Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight - Sign Ups Open Now!
May 23, 2011
July 4th - 10th
Hosted By:
Bells of HangingWithBells
Danielle of Lush Book Reviews
What - Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight
When - 12:01 AM July 4th until 11:59 PM July 10th
Where - All around the blogging world!
How this will work:
~Each blog participating is hosting a giveaway of their own. Their is no minimum to participate , and your giveaway can be anything you would like. Books, bookmarks , swag, coffees, teas, hand made crafts, anything you would like.
~All blogs participating in the Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight Giveaways will be linked up through the linky below. If you would like, you can copy the code from the below linky and add it to your blog post. All blogs will be linked together from this automatically on each blog for the Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight giveaways.
~A few days before the blog hop starts, we will be sending out a mass email to everyone who signs up, as a reminder, and with the linky code for blogger and wordpress.
~A few days before the blog hop starts, we will be sending out a mass email to everyone who signs up, as a reminder, and with the linky code for blogger and wordpress.
~Please keep the steps to enter your giveaway as simple as possible. The long lists of many different things followers can do to earn extra entries tends to scare people off.
~Please help spread the word. Feel free to copy this post, or write a post of your own. The more blogs participating the better! It will mean more visitors and new followers for your blog. We have created two Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight buttons and have added it below for you to paste it everywhere!
~Giveaways can be open to ship anywhere you would like
~If you have any Questions please email lushbookreviews AT yahoo DOT com
~Please create your Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight Giveaway post before the giveaway starts. Set it to post at 12:01 AM on Monday July 4th.
Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight Sign Up To sign up. Please add your name and where you are willing to ship to the linky below
Please fill out the form below so we will be able to contact you with any information
Don't forget to grab one of the Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight Giveaway buttons:

In the Link Below Please include
~ Your Blog Name
~ Your Blog Link
~ Where you will ship to
( exp: US only, or World Wide )
2 Hottie Follwers Thoughts:
The sad ones are those who waste their energy in trying to hold it back, for they can only feel bitterness in loss and no joy in gain.
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