30 days of Highlanders: Day 17: Guest Post: Trish B + Giveaway
May 12, 2011
Trish B
I am really thrilled that JoJo asked me to be a part of 30 days with a Highlander. When she asked me to write why I love them. My first thought was, who doesn't? And, if you have never read a book about a Highlander, I have just gasped out of disbelief! You must correct this misfortune as fast as possible! Trust me you will never be the same and you will thank me!
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Jamie Fraser |
I believe it all started with James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser from Outander by Diana Gabaldon.
After my long love affair with Jamie, I went searching for more Highlander books. I soon found all sorts of yumminess in Monica McCarty's and Karen Marie Moning's Books. I really can't say I love one Highlander
hero more than the other.
It could be because they all are enchanting to me. There is something about a man with a sexy lilt, that makes you swoon. It could be the visual of a huge, muscular, hot, sexy man clad in a kilt, strapped with swords, standing next to a huge castle. It also could be the fierceness, honorability and protectiveness ways towards clan & the love of thier lives.The passion, oh the passion. I am talking about put the book down for a minute to fan yourself passion. These men, when they fall in love they fall hard. Nothing makes my heart pound more than a Highlander who has completely given in to a love that they can't live without.
Sometimes a line or 2 from a book sticks with you forever. Leaves you wanting to remember the moment, tryingto picture their face, because you have inexplicably put yourself in the book as the heroine. I have 2 that I always go back to. They make me weak in the knees...totally swoon worthy.
"Does it ever stop? The wanting you? Even when I've just left ye, I want you so much my chest feels tight and my fingers ache with wanting to touch ye again." ~Jamie Fraser
"If aught must be lost, 'twill be my honor for yours. If one must be forsaken, 'twill be my soul for yours. Should death come anon, 'twill be my life for yours. I am Given."~Drustan MacKeltar
I just can't get enough of them. I just want to be sucked back in time, sit on a hill in Scotland, staring down at a beautiful castle, wrapped in my Highland Warriors tartan as the wind carries the sound and smell of him.
A girl can dream, can't she?
*~* GIVEAWAY *~*
Autographed copy of
By Melissa Mayhue
and a special bookmark to go along with it.
To Enter you MUST:
~ Answer the questions:
- What is it about highlanders that appeals to you?
~ Comment on Tigris Blog with none other than our giveaway Author Melissa Mayhue
Don't forget to vote for the Semi Finals for the Highland Games:
Don't miss out on the Team Tigris and Team JoJo Giveaway!
Besure that you have in fact choosen a side! (Vote on right sidebar) Giveaway will be a copy of Either The Highlander or The Pathfinder two great movies! Be sure to comment on both posts and be sure to vote! Participation is KEY!
Don't forget to join in the fun with the
Highlander Cover Design Contest!
( remember, as long as you have atleast the paint program, you can do it! )
22 Hottie Follwers Thoughts:
Ignore this comment everyone. Im just testing.blogger is having some major issues this am.if you can't comment right now, please come back and try again later.
Ahh... Highlanders <3 What comes to mind is...hot, rugged, strong, earthy, broody, warrior, perservering, honor, intelligent, integrity, spirit, faith and more......
Ahhh Finally lol Not that what I needed to say was very important LOL I just wanted to say that I adore Highlanders brogue and Brawn :D Also I love a great pair of big man legs in a kilt lol
They are hot, sexy, fierce, loyal, passionate, caring, and protective. Also, they have such sexy accents.
Umm, probably that they are so manly... But it really freaks me out the very first time because I visualized a man in a skirt :p
What do I love about Highlanders - They are the ultimate in male! Big, strong, protective, loyal......
Highlanders are always thought of as big, muscular, strong alpha men who are very protective and loyal. They have sexy accents and the kilts....just EVERYTHING about them! LOL
GFC follower: June M.
manning_j3004 at yahoo dot com
Highlanders in books and movies are strong, sexy alpha men who are protective and dedicated to those tehy love or care for. And they have wonderful accents and wear kilts.
GFC follower: June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
They are sexy, rugged, fierce, strong, caring, passionate, and protective. Oh, and they have a wicked sexy accent.
I only recently came into reading Highlander novels, but once I started, I was hooked!
The fierceness, protectiveness and love they possess is fascinating and when in reading.. very engrossing! I love it!!
Only EVERYTHING! Haha ;-) Really, though, I adore the accents. And kilts. Who would have thought that a man in a skirt would be so smexy to so many of us? :-)
Highlanders are the ultimate in male and that's what appeals to me most. They are big, strong, protective and loyal.
I love their loyalty, protectiveness, stubborness, kilts and accents.
I think it's the same that I love in men: they can be so strong and the same time so tender with their women...
Thanks for the international giveaway!
Gosh -- what DOESN'T appeal to me???!!! They are so loyal to their families. They're HAWT. They work hard. They ..... Well, in the right book, they're just magical -- litterally and figuratively!
I love the way they love their women, care for their children and are so very passionate about life in general.
blazesandbubbles AT gmail DOT com
For me, the attraction to highlanders always comes down to one thing. The accent! I love the brogue!
Megan from Riverina Romantics
rootml1 AT hotmail DOT com
There is so many things that appeal to me. I guess the one that stands out is the accent. Oh how i could listen to them talk all day long.
That quote that you showed that Drustan MacKelter said is also one of my favorites. How could a girl not love that! ;)
Thanks for sharing!
Accent , Accent Accent ok besides that well how about how fiercely protective they are and of course lastly how they carry their swords.
Highlanders are alpha males. They're strong, loyal, and very protective of the people they care about. Plus they have that wonderful accent!
I thought I had commented on here, but that must have been when Blogger was down..booo!
It seems that we all feel about the same things about Highlanders!
@Maria I could just read that quote over and over again. SWOON!
@BLHmistress I had never thought about how they carry their swords, that is another thing I will have to add to my list ;)
@Chelsea I think all men should at least wear a kilt, one time in their life, don't you? :)
I love how devoted and passionate they are! Oh and there is something about the kilts and accents!
I'm ashamed to say I resisted the lure of Gabaldon for many years until I picked it up one depressing day and OMG it changed my life, literally I was at a very low point and then came Jamie *sigh*
what is it about highlanders? I'll go with what Diana Gabaldon said when I happened to be lucky enough to meet her- "it's the allure of just how fast they can get you on a wall [with those kilts]" *G*
midnite dot fantasy at gmail dot com
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