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Blog Bash Day 22 with Jacquelyn Frank

Aug 30, 2011

SORRY for the delay today guys, blogger wouldn't let me post . But Its here now! ;0)


This is my man Mike Holmes. Whether he’s real or being spun that way, I’m loving the fantasy of a man in shining overalls saving people from mean, thieving S.O.B.s.

This is my man Gerard. Whether those abs are real of CGI…I don’t give a rat’s patootie. I loved him the minute I heard the pathos in his singing voice in The Phantom of the Opera. I’ve loved his smile, his eyes and his thighs…and the accent!...ever since. He’s got a great sense of humor to boot.

Blog Bash Day 21 with PJ Schnyder + Giveaway

Aug 29, 2011

What makes a guy hot in my eyes? Physique, gorgeous eyes and a sensual mouth, these are all good things. And many know I've got a weakness for a man who makes a uniform look good. I do look for that little something extra. Something that gives the man an identity, that takes him from good-looking to magnetic.

Meet Ian Daviau, fitness model and consultant.

Blog Bash Day 20 with Vicky Dreiling + SUPER FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY!!!

Aug 26, 2011

by Vicky Dreiling

It’s no secret that I love HAWT guys. After all I’m the instigator of #mancandymondays on Twitter. But the love of my life is Henry Cavill. I first glimpsed this hunk of burning love on The Tudors. I fell irrevocably in lust with that man. He is the model for the hero Tristan in my first book HOW TO MARRY A DUKE. Seriously, here’s the description from the book:

Though he did not smile there was a natural curve to his full lips. His was not the pretty face of a dandy, however. Oh, no, not at all. His thick brows, angular cheekbones, and square jaw were all male. Little wonder women reportedly swooned at his perfection. No, not quite perfect, she thought, detecting a faint shadow along his jaw and above his full upper lip. His valet probably had to shave him twice a day. Her skin prickled at this evidence of the duke’s masculinity.

I ogled this photo of Henry Cavill as I wrote that scene.

Blog Bash Day 19 with Donna Grant + Giveaway

Aug 25, 2011

I’m so glad to be here to help JoJo celebrate her second anniversary!

So, to get the party started, how about a hot hunk?  This is Michael Fassbender.

He’s not hugely known, but he’s certainly played some memorable parts.  Most recently he was Eric Lehnsherr/Magneto in X-Men First Class.

Blog Bash Day 18 with Jae Lynne Davies + Giveaway

Aug 24, 2011

Hi Everyone!
I’m Jae Lynne Davies, author of paranormal romance and urban fantasy.

I’m so happy to be a part of the celebration. First, a huge hug to JoJo. Congrats on two years of fantastic blogging! You deserve to party for a job well done!

Whenever I write, I’m one of those authors who tends to have a specific visual in mind for my main characters. While I know readers like to envision their own version of their favorite characters, I thought it might be interesting for you to see who comes to mind when I think of my own cast running around in the world of MYTHIC. Besides, it’s nice to picture a face at the mention of a name, or if I want to toss a character into the bottomless pit of literary nothingness. Yes, they sometimes drive me mad, but it’s not ENTIRELY their fault.

Blog Bash Day 17 with Sandra Sookoo + Giveaway

Aug 23, 2011

inspired the hero for my book called Winging It

Just because *WINK*

Favorite older read: 
I really like A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott.  Yes, it's quite a bit older but if you can locate a copy, it's worth the read.  Tragic, dark, heartbreaking.  Awesome.

Blog Bash Day 16 with Stephanie Julian + Giveaway

Aug 22, 2011

Happy Blogoversary JoJo!! 
Hope you celebrate many, many more.

So… who do I pick as my hottie? Can I have two? Considering I’m working on a ménage right now, I’m taking liberties and picking two partners for this dance.

First up, Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold. Love the band. Have seen them three times already and I’m going for four this Friday. Take a good look at this picture. Can’t stop looking, can you? There’s just something about the man that draws you in. Even with the tats mostly covered, he screams bad ass and I’m good with that. So much so that I used him as the physical model for Tivr, the Etruscan God of the Moon in my Lucani Lovers and Forgotten Goddesses series. That attitude is all Tivr. Is it any wonder Cat’s had a crush on the man since she was a child?

Blog Bash Day 15 with Patti O’Shea + Giveaway

Aug 19, 2011

Happy blogoversary, JoJo!
Congratulations on two years and thank you for inviting me to be part of the celebration.

