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Last day to Enter: 30 Days of Highlanders

May 27, 2011

I hope you all enjoyed our 30 days of Highlanders!

Today is the Last day to eneter the giveaways. 

All winners will be posted tomorrow

Good Luck!

Guest Post: Special Ops With Fangs – The Same…But Different by Virna DePaul

May 26, 2011

Special Ops With Fangs – The Same…But Different 

Have you heard the phrase, “the same but different?”  It’s what writers are often told to write if they want to be published.  The kind of story that publishing houses already know readers are currently hot for, yet different enough that it’ll stand out in a crowded market.   

Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop

May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25th to Tuesday May 31st

 So I had planned on getting my post up yesterday, but due to the only chance I had to get this up was spent watching for tornados during the hour of tornado sirens going off , Im just a little late. Sorry my peeps. But your here now!

So welcome to my stop for splashing into summer!

There Will be 2 winners.

The first winner

Will get to choose 1 of the 3 books from my giveaway box. And these books are

1~The Accidental Demon by: Angie Fox
2~ An Original Sin by: Nina Bangs
3~ A Breath of Magic by: Tracy Madison

Then for my second winner, i don't want to forget my international peeps

1 Winner gets to choose any book up to $8 from Book Depository (as long as book depository ships to you)

Rules: I am keeping these simple
~ You must be a GFC follower of my blog
~ You must leave a valid e-mail address in your comment
~ Let me know in your comment which prize you are going for.

Thanks for stopping by my giveaway, now head on down an start hopping
 to all the other 250+ other giveaways!

Good Luck!

Before you leave , don't forget to check out all my 30 Days of Highlanders Giveaways still open!
(top right sidebar)

30 Days with a highlander ~ Auction day!

May 24, 2011

Auction Day!!!

Today is Auction day! For all those participating in the auction, and have been gaining their gold pieces, head on over to tigris's blog! Some oh so yummie prizes up for grabs!

30 days of Highlanders: Day 29: Interview with Author Amanda Scott + Giveaway

-Did you get to travel to Scotland or Ireland for any research?
Frequently to Scotland, but not much recently. I love seeing the actual places, especially in the Highlands, where so little has changed. My favorite place is the village of Glenelg above Glen Sheil. A wonderful place. The Scots are wonderful about helping a writer with her research, too. And so are the English. I met a lady at Fyvie Castle, who clearly knew a great deal about the furnishings there. I overheard her wondering to her husband why “they” had not noted below it that it was not original. When he asked her how she could be sure, she replied, “Because we HAVE the original.” I was hooked. I was with my husband, who has much more interest in World War II things in such places than I do, so when I saw the other couple leaving, I followed them to the “car park” and introduced myself. I asked her straight out what she had meant about the picture, and she laughed and said she was a docent at Goodwood House in England. Never one to miss opportunity when I hear it knocking, I asked if I might add her to my list of possible sources. She agreed, and I did write soon afterward asking her about Armada chests. She sent me pictures of one a friend owned, including all sorts of information about the key…all of which is included in Highland Treasure, where an Armada chest key figured prominently.

Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight - Sign Ups Open Now!

May 23, 2011



Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight

July 4th - 10th

Hosted By:

 Bells of HangingWithBells

 Danielle of Lush Book Reviews

What - Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight
When - 12:01 AM July 4th until 11:59 PM July 10th
Where - All around the blogging world!

30 days of Highlanders: Day 28: Finish the Scene

So today we have a fab treat you! today is 
"Finish the Scene Day"
And the wonderful 
has provided the starter!

