JoJos Book Corner. Powered by Blogger.

New Winner....Is it you????

Apr 29, 2010

Evening my Lovely Followers. Well I have to say I didn't think I would have to draw a new winner. But unfortunately one of my winners never emailed me to claim their prize yesterday, so I am drawing a new winner. I did hear from:

Whispered Lies Winner : Throuthehaze

200 Follower Winner: Ninefly
200 Follower Swag Winner: MammaKitty

So Congrats again to you Lucky Winners!!!

Now on to the new winner. Remember you have 48hrs (till 9:00 PM Saturday Evening) to e-mail me to claim your prize, or another winner will be drawn.

And the New Winner is:
*throws Confetti*

Again,you have 48hrs (till 9:00 PM Saturday Evening) to e-mail me to claim your prize, or another winner will be drawn.

Coming Soon

Thrifty Thursday

Welcome to the another edition of Thrifty Thursday. Where i will share some great deals i have found on New, and Pre-Order Books. If you happen to come across some great deals, let me know and i'll add them to the next post! Email me HERE

Something about You
By (author) Julie James

Of all the hotel rooms rented by all the adulterous politicians in Chicago, female Assistant U.S. Attorney Cameron Lynde had to choose the one next to 1308, where some hot-and-heavy lovemaking ends in bloodshed. And of all the FBI agents in Illinois, it had to be Special Agent Jack Pallas who gets assigned to this high-profile homicide. The same Jack Pallas who still blames Cameron for a botched crackdown three years ago—and nearly ruining his career…


Work with Cameron Lynde? Are they kidding? Maybe, Jack thinks, this is some kind of welcome-back prank after his stint away from Chicago. But it’s no joke: the pair is going to have to put their rocky past behind them and focus on the case at hand. That is, if they can cut back on the razor-sharp jibes—and smother the flame of their sizzling-hot sexual tension…

Book Depository
$5.99 -
Save $2.00 25% off -
RRP $7.99
Publisher: Berkley Sensations
Published: 02 March 2010
Format: Paperback 323 pages
Categories: Adult & Contemporary Romance
 ISBN 13: 9780425233382
ISBN 10: 0425233383
Sales rank: 1,469

Tempt Me If You Can
By (author) Janet Chapman



When an anonymous letter stuns shipping magnate and confirmed bachelor Ben Sinclair with the news that he has a teenage son, he's determined to make good on the past. But Emma Sands doesn't trust him. The beautiful, fiery blonde has raised her nephew in the peaceful woods of Maine since he was five, and just because fifteen-year-old Michael is the spitting image of his tall, handsome father doesn't give Ben the right to march in and change their lives forever. Or so she thinks, until his return mysteriously unearths a dangerous small-town secret. With Michael's help, Ben will do whatever it takes to prove to fiercely independent Emma that he can be the fearless protector she never knew she wanted...and the passionate lover she always thought she could resist.

Book Depository
$5.49 -
Save $2.50 31% off -
RRP $7.99
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Published: 15 April 2010
Format: Paperback 384 pages
Categories: Romance

Adult & Contemporary Romance
ISBN 13: 9781416595441
ISBN 10: 1416595449
Sales rank: 10,350

The Darkest Lie
By (author) Gena Showalter

In this riveting new installment of "The Lords of the Underworld Series", Gideon, keeper of the Demon of Lies, fights to uncover the truth. Forced to his knees in agony whenever he speaks the truth, Gideon can recognize any lie - until he captures Scarlet, a demon-possessed immortal who claims to be his long-lost wife. He doesn't remember the beautiful female, much less wedding - or bedding - her. But he wants to...almost as much as he wants her. But Scarlet is keeper of Nightmares, too dangerous to roam free. A future with her might mean ultimate ruin. Especially as Gideon's enemies draw closer - and the truth threatens to destroy all he's come to love.

