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Pride & Prejudice Hidden Lusts by Mitzi Szereto

Jun 23, 2011

Pride & Prejudice: Hidden Lusts
Author: Mitzi Szereto
Publisher: Cleis Press
Date Published: 7/1/11
ISBN-13: 978-1-57344-663-1
Genre: Erotica

Pride & Prejudice: Hidden Lusts is an erotica novel adaptation of Jane Austen's classic Pride & Prejudice. All the characters are still here from Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth, and Mr. Bingley but you could have never imagined what was really going on in Netherifeld Park!
While Mrs. Bennett is determined to marry off one of her daughters to the good fortune of Mr. Bingley, Mr. Bennett is too busy behind his study doors with his favorite pictures to get involved.. Mr. Bennett is not the only one with an agenda of his own...Mr. Bingley and his sister both have their sites set on Mr. Darcy and will seemingly stop at nothing to get him. Lady Caroline is trying to bring her birch across anyone's backside that will oblige. Lydia is busy entertaining any officer she comes in contact with. Mr. Collins is known to go behind the bushes with any number of men to satisfy his need. All the while, Elizabeth is keeping herself busy and trying not to think of Mr. Darcy. Will anyone get what they so desire?!

Review + Giveaway with Author Shelley Workinger

Jun 20, 2011

Hey all my lovely peeps!

Today I have the wonderful YA Author Shelley Workinger with a Guest Post + Giveaway as part of her Book Tour over at my Group Blog Book Lovers Inc.!

Stop by to check it out and enter to win a final copy + bookmark of  her upcoming release Settling

JoJosBookCorner is moving up in the Blogging world!

Jun 16, 2011

Wooooo Hooooo I can't tell you all how excited I am! I have bunches and bunches of news!!!!
JoJosBookCorner is moving up in the Blogging world!

The Cain Letters by Pierre Roustan (Amy)

Jun 13, 2011

"The Cain Letters", by Pierre Roustan
Author:  Pierre Roustan
Publisher:  Eirelander Publishing (November 22, 2009)
Edition Reviewed:  eBook (Kindle Ed), 211 pages
ISBN: 1449569854
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Fiction, Paranormal

Alexandra Glade is a vampire hunter. She leads her team, the Berith Lochem, to keep the world protected from the the thrells and vampires. The thrells are more evil than the vampires because they are created by dead vampire blood. Alexandra, Kyan, and her crew uphold the laws with backing from the Vatican and Cardinal Felix.

Alexandra is driven by the memory of her parents death at the hands of a vampire. She vows to never let anyone suffer her pain. When college student, Marcus Brennan, discovers an ancient book revealing the origin of vampirism, all hell breaks loose not just in his life but for the world around him. Marcus is gifted the book by being "in the wrong place at the wrong time" and when two master vampires, Mason and Nikolas, find out, they will do everything they can to get their hands on that book. It is the weapon that will give them the power to rule not only the Vampire Nation but all mankind. What Marcus discovers in the book will lead Mason and Nikolas to their "father", the original vampire. They must kill him to gain all the strength and rule the mortals.

What the book will reveal is a shock not only to the vampire world, but to the Berith Lochem and religion in general. It is up to Alexandra Glade, the strong and determined vampire hunter, and her team, the Berith Lochem, to find Marcus, when he is kidnapped, and destroy the thrells and master vampires, in order to prevent the unthinkable… the awakening of Cain

I really enjoyed this book! It was a refreshing change from the paranormal romance I have been reading lately. Alexandra is a strong female character with guts and gusto. She carries this book from page one through the end. There are undertones of a brewing romance with Kyan, her "right hand man", so to speak, but this you will have to use your imagination to get romance from this one! When the evil of Mason and Nikolas, and Breed, a nasty threll try to overcome her, Alexandra doesn't back down or give up. The story was very strong and action packed, but not overwhelming. With each page, I felt like I was right there fighting with Alexandra. If you are a paranormal/fantasy fan, especially if you don't like the heavy romance, I would highly recommend this book. I will warn you that this book does NOT contain any "Hollywood" vampires! These vampires are ruthless, nasty, and out for blood! I look forward to reading more from Pierre Roustan!

You can find "The Cain Letters" at:
Good Reads:
Barnes & Noble:

***FTC Disclaimer: Some books reviewed on this site have been provided free of charge by the publisher, author or publicist. Some books I have purchased with my own money and will be noted as such. Any links to places to purchase books are provided as a convenience, and do not serve as an endorsement by this blog. All reviews are the true and honest opinion of the blogger reviewing the book. The method of acquiring the book does not have a bearing on the content of the review.

Mortal Touch by Inanna Arthen (Amy)

Jun 9, 2011

"Mortal Touch" by Inanna Arthen
Author: Inanna Arthen
Publisher: By Light Unseen Media
ISBN 13-978-0979302831
Pages: 368, paperback/eReaders

"Mortal Touch" by Inanna Arthen is the first book in the Vampires of New England Series. This is a paranormal fiction novel and mystery that tells the story of Regan Calloway as she is taken out of her plain, structured world as a antique store owners and sometimes psychic into the life of a vampire, Jonathan Vaughn.

Regan Calloway used her psychic abilities to help solve a crime years ago but all the publicity ran her out of the town. Now she is settled in Sheridan working as an antique store manager, in fact, sole employee. Her psychic services are requested after a sting of attacks around the Sheridan area. While her time is consumed by work and helping Dr. Hiram Clauson conduct interviews on victims, she rarely has time for her best friend, Veronica. But Veronica desperately wants Regan to meet her new love interest, Jonathan Vaughn so she can "read" him. Regan doesn't get to do the read on Jonathan until he stops by her store at closing one night. This is when Regan finds out more than she wants to know about Mr. Vaughn. As Veronica is falling apart, more victims are discovered, and Regan is falling for Jonathan, all things start spiraling out of control. You must read this book to see what happens to Regan, Jonathan, Veronica, and even Dr. Hiram Clauson!