Dual Review with Tigris Eden: Adam Black in KMM Immortal Highlander

May 22, 2011

The Immortal Highlander (Highlander #6)
Enter a world of timeless seduction, of ancient intrigue and modern-day passion. Enter the dazzling world of Karen Marie Moning, whose acclaimed Highlander novels have captivated readers, spanning the continents and the centuries, bringing ancient Scotland vividly to life. In a new novel brimming with time-travel adventure and sensual heat, the nationally bestselling author of The Dark Highlander delivers a love story that will hold you in thrall—and a hero you will most certainly never forget.
BEWARE: lethally seductive alpha male of immense strength and dark eroticism, do not look at him. Do not touch him. Do not be tempted. Do not be seduced.
With his long, black hair and dark, mesmerizing eyes, Adam Black is Trouble with a capital T. Immortal, arrogant, and intensely sensual, he is the consummate seducer, free to roam across time and continents in pursuit of his insatiable desires. That is, until a curse strips him of his immortality and makes him invisible, a cruel fate for so irresistible a man. With his very life at stake, Adam’s only hope for survival is in the hands of the one woman who can actually see him.
Enter law student Gabrielle O’Callaghan, who is cursed with the ability to see both worlds: Mortal and Faery. From the moment she lays eyes on this stunning male, Gabby is certain of one thing: He could be her undoing. Thus begins a long, dangerous seduction. Because despite his powerful strength and unquenchable hungers, Adam refuses to take a woman by force. Instead, he will tease his way into Gabby’s bed and make her want him just as he wants her.
Now, no matter how hard Gabby tries to avoid him, Adam is everywhere, invisible to all but her—perched atop her office cubicle in too-tight jeans, whispering softly from behind the stacks of the law library, stealing her breath away with his knowing smile…all the while tempting her with the promise of unimaginable pleasure in his arms. But soon danger will intrude on this sensual dance. For as Adam’s quest to regain his immortality plunges them into a world of timeless magic and the deadly politics of the Faery queen’s court, the price of surrender could be their very lives. Unless they can thwart the conspiracy that threatens both mortal and Faery realms…and give them a shot at a destiny few mortals ever know: glorious, wondrous, endless love.

Welcome to 30 Days with a Highlander Dual Review of Karen Marie Moning's The Immortal Highlander.The hero of this story needs no introduction he's Adam Black YO! I meansweet baby Jeesus that is one delectable specimen.... He is the epitome of all things arrogance and sexy rolled into one. And boy do I love a man with a cocky confidence. 

We know that Adam didn't win yesterday but today we will immortalize him with our review. What we loved about this book and what we could have done with out... Although there wasn't much that I could have done with out. Everything Adam was just amazing!

JoJo what did you think of our dear Adam? 

O.M.G. I still can't believe Adam didn't win yesterday! That's just seriously amazing! Though i do like who won too..........yummie! *wiggle brows*

Anyhoo, Ok now onto the seriousness that's called Adam black. When we first met Adam i didn't like him very much at all. I mean come on, he hated humans and he did what he could to screw up things for them and make things as difficult as possible. Hello,ass much! we get farther and farther into the series he turned out to be an........OH SO SEXY BEAST! *dreamy sigh*

I absolutely love Adam! His charm, his love, and the fact that he gave up everything he is for his women. That is so romantic........and damnit Im totally jealous! Hehehe

I have to agree he did give up everything.... Adam is just wonderful.... Above you will find an excerpt... Just click the link and be drawn to everything that Adam is....  But first I will leave you with something that is so totally Adam it will make your head spin! Promise! 

"Christ, you're beautiful, Gabrielle. Do you know how badly I want you? Do you know what fantasies I've been playing through my mind about you? Do you know how many times I jacked off, trying to get rid of this bloody eternal hard-on? Knowing that the only thing that could was going to help was you?"


"For the record, Irish," he informed her tightly, just in case she got the wrong idea, "I kneel to no one." Then he dropped to his knees at her feet, shoved her dress up, gathered a fistful of silky material in each hand, and pushed her back against the door, pinning her by the fabric.


"Stay standing, ka-lyrra. If those sweet knees give out and you come down on the floor, I'll fuck you right there."
She let her knees buckle instantly, barely smothering a laugh.

"Aw, bloody hell, Gabrielle, I wanted this to last," he cursed, rolling instantly with her, catching her, going down beneath her to absorb the impact of her tumble.


Now you know you want to read ADAM'S Book which will be up at AUCTION 2 of them! HOLLA!

Stop by and give tigris some love too!

Don't forget to join in the fun with the
Highlander Cover Design Contest!
( remember, as long as you have atleast the paint program, you can do it! )

Don't forget to enter all the other Highlander giveaways!
They end this week!

