes me. More often than not, I'm reading manga.

JJBC - Can you tell us some of your favorite books you've read?
RB - The Brotherhood of Blood series and Tales of the Were series from Bianca D'Arc, pretty much anything from Stephanie Burke, Horsemen series by Kate Hill (though I am two books behind)

JJBC - Who are some of your favorite authors?
RB - Bianca D'Arc, Stephanie Burke, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick, Jude Deveraux
On the manga front - Momoko Tenzen, Makoto Tateno, Hinako Takanaga, Eiki Eiki, and Taishi Zaou

JJBC - If you can meet any author in person dead or alive, who would it be and why him/her?
RB - Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick. I actually got close to meeting her at RWA Nationals when it was in DC, but I missed the book signing. She was my staple when I was in high school. Her books inspired my imagination and taught me how to write. Her books are always ones I can re-read over and over.

JJBC - What part of AAD are you most looking forward to?
RB - Meeting new readers, seeing friends, and seeing Philadelphia, PA. I've only been in PA three times despite living in MD.

JJBC - What do you hope to walk away with from AAD?
RB - The same thing I walk away from when attending any conference or convention - new readers and new stories ideas. I find that attending conventions/conferences and being around other like-minded individuals helps to get the imagination flowing free.

JJBC - Have you ever been to AAD before? If so what was your favorite part?
RB - No, this will be my first year attending.

JJBC - Are you on any panels? if so can you tell us which ones to look for you on?
RB - I'm on the Multicultural/Interracial panel and the Sweet Romance panel.

Your Writing:
JJBC - How did you first get into writing? Has it always been your dream?
RB - Writing didn't become my dream until high school. Until that point, I was just happy with reading romance. My only issue was a lack of black heroines, someone with whom I could identify. Not only black heroines but black heroines in fantasy and sci-fi romance stories. Lacking options, I decided that I should just write my own. It took a few tries, but I finally got a workable manuscript that I submitted to Samhain Publishing in 2006.

JJBC - What genre do you write?
RB - I write interracial romances (black heroine with a hero of different ethnicity) in the fantasy/paranormal sub-genre of romance.

JJBC - Do you have any must haves when you sit down to write?
RB - My computer obviously. I have a netbook just for writing. A few hours of quiet time helps as well.

JJBC - Can you tell us how a typical writing day for you is?
RB - I don't really have a typical writing day. Some days I can write more than others. Now that I'm a full time writer, I have more time to write and brainstorm plot lines.

JJB - What is one thing you think sets you apart from other authors?
RB - I don't know if it sets me apart, but I do enjoy torturing my characters. I make them work for that happily-ever-after at the end of the story.

Your Books:
JJBC - Can you share with us anything you are currently working on?
RB - I'm currently working on several books, but the two that are holding the majority of my attention at the moment are a novella for Changeling Press about a tentacle monster and a novel about a woman abducted by aliens to become a pet. Both titles are written as Zenobia Renquist.

JJBC - Can you share with us your first book ever published?
RB - My debut release was ADRIENNE published as D. Renee Bagby with Samhain Publishing in July 2007.

He crossed dimensions to claim her as his queen--but her reign may destroy his world.

Adrienne Backett wants two simple little things this spring break: rest and relaxation. After nearly four years of slaving away for her college education, she deserves a holiday. What she gets is pulled into another dimension by a man who claims she's his rightful queen.

Malik, King of Ulan, has until his birthday to find his bride or he must forfeit his throne. When a spell reveals her location, he will do anything, even cross dimensions, to claim her as his own.

As if fending off a lusty king isn't enough of a headache, Adrienne finds herself a pawn in a rival monarch's plot to bring Malik's world to its knees. But is the real danger being stuck in the middle of a power struggle between rival kingdoms? Or the damage Malik could do to her heart?

Warning: This title contains adult language (cursing), talking animals, violence, and scenes of near rape.

RB - My first release as Zenobia Renquist was A VALENTINE'S GIFT FOR TORI with Red Rose Publishing in February 2008.

She wants a boyfriend for Valentine's and her husband wants to deliver.

Tori has come to the realization that her marriage lacks the spark it had in the beginning. She and her husband argue more than anything else and she foresees a nasty break-up on the horizon if something doesn't change. When he asks her what she wants for Valentine's Day, her answer is scandalous and straightforward--a boyfriend.

Rather than be upset, her husband is intrigued by the idea and sets out to make it happen. Tori has set herself--and him--an impossible goal and her prospects aren't that promising. But she's determined to have a boyfriend in time for the most romantic holiday of the year.

JJBC - Can your share with us your most recent release, or a soon to be release?
RB - My latest release is HARLEY ON THE ROCKS writing as Zenobia Renquist with Changeling Press.

Her heart has a choice between loveless sex or sex-less friends.

Harley's got the hots for her best friends -- two gorgeous hunks who're in love with one another. Helping them spice up their sex life can't be such a bad idea -- can it? Friends with benefits, nothing more.

Harley's heart has complicated the issue. She wants to be more to Koijirou and Davis than a temporary fling, but she doesn't want to ruin their friendship. If it comes down to a choice between sex and friendship, can she handle the consequences of the choice she makes?

JJBC - What has been your favorite book you have written so far? why is this one your favorite?
RB - My favorite book so far is SERENITY written as D. Renee Bagby from Samhain Publishing. I think this is my favorite because Serenity was so much fun to write. I didn't realize she was a sociopath until one of my beta readers pointed it out. Hence the warning I gave the book:

Their uneasy alliance could lead to love--if the demon will allow it.

Melchior, King of the Bhresyas, is quickly growing tired of the war between his kind and the humans who view them as demons. He proposes a peace treaty with the most powerful human kingdom. His only stipulation? Once she comes of age, the human queen's daughter must be his bride.

Serenity has spent her entire life preparing for her role at Melchior's side. Other women might be frightened, but she embraces her destiny, knowing in her heart that she and Melchior have been twined together by fate.

While he wants cooperation between their two peoples, his union with Serenity cannot and should not lead to love. The more she tries to bring them together, the harder he pushes her away--until she lands in the arms of those who would do her harm.

Love is the answer. But before Melchior admits to his, it may be too late.

Warning: this title contains cursing, a sociopathic heroine, horny males, and copious amounts of gratuitous violence.

JJBC - Is there anything else you would like to share with us today?
RB - I give the readers of my newsletter a sneak peek at whatever I'm writing at the moment. One chapter a month until the book is contracted.

JJBC - Where can readers find you?

*~* Giveaway *~*

Don't go away! Renee is stopping by today and over the next few days to chat!
She also has up for grabs for 1 lucky winner, a Signed print copy of ERIS


- Must leave a valid e-mail (please do not add your complete e-mail. we do not want it picked up by spammers. for Exp: leave DOT instead of . , or AT instead of @ )
- Since Eris is a comic grader, I'd like commentors to tell me who their favorite comic character (hero or villain) if they have one.

**Giveaway ends Sunday night at Midnight. On Monday Renee will chose a winner, and post here in this comments section . So make sure you come back to see if you won!

Good Luck

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