Book Depository - PRE-ORDER
$5.24 -
Save $5.41 50% off -
RRP $10.65
Publisher: Mira Books
Published: 18 June 2010
Format: Paperback 448 pages
Categories: Fantasy Romance
ISBN 13: 9780778303824
ISBN 10: 0778303829
Sales rank: 1,720

Tuesday Talking Teaser #1 Leanna Renee Hieber

Apr 27, 2010

Welcome to the first Tuesday Talking Teaser
with Leanna Renee Hieber
She will be reading from her new release.
Which releases today......

The Darkly Luminous Fight
For Persephone Parker
By: Leanna Renee Hieber

With radiant, snow white skin and hair, Percy Parker was a beacon for Fate. True love had found her, in the tempestuous form of Professor Alexi Rychman. But her mythic destiny was not complete. Accompanying the ghosts with which she alone could converse, new and terrifying omens loomed. A war was coming, a desperate ploy of a spectral host. Victorian London would be overrun. Yet, Percy kept faith. Within the mighty bastion of Athens Academy, alongside The Guard whose magic shielded mortals from the agents of the Underworld, she counted herself among friends. Wreathed in hallowed fire, they would stand together, no matter what dreams or nightmares—may come.

Now here is Leanna Renee Hieber
reading from
The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker


Apr 26, 2010

Ok now since i am *clearns throw* ahem....a little late posting the winners
I will just get on with it and not ramble on..and on..and on..
and on..and on..and on.... *gasp* ohhh sorry ;0)

The Winner of
Whispered Lies
By: Sherrily Kenyon &
Dianna Love



Jojo's Book Corner

Well this has turned out an awesome giveaway!!!
I started out with
200 Blog followers, and 664 Twitter followers.
Now I have 270 followers, and 751 Twitter followers!!!
So there are 2 winners!!! The winners get to choose the book of their
choice from book depositroy! (up to $8.00)


I have added a swag winner just beacuse you all ROCK!!!!

And the 2 Book winners of my 200 follower giveaway are:

And the Swag winner is

YAY! Congrats to all the winners!!
Winners have 48 hours to email me with -  "contest title" Winner - in the subject line
or new winners will be picked.

**not resposible if books are lost in the mail that are not coming from me**

Also keep your eyes open, soon i'll  be posting info for:

IMM #5 Part 1

Apr 25, 2010

IMM Goodies
Part 1
IMM is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren

Books Won

Sugar Creek By: Toni Blake

Dark Deception By: Dee Davis

She Wolf By: Teresa D'Amario

Books Bought

Into the Shadow By: Christina Dodd
Into the Flame By: Christina Dodd

The Iron Hunt By: Marjorie M. LIU

Special Buys

Title ??? By: ???
Title ????? By: ?????
Title ??????? By: ???????

Title ??? By: ???
Title ????? By: ?????
Title ??????? By: ???????

What, you can't see the covers?!?! Don't know who the books are by??? Exactly! These are some of the yummies i have picked up for my Birthday Bash Giveaway that is going to be coming up really soon!!! Keep checking back often for more info on JoJos Birthday Bash!
What Goodies did you get in the mail this week?

My Favorite Things SWAP

Apr 22, 2010

So i saw this yesterday and thought it would be a blast. I am def. joining in. It sounds fun! You swap with another person, only you don't send them things they like, you send them things YOU like! Isn't that freakin awesome!!! I'm gonna copy all the info from Shooting Stars Mag who is putting this awesome swap on. I hope some of you join me in the swap!!!

My Favorite Things Swap

Instead of focusing on what your partner enjoys, I thought it would be fun to make a basket with all of YOUR favorite items and giving them to someone else to enjoy/experience. A lot of my swaps have the partners be the same and I think I'd like to stick with that. Meaning if I had "Tracy" then "Tracy" would have me. Make sense? No surprise, but you can talk to each other via email if you need and that helps! And you can always check out their blog and see what you have in common, so you can think of adding something you KNOW they will like...but it's not mandatory. Just make it fun.