Winner of Highland Games & Chat Winners

May 21, 2011


Supreme Champion Dageus Mackeltar 

Worthy Adversary Adam Black

You knew it was coming down the pipe line but there you have it. Team Tigris has taken over the Highland Games! Be sure to stop by the Auction As we auction off these two delicious men... YUMMMY! Be sure to check below for Gold Coins Earned 


@SimmeTaye : Won a PDF Copy of Highland Destiny by Laura Hunsacker 
@Kuuipo_228 won a copy of Dark Embrace by Brenda Joyce
@SeeingNight won an ARC of Close Quarters by Lucy Munroe 
@Jovial_1 won a copy of Highlander Ever After by Jennifer Ashley 
@Jockeyvampiress won a Adam vs Dageus Coffee Mug 
@iqb2001 won a Deagus Mug
Swag winners:

Congrats to the Winners of the #highlanderluv #twitterchat 

Please send an email with your Addy to 

May 24 2011
Team JoJo
Kimberly M 700
Chelsea B 575
Kasumi 425
Maria 575
Trish 350
Jen 100
BLHMistress 100
June M 200

Team Tigris
Meggerfly 675Victoria 675Xee 100 Zona 100
Michelle Bledsoe 100
REadFreek 525
Danielle Gorman 675
Maria Prounced Mariah 576
Crystal B 125
Jodie 124
Leanne 125
Blusun1218 100
IreneRJ 100
Mbreakfield 100

Auction Rules: 
The Auction will be a post of the things that are up for auction this could be a picture or a name of the item... Depending on what Team you are on you go to your Team member's page and place your bet... You will notice the amount that you have available next to your name.  There will be bonus entries for this and the amount of that will be based on the Team Members preference. Example.... We could check every post up until the 23rd and see who has commented and give them each gold pieces. Or we could just pick one at random and give a huge amount.  So heres a hint it may pay to go back and comment.  The bids will all start at 50 Gold Coins. 

You  can give your balance to a fellow blogger please indicate by commenting and mentioning said blogger. So that we will know. 

Don't forget this auction does not contain the other prizes that have been offered up during 30 Days this is separate so if you don't win anything here there are plenty of other chances. 

Tomorrow will be a Dual Review any one who comments will be given an undisclosed amount of Gold Coins but the comment must post on that day May 22nd. 

You guys all ROCK! And I do have Blog Book Marks if anyone is interested in get a book mark of Tigris Eden, Erotic Spice Reviews, and The Order... I also have various other blog swag items as well. If Interested please contact me by email. Use the contact form on the blog. 

Highland Games Day 5 Final Battle and Highlander Chat


Here are the Laird's..... Lets check out their Loyal Subjects

The Hawt and Delicious Men of Highland Games..... 
I would takes us back on a journey but it seems that would not do so instead we can chat about it!

Be sure to use the #HighlanderLuv  when responding on twitter! Chat starts at NOON CST TIME
Great Swag and Great Giveaways are bound to show up so come out and support your local bad boy!
Any comments left on Tigris's blog or JoJo's Blog will be considered as extra entries into the massive huge ass giveaways going down! 
If you still haven't VOTED... WHAT! VOTED! 
Get your vote on 

Highland Games! Day 4: Sexy vs Brain

May 20, 2011

Day 4 I know I'm late and I apologize... But the men with great bods are back to entice you! So now its Strength vs Brain.... Hmmmmm Now you define it how ever you want and today is just a little something to tug on your senses as well as your brain... Shall we begin?

First up..... This can be found on Karen's Site.... Let see if you can find it too.

Though, Priapus, you're stuck with a well-stiffened cock,though our poet considers it easy to mock,cancel your blushes, for he's just as heavily laden,who scribbles the verses the insults about you are made in.

Catch Up Blog-a-Thon

May 18, 2011

So i was chatting with my awesome friend @Lush26 earlier tonight and we were chatting about the fact that Im so behind on stuff lol, and i don't seem to have enough hours in the day to get things done. So we thought putting together a weekend catch Up blogathon would be an awesome idea!
Now i haven't actually participated in one of these before, so Im not 100% sure how it Will go. But i am going to get online and look at some previous ones to get some ideas. Have you ever done one? have any pointers? Things that should happen during it? When do you think Would be a good time to do it?
What do you think? Would you be interested in participating? If so fill out the Linky below and we Will get one started!!! Yay!
Oh and Im doing this on my phone so it won't let me add a form to get email addresses,but if you would like to add your email in the comments so you can be updated with the info, until i can get to my computer and add one, that would be ok!

Holy Crap................I forgot my winners!

So besides being really sick, amongst getting ready, and during all this yummie 30 days of Highlanders I totally dropped the ball on getting my winners for the last few giveaways!

So i won't make you wait any longer!


Highland Games! Day 3: Adam VS Dageus Battle

I found some footage of Dageus and Adam..... For today both our men have swords, The both Equally know how to use them as well.... Both are strong and fierce...... Let the Bloggers Roar!


Highland Games Day 2 Its all about the Tats!