Overall, I liked this book a lot. The mystery and story line were really well put together. The romance...well, it was very "boring", it was hard to feel a real passionate connection with Reagan and Jonathan. "Shall we move off the couch? It's comfy, but a little cramped." He swallowed hard, but didn't answer, and she wondered what was behind his ambivalence. (chapter 9) The story was very easy to follow and I couldn't wait to keep reading to see how it was going end! All the characters are strong and bring something to story.

Other than the ending...which I'm not giving away...I loved this section in chapter 16...and it will make more sense when you read the book! Jonathan stood still at the edge of the trees, his face raised to the sky as though he was sniffing the air, as well as listening. Then he sighed unhappily. "I wish there wasn't such a stiff breeze." They hiked up the wooden slope, following the path that joined the network of trails that Sean had used himself when he was watching the house. Sean knew the trails well and had followed them in the dark, but he still stumbled a few times over roots or stones. As they paused at the top of the rise near the house, looking down the slope in the direction of town, Sean looked behind them and suddenly stiffened. "Jonathan," he said, almost not daring to whisper out loud, "Jonathan, look, what's that?"

One of my favorite quotes from the book is, "We don't know what they've been expecting, do we? I have a personal rule never to assume anything."

Find this book:
By Light Unseen Media: 
Good Reads:

***FTC Disclaimer: Some books reviewed on this site have been provided free of charge by the publisher, author or publicist. Some books I have purchased with my own money and will be noted as such. Any links to places to purchase books are provided as a convenience, and do not serve as an endorsement by this blog. All reviews are the true and honest opinion of the blogger reviewing the book. The method of acquiring the book does not have a bearing on the content of the review.

"The Longer the Fall" by Inanna Arthen (Amy)

"The Longer the Fall", by Inanna Arthen
Author:  Inanna Arthen
PublisherBy Light Unseen Media (June 1, 2010)
Edition Reviewed:  Paperback, 270 pages
ISBN- 978-0-9793028-9-3
Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

"The Longer the Fall" by Inanna Arthen is the 2nd in The Vampires of New England Series. This is a paranormal fiction novel written in the period of 1952 when the turmoil in America was just another obstacle for Diana Chilton to overcome as she teams up with Thomas Morgan, a vampire and fellow member of the order, to help him overcome his demons. Diana finds herself in a situation that will both try her beliefs and strengths.

Diana was going through a divorce, which was very much frowned upon in the 1950's, when she embarked on a journey to find the "hermit" of Pepperell, Thomas Morgan, a fellow member of the Order (oh yeah...he's a vampire too!). Diana is as high as a woman can get in the Order, which she has been a member of since childhood. Once Diana gets to Thomas, she realizes that he has been looking for her as well. He proposes a work of magic that neither one of them can resist. This plan will envelope their lives for the next two years and bring them in the path of many a friend and foe. They will struggle to complete their work as it involves many more outsiders than they had planned. During this journey, they both gain and lose, and they must give in and face things they would have never imagined.

My Thoughts: Overall, I only mildly enjoyed this novel. I found the storyline to be very "busy" and, at times, hard to follow. Diana seemed to have her own agenda while trying to help Thomas with his. Then throw in the other characters, a budding romance, hate, ex-lovers, and can make your head swim! The sex was definitely hot in each situation;  however, Diana came across as a little too aggressive for her time. The book even touches on lesbian relationship, which I found to be out of place for the time period, although not a turn-off. By the end of the book, I was a little confused and mentally exhausted. I found it was a drastic difference from the first novel in the series, "Mortal Touch", which I loved. I will probably give this author another chance.

You can find this book:
Amazon (Kindle Ed):

By Light Unseen Media:

Barnes & Noble (Nook Ed):

***FTC Disclaimer: Some books reviewed on this site have been provided free of charge by the publisher, author or publicist. Some books I have purchased with my own money and will be noted as such. Any links to places to purchase books are provided as a convenience, and do not serve as an endorsement by this blog. All reviews are the true and honest opinion of the blogger reviewing the book. The method of acquiring the book does not have a bearing on the content of the review.


Jun 4, 2011

Hey everyone,

I want to apologize for the spam recently on the blog. It has been brought to my attention my blog and email were both hacked. I am currently in the process of trying to fix this. If you get an email from me from either my jojosreviews address or my jojosbookcorner address asking to join my new network please ignore it. And hopefully i have fixed it to where there will be no more spam posts

Thanks for understanding and again i apologize


Virtual Book Journey for Dead Undead, and Somwhere in Between by: J.A. Saare

Jun 1, 2011

Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between
By: J.A. Saare

One bad corpse can ruin your whole day. No one knows that better than Rhiannon Murphy. She’s left behind the flash and sass of Miami for the no-nonsense groove of New York City, eager for a clean slate and a fresh start. A bartender by trade, a loud mouth by choice, and a necromancer by chance; she’s managed to keep her nifty talent hidden from those around her – until now.

The deliciously good-looking vampire Disco knows her secret, and when he strolls into her bar to solicit help investigating the mysterious disappearances of his kind from the city, she discovers he’s not the kind of person that appreciates the significance of the word no.

But in a world where vampires peddle their blood as the latest and greatest drug of choice, it’s only a matter of time before the next big thing hits the market. Someone or something is killing vampires to steal their hearts, and unlike Rhiannon, this isn’t their first stroll around the undead block.

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