Favorite item ideas:
make it interesting, make it fun, be creative!

Now if you would like to be part of this, please leave a comment HERE and put your EMAIL. I will have sign up end Saturday, May 8th I will then email everyone and figure out partners for you all so we can get started. I'm thinking the baskets will be due about end of May (meaning you mail them to your partner) but I'll figure out a set date later. Right now, I want to know who all would like to take part so get commenting and spread the word!

Open to BLOGGERS only. International swap. We'll see who is willing to mail out of the country after we all sign up!

*NEW* Tuesday Talking Teaser

Apr 20, 2010

Yes you read that right. Tuesday Talking Teaser. What is this you ask?!?!?  Well let me tell you. I am so excited about this new weekly MEME i am trying. Tuesday Talking Teaser, will be alot like the Tuesday Teaser you see around the blogging world, except.........*really big grin* this is what makes it stand out from everything else. Instead of just showing the book cover with a few teaser lines, you will get to actually see and/or hear the author actually reading anywhere from a paragraph to a page from their very own book!!! *SQQQUUUEEEEE* Isn't that exciting!!!

*Jumping up and Down*

Isn't that exciting!!! If you have any authors you would like to hear from and wanna suggest them. Send me an e-mail and i will see what i can do. If you are an Author and you would like to participate in Tuesday Talking Teaser, please send me an e-mail also. E-Mail

1st Tuesday Talking Teaser Author: 4-27-2010

Leanna Renee Hieber
Reading from (Releases 4-27-2010)
The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker

So make sure you stop back by next tuesday, to get a tasty teaser from Leanna Renee Hieber

Don't forget my 200 Follower Giveaway
(ends 4-21-2010)
Jojo's Book Corner
(Click Pcture)

Win Whispered Lies
(ends 4-23-2010)
Jojo's Book Corner
(Click Picture)

Born of Night By: Sherrilyn Kenyon + Giveaway

Apr 19, 2010

Born of Night

In the Ichidian Universe ,The Leagues rules all. Expertly trained and highly valued, the League Assasins are the backbone of the government. But not even the League is immune to corruption....

Command Assassin Nykyrian Quikiades was born and trained to slaughter. Refusing to be a pawn, he turned his back on the League and has been hunted by them ever since. Though many have tried, none can kill him.

Kiara Zamir is a woman whose father's political alliance has made her a target. She wants nothing to do with politics, yet she is forced to submit to protection or die. And as her world becomes even deadlier, Kiara must entrust her life to the same k ...Read More
My Thoughts
I have had this book sitting on my shelf for some time now. I have heard many great things about this series, but the idea of an entire universe just didn't appeal to me at the time.But it sat there screaming my name, so i decided what the hey, i'll go ahead and give it a try. O...M...G... I loved this book!!! It's the first in the League Series.I realized i also had book 3, but book 2 was missing. So i tore apart my drug store till i found it, before i was 1/2 thorugh this book!! *whispers* yes i think it is that good!!!
The World Sherrilyn has created is for lack of a better term AWESOME! You have your high, mighty rich "species", you have your low, slum "species" that everyone seems to look down upon, and yes you still have your normal average humans.
The biggest thing that drew me into this was the main character Nykyrian. The way Sherrilyn writes his character makes you feel like you personally know him and feel his pain. There were parts that i felt so sad that a poor soul had to go through things that nobody should ever be put through, and still turn out such a strong person despite his past. How could someone who's been through so much, ever truly trust anyone again.
Now Kiara, I am not a fan of her so much. At the beggining of the book she started out such a strong willed, fight for her life kind of girl. Which i so truly enjoy in a heroine. But the further you get into the book she (to me) seemed like a scared, whinny, little daddy's girl that is very judgemental. Granted the scared part she is entitled to because of the things done to her in her past as well. But still there were times i wanted to knock the judgemental snot off her high horse!
Now i won't give anything away but there are a couple more characters we get introduced too that i can't wait to see if they get their own book. The first is Syn (who's book is #2), OMG i love his humor.For example:
"What the hell was that action?" Syn asked him.
"I think it's something called 'paternal concern.' "
Syn scowled at his bland explanation. "What.....? You sure? I thought that crap was a myth."
Nykyrian shrugged. "No,really. I watched it once in a documentary. It was fascinating. Believe it or not, there are people out there who actually have feelings for their progeny."
"Get the fuck out. No way. Your screwing with my head again, aren't you?"
"No, i swear. You just saw it with your own eyes. I did not make that shit up."
Syn shivered. "Yeah but it's really messing with my concept of the natural order of the universe. Paternal love? Whats next? Limb regrowth? Genetic splicing reversals?"  
OMG too funny! 2 others i can't wait to see if they get books are Hauk,and Darling.
So i would have to say the only thing missing in this book is a dictionary. There are several languages to go with the different species. On a few occasions characters curse , or make a comment in these other languages and we aren't told what most of them mean. I'm sure some are to keeping you wondering, but others it would have been really great to know what was said.
I give this Book in the wonderful new to me series
Ok now onto the giveaway!
In anticipation for the new release Silent truth (#4 in the BAD Series) By Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love which comes out tomorrow April 20, 2010, Terry Kate from Romance in the Backseat has given me the opportunity to give one lucky reader the chance to win a copy of Whispered Lies (#3 in the BAD Series)