May 17, 2011

Alright now for today most of you should have voted on Challonge... And if you didn't? Well what in Highlander's Name are ye waitin for their lass? Huh? Get to votin!

Now I want you to look at these bodies closely..... Very Closely... Examin the TATS! Its all about the TATS! Today! The Picture isn't big enough for you? Okay lets take a closer look..... First we shall look at ADAM!

Adam Black..... Check the tat on his bicep... Its a Torque... its hot its got style... Hell its LICKABLE RIGHT? Alright now if your Team JoJo you need to head over to JoJo's'>">JoJo's Blog and remember each comment goes towards the Auction and is worth 100 Gold Pieces... But for an Extra 50 Gold Pieces get creative tell us how our dear Sexy Adam Black received that Torque... Be creative don't let your team mates down!

Now lets take a closer look at Dageus...

Good LAWD ALMIGHTY.... Now same rules apply for Team Tigris.... Tells us how he got the Tats be creative..... its an extra 50 Gold Pieces... 

Side Note: Don't forget about the Cover Contest..... 

Don't forget to join in the fun with the
Highlander Cover Design Contest!
remember, as long as you have atleast the paint program, you can do it! )

Highland Games! Day 1: Opening Day

May 16, 2011

How many times have we said......

Well now we are down to the last leg..... the last ride if you will. This week is going to be a bit of a doozy so I hope you can all keep up with us. This week will be different and yet the same. What makes this more interesting is now Team JoJo and Team Tigris will see who their loyal subjects are... So.... If you haven't chosen a side now is the time to do it.  Which ever team you are on is the only blog you should be visiting this week... Each post will be the same... But we must take sides. Its the Highland Games after all... Your tartan can only be JoJo's Colors or Tigris's color. 

Your tartan is either going to be Purple or Red... 

30 days of Highlanders: Day 18: Interview with Author Veronica Wolff + Giveaway

May 13, 2011

Veronica Wolff is an award-winning, bestselling author with a soft spot for kilts and vampires. Not necessarily at the same time. Previously known for her Highlands Time Travel series, she's launching two new series with Penguin Group: The Clan MacAlpin Novels, featuring a family of strapping, seventeenth-century Highlanders, and The Watchers, starring a group of vampires and the teenaged girls who train to watch over them.

-Did you get to travel to Scotland or Ireland for any research?
Yes, and Monica McCarty is my travel buddy! We've traveled together through Scotland twice now, and hope to make our next trip in 2012.

ATTENTION - 30 days of highlanders comment issue

Due to blogger issues today, yesterdays highlander post was temporarily removed and i have been unable to do todays post.

The good news is yesterdays post has been restored and todays post Will be going up shortly.

The bad news is any comment made starting yesterday morning has been deleted. So please look through any posts you might have commented on yesterday a please redo them so you can be counted in that giveaway.

Sorry for the problem, but i hope you are enjoying our 30 days of highlanders!

Keep an eye open, todays author interview with the wonderful author Veronica Wolff should be up shortly!


30 days of Highlanders: Day 17: Guest Post: Trish B + Giveaway

May 12, 2011

Trish B!/TrishB

I am really thrilled that JoJo asked me to be a part of 30 days with a Highlander. When she asked me to write why I love them. My first thought was, who doesn't? And, if you have never read a book about a Highlander, I have just gasped out of disbelief! You must correct this misfortune as fast as possible! Trust me you will never be the same and you will thank me!

Jamie Fraser
I believe it all started with James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser from Outander by Diana Gabaldon.

After my long love affair with Jamie, I went searching for more Highlander books. I soon found all sorts of yumminess in Monica McCarty's and Karen Marie Moning's Books. I really can't say I love one Highlander
hero more than the other.

30 days of Highlanders: Day 16: Author Feature: Monica McCarty + Giveaway

May 11, 2011

Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Monica
(shamelessly borrowed from a popular tabloid magazine)

1. I was a Star Wars maniac. I've seen the original film over 100 times and used to have a mad crush on Mark Hamill (including hanging pictures of him in my school locker). Apparently I never outgrew this "trekkie" type of personality quirk because I did the same thing (except for the locker) with Lord of the Rings, including attending midnight showings to all three movies.

