Monthly Giveaway Winner + Giveaway Name Poll
Dec 9, 2010
Its time for my First Monthly Giveaway Winnner
First I want to thank everyone who stopped by and entered! I had a total of 53 followers enter, and a total of 54 name suggestions! And let me tell you they are all great! But before we get to the name voting , I bet you guys want a winner! .................No..................Nobody is ready?!?!
Now I had many many guesses all over the place, but only 1 person was closest.
First the Grand Total of the change in my jar was
How awesome is that!
Now to the winner who had a guess of
Here is our luck winner!

Woooo Hoooo Congrats Linda!
Please send me your snail mail, and the title of the book you would like ($10.00 or under) and I'll get that ordered for you! You have 48 Hours to respond before I pick a new random winner
Now on to the Monthly Giveaway Name Poll
Please head down and Vote!
The name will be Revealed on the beggining of the 4th week of the next drawing, along with the winner of everyone who suggested a name!
Good Luck Everyone!
Help spread the word!
(Please 1 vote per person)
3 Hottie Follwers Thoughts:
Congrats Linda
Thank you so much, I can't believe I was that close. I've sent you my information. Happy Holidays!!
Congrats Linda!! And thank you Jo for the chance to win!! :)
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