This contest is open to USA residents only. It is open through Friday April 23rd. Make sure you include your name and email address when you comment.
Comment: Who is your favorite BAD boy type of Hero?

IMM #4

Apr 18, 2010

So i got some goodies in the mail this week!!!

Books Won

His Darkest Hunger By: Juliana Stone

Book Bought

Born of Fire By: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Books for Review

Halfway to the Grave By: Jeaniene Frost

The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker
By: Leanna Renee Hieber

What good books did you recieve this week?

Don't forget to enter my 200 Follower Giveaway
Jojo's Book Corner
Click Picture

Saturday Delights # 9 Spring Time

Apr 17, 2010

So spring is in the air. Trees and Flowers are starting to bloom. The warm weather is finally coming back. What a better way to enjoy reading outside, in the fresh warm breeze than with some yummy spring time readig food!!!

Berry-Apple-Rhubarb Pie
8 Servings Prep: 30 min. + chilling Bake: 65 min. + cooling


2-2/3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter-flavored shortening
6 to 8 tablespoons cold water

2 cups thinly sliced peeled tart apples
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup halved fresh strawberries
1 cup fresh blueberries
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 cup fresh blackberries
1 cup sliced fresh or frozen rhubarb
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon ground allspice
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1-1/2 cups plus 1 teaspoon sugar, divided
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon 2% milk

In a large bowl, combine flour and salt; cut in shortening until crumbly. Gradually add water, tossing with a fork until dough forms a ball. Divide dough in half so that one portion is slightly larger than the other; wrap each in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until easy to handle.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out larger portion of dough to fit a 9-in. deep-dish pie plate. Transfer pastry to pie plate.

In a large bowl, toss apples with lemon juice and vanilla; add berries and rhubarb. Combine the flour, cinnamon, allspice and 1-1/2 cups sugar; add to apple mixture and toss gently to coat. Spoon into crust; dot with butter.

Roll out remaining pastry; make a lattice crust. Trim, seal and flute edges. Brush milk over lattice top. Sprinkle with remaining sugar.

Bake at 400° for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350°; bake 50-60 minutes longer or until crust is golden brown and filling is bubbly. Cover edges with foil during the last 15 minutes to prevent overbrowning if necessary. Cool on a wire rack. Yield: 8 servings.

Nutrition Facts: 1 piece equals 615 calories, 28 g fat (8 g saturated fat), 8 mg cholesterol, 318 mg sodium, 86 g carbohydrate, 5 g fiber, 6 g protein.

Rhubarb Cheesecake Smoothies
6 Servings Prep: 20 min. + cooling


2 cups diced fresh or frozen rhubarb
1/4 cup water
4 tablespoons honey, divided
1-1/2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
1 cup frozen sweetened sliced strawberries
2 packages (3 ounces each) cream cheese, cubed
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
5 ice cubes

In a large saucepan, bring the rhubarb, water and 2 tablespoons honey to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 5-10 minutes or until rhubarb is tender. Remove from the heat; cool to room temperature.

In a blender, combine the ice cream, milk, rhubarb mixture, strawberries, cream cheese, yogurt, confectioners' sugar, ice cubes and remaining honey; cover and process for 1 minute or until smooth. Pour into chilled glasses; serve immediately. Yield: 6 servings.

Nutrition Facts: 1 cup equals 323 calories, 16 g fat (10 g saturated fat), 53 mg cholesterol, 147 mg sodium, 43 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 6 g protein.

Nut-Topped Strawberry Rhubarb Muffins
18 Servings Prep: 25 min. Bake: 20 min. + cooling


2-3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1-1/3 cups packed brown sugar
2-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup chopped fresh strawberries
3/4 cup diced fresh or frozen rhubarb

1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon cold butter

In a large bowl, combine the first six ingredients. In another bowl, whisk the egg, buttermilk, oil and vanilla. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Fold in strawberries and rhubarb. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups two-thirds full.

In a small bowl, combine the pecans, brown sugar and cinnamon. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle over batter.

Bake at 400° for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks. Yield: 1-1/2 dozen.

Nutrition Facts: 1 muffin equals 243 calories, 10 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 14 mg cholesterol, 155 mg sodium, 37 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 3 g protein.

Recipes from TASTE OF HOME

Don't forget to enter my 200 follower Giveaway
Open till april 21st
Jojo's Book Corner
(Click Button)

State of Mind By: Libby Drew

*** May contain Spoilers ***

State of Mind
By: Libby Drew

Grier Crist works for the Organization—a group of Gifted “agents” who use their powers to keep peace, help those in need, and combat criminal influence around the globe. When a suspicious bombing drives Grier to break his ties with the group and go into hiding, the head of the Organization sends model agent Alec Devlin after him, claiming Grier is a murderer and traitor to their cause.
Grier manages to turn the tables and take Alec hostage long enough to convince him that the Organization is lying and hiding something sinister. The two strike a bargain: amidst enemies who  want them dead, friends with their own agendas, and the growing passion between them, they'll work together to bring down the Organization in order to protect the world… and each other.


My Thoughts
This was my first M/M Romance i have read. I can finally say i am no longer an M/M virgin! And State of Mind was the perfect book to loose it too!!!
Libby's writing is informative, detailed....Yet she gives you just enough detail to keep you begging for more. The relationship she creates between Grier and Alec builds to an incredible passion. A Passion Built on trust. She has a great mix of sacasm, humor , and take no shit additude.
Grier Crist - Grier was an organization lifer. Till a bombing took place that he was supposed to stop. Now he has suspision of the organizations involvment. He turns his back on the organization, so the only questions now are who's coming after him, and when.
Alec Devlin - Alec is a tough organization agent, sent to take down Grier. With a horrible childhood, Alec fights many obsticles in his life to overcome his past. Now he has to decide if he should believe Grier about the organization and stand by his side and fight, or if he will bring him to his end. Nobody "leaves the organization".

I have to be honest, i was very nervous on how i was gonna take the sex scenes between Grier and Alec. But the intimate scences Libby has created are detailed, but done tastefully.She shows struggles one must overcome, and the worry's one must let go of.

The only thing i would have liked that i feel is missing is a little bit more of a glimpse into Grier's past. You get flashbacks of Alec as a boy, and the troubles he has delt with through his life, but you don't get a lot of information on Grier. I think it would have built his character a little more. The relationship between Grier and Ethan was something special, and Ethan was at one point in time really attached to Grier before all the problems. But you never get to know why.

By far Libby has out done herself. I can't wait to see if we get more from Alec and Grier!

Thrifty Thursday

Apr 15, 2010

 Welcome to the first edition of Thrifty Thursday. Where i will share some great deals i have found on New, and Pre-Order Books. If you happen to come across some great deals, let me know and i'll add them to the next post! Email me HERE

Lover Mine
(Black Dagger Brotherhood Series)
 By (author) J.R. Ward

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - vampire warriors, defenders of their race...John Matthew has been through his vampire transition and taken to the life of the Brotherhood with a vengeance, but he still can't shake the nightmare of his past and is unsure of his future as a warrior hero. He's made a promise to honour the Brotherhood and their fight with the slayers at all costs, until the love of his life is kidnapped and he is forced to make a choice that could change his life and the Brotherhood's forever...

$5.99 -
Save $6.37 51% off -
RRP $12.36
Free shipping worldwide
Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group
Published: 29 April 2010
Format: Paperback 544 pages
Categories: Fantasy
ISBN 13: 9780749941789 ISBN 10: 0749941782
Sales rank: 63

The Darkest Passion
(Lords of The Underworld Series)
By (author) Gena Showalter

This is an another sizzling instalment of the "Lords of the Underworld" series as Aeron, keeper of the Demon of Wrath, finally meets his match...For weeks, the immortal warrior Aeron has sensed an invisible female presence. An angel - demon-assassin - has been sent to kill him. Or has she? Olivia claims she fell from the heavens, giving up immortality because she couldn't bear to harm him. But trusting - and falling for - Olivia will endanger them all. So how has this 'mortal' with the huge blue eyes already unleashed Aeron's darkest passion? Now, with an enemy hot on his trail and his faithful demon companion determined to remove Olivia from his life, Aeron is trapped between duty and consuming desire. Worse still, a new executioner has been sent to do the job Olivia wouldn't...

$5.24 -
Save $5.58 51% off -
RRP $10.82
Publisher: Harlequin Mills & Boon
Published: 21 May 2010
Format: Paperback 416 pages
Categories: Fantasy Romance
ISBN 13: 9780778303763
ISBN 10: 0778303764
Sales rank: 1,423

Demon From the Dark
(Immortals After Dark Series)
By (author) Kresley Cole

A dangerous demon she can't resist...
Malkom Slaine: tormented by his sordid past and racked by vampiric hungers, he's pushed to the brink by the green-eyed beauty under his guard.
A maddening witch he aches to claim...
Carrow Graie: hiding her own sorrows, she lives only for the next party or prank. Until she meets a tortured warrior worth saving.
Trapped together in a savage prison...
For them to survive, Malkom must unleash both the demon and vampire inside him. When he becomes the nightmare his own people feared, will he lose the woman he craves body and soul?

Book Depository
$5.99 -
Save $2.00
RRP $7.99
Publisher: Pocket Books
Published: 31 August 2010
Format: Paperback 384 pages
Categories: Horror Romance
ISBN 13: 9781439123126
ISBN 10: 1439123128
Sales rank: 29,470

Dont Forget my 200 Follower Giveaway
Open until April 21st
Jojo's Book Corner

200 Follower Giveaway Update

Apr 14, 2010

*squeeeeeee* I'm so excited , JoJosBookCorner has reached 250 followers!!!!! You know what that means!!! 1 more winner added to the giveaway!! As of right now I have:
250 Blog Followers
715 Twitter Followers
You all ROCK!!!!

So grab one of my new , AWESOME giveaway buttons, Spread the Word, And don't forget to join in on the giveaway. Open to where ever Book Depository Ships. Giveaway is open till April 21st.








So go ahead and start grabbing buttons!!!
My Giveaway is HERE

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