30 days of Highlanders: Day 15: Guest Post: Missy Jane + Giveaway

May 10, 2011

Adrian Paul, My One and Only Highlander
by: Ms Missy Jane

For those of you unfamiliar with the television series, The Highlander, the name Adrian Paul may hold no meaning. He was in the last of the Highlander movies, continuing his role as Duncan MacLeod (of the clan Macleod), alongside the original highlander, Christopher Lambert (Connor MacLeod). He’s been in forty-one movie and television productions ( ) and is also listed as a producer and director. Born in London from Italian and British roots, he pulled off being a Scottish Highlander vera vera well. Watching him swordfight in everything from a kilt to a three-piece suit has been some of my favorite television watching experiences.

Blog Tour: A Buzzar Twist By: Jeff Bennington + Giveaway Opp!

A Buzzar Twist
By Jeff Bennington

I love writing thrillers. The suspense, the fear factor, the chase and the excitement make it not only enjoyable reading, and fun to write. For me, what really makes writing exciting is the twist. And if I can come up with more than one twist…even better!

When I set out to write Reunion, my supernatural thriller, I had a basic outline of what I wanted to accomplish, but there were no twists—zilch, zero, nada. I had planned for several frightening moments, and key figures that would bring valuable and necessary information, but I didn’t have a twist; you know, the kind that throws you on the floor so hard that your ribs hurt for a week.

It was halfway into the rough draft when two major twists wrapped themselves around my head and squeezed until I agreed to install them. As you can imagine, it took very little coercion on their part because I loved the ideas. I can’t tell you what they are for obvious reasons, but if you’ve read any of my reviews you know that there’s a twist about two thirds of the way through that has floored my readers. And that is so exciting! That is the ultimate rush for me as a writer. Knowing that I not only creeped out my readers, thrilled them with the suspense, and made them fall in love with the cast would’ve been enough. But the twist seems to be the thing that clutched the victory, the five star reviews and the buzz.

30 days of Highlanders: Day 14: Interview with Author Sue-Ellen Welfonder + Giveaway

May 9, 2011

Sue-Ellen Welfonder
USA Today bestselling author, Sue-Ellen Welfonder is most defined by her passion for Scotland. She also loves medieval history and the paranormal. She puts her pen where her heart is, writing Scottish medievals that always have a touch of Highland magic. A former flight attendant, she’s proud of her Scottish ancestry, spent fifteen years in Europe, and now just tries to live quietly. She’s devoted to her Jack Russell Terrier, is an absolute night owl, and shares her writing desk with her alter-ego, Allie Mackay.

Hi JoJo and Everyone! Thanks so much for inviting me to participate in your Highlander Month. I’m delighted to be here.

30 days of Highlanders: Day 13: Author Feature: Julianne Maclean

May 8, 2011

Fact #1: I once went sailing aboard this schooner - the Bluenose II - with Prince Edward when he visited Canada. The interesting thing is, my agent, Paige Wheeler, was visiting Halifax at the same time and also met him, and was there when the boat sailed off, so we likely crossed paths on the wharf. This was almost 20 years ago, and we only discovered this after working together for seven years. It sure is a small, freaky world.

Fact #2: I was a DJ in a dance club during my university days. I worked every Saturday night playing 80's dance tunes like Push It and Bizarre Love Triangle. I even won third place in a beat mixing competition. I was the only girl spinning records in the Halifax clubs at the time.

30 days of Highlanders: Day 12: The Road That Leads to Highland Games + Giveaway

There Can Be Only One! 

The Highland Games are fast approaching! The Votes are have all been cast and tallied and you have all been so wonderful to participate!  The Highland Games are going to be organized by each round with some info on some of our favored Highlanders..

Day 1 Round 1 List of Opponents and Favored Stats 
Day 2 Round 2 List of Opponents and Favored Stats
Day 3 Round 3 List of Opponents and Favored Stats
Day 4 Semi Finals Full Stats on the Four Left 
Day 5 Finals Full stats on Two Left *giveaway of their book*
There can Be only One!

30 days of Highlanders: Day 11: Guest Post: Amy from A Simple Love of Reading + Giveaway

May 6, 2011

My Simple Love of Highlanders



My love of highlanders stems back to when I first really got into reading; well I've been reading heavily since grade 8 (but those were obviously a lot of teen books). But later in high school when I started gravitating toward the adult section in the bookstores, I soon fell in love (or is it lust? hehe!) with highlanders! Shannon Drake's ( ) Graham Family Series was among my firsts for those Scottish Alpha Males. I scoured the used bookstores (if any of you know me, then you know how hard it is for me to handle used books) in hopes of finding more of her books. Sadly there are only seven books in this series (so far, you never know what could happen!), but it is a good series that I would recommend to my fellow readers.

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