When I write, I like to have pictures of my main characters at hand. It takes me about 6-8 months to write a book and this way I don't have to worry about the description of my hero or heroine changing midstream. My characters make me work, though, and I have to find just the right picture or I get sarcastic comments.
What can I say? Some authors get nice, cooperative characters. These authors get to pick their names, what they look like, what kind of home they live in, and they might even get to tell them what to do. Me? I get dictated to by my imaginary people. But that's another story.

I'm always on the lookout for images, and when I saw this magazine cover online, I knew I'd found my hero for Enemy Embrace (part of the CRAVE THE NIGHT anthology coming out in October). Dak is a demon and he's assigned the job of executing a vampire who's been murdering humans. The problem is that his heroine, Nicole, wants to kill this vampire herself and neither of them is willing to stand down for the other.
(The model's name is Terence Lortan. Not all of the pictures I found for him are right for Dak, but this one most certainly is.)

Blog Bash Day 14 with Jess Haines

The H&W Team Talk About Travel
By Jess Haines
Hello there!  Jess Haines here.  I’m the author of the urban fantasy H&W Investigations series



and the upcoming


 I’d like to take a moment to introduce you to some of the cast—Shiarra Waynest, the lead character, Sara, her business partner, Chaz, her on-and-off werewolf boyfriend, Arnold, a mage who lends her a hand, and Alec Royce, a vampire Shiarra meets in the course of her adventures.

Seeing as JoJo and I just came back from the Authors After Dark convention, I thought it would be a good idea to have Shiarra and her friends discuss how they handle their travel arrangements.  Over to you, Shia!

Blog Bash Day 13 with Gabi Stevens + Giveaway

Aug 17, 2011

 Hey, Jo,Jo. Congrats on the two years for the Book Corner. I’m so excited to be here to help you celebrate. You gave me an assignment. I’m happy to announce I finished it and the results are here.

Simon Baker
So first, you asked me if I have any pictures of hotties. I admit it. I rarely look for pictures of my heroes. I'd rather imagine all on my own, thank you very much. But with my latest novel, AS YOU WISH, I had a definite actor in mind as I wrote it. The actor? Simon Baker. Usually my heroes are dark haired (for whatever reason, I prefer dark haired men), but for Jonathan Bastion, Simon Baker wouldn't leave my mind. He and the way he plays Patrick Jane on THE MENTALIST were the perfect fit—the outwardly casual demeanor that covers a tortured interior, the confidence he exudes, and the looks don't hurt either. 

Blog Bash Day 12 with Cat Johnson + Giveaway

Aug 16, 2011

HOTTIE of the Month

I’ve included my personal vote for hottie of the month with my post today. Anyone who knows me knows I have a thing for cowboys—especially real ones—and this guy is the real deal. Jason Wayne Hunter, the hottie pictured, is a real live bull rider. In fact during the photo shoot when this candid shot was taken, he was dealing with a fractured back from a riding injury, but you’d never know it. That’s what a love about cowboys, besides the fact they’re hot and those boots and jeans are extremely flattering, you can’t keep a good cowboy down (so to speak *wink*).

Jason Wayne Hunter
You can check out Jason at his Facebook Page at

Blog Bash Winners post Week #2

Hi everyone! *waves*Hope you are all enjoying my blogoversary and follower bash, I know I am ! ;0)

So lets get to the winners shall we? Last weeks Author winners are:

Mon 8-8 Eliza Gayle + Giveaway

Blog Bash Day 11 with Laurie London + Giveaway

Aug 15, 2011

Thanks JoJo, for having me on today and congratulations on your Blogoversary. That’s quite an achievement!

JoJo has asked me to share a couple of my favorite things with you to help celebrate.

For my Hottie,
I give you Tommy Dunn. I first saw him in True Religion print ads and he’s serving as the inspiration for Jackson in my February release, Tempted by Blood. Isn’t he hawt? Can’t you just picture him as a really bad boy that needs you to fix him?
Tommy Dunn

Blog Bash Day 10 with Cassandra Carr + Giveaway

Aug 12, 2011

HOTTIE of the Month

Brendon Clark
Brendon Clark from the Professional Bull Riders tour, who is the man I used as the inspiration for my bull rider hero, Brady Parrish, from book one of my Buckin' Broncos series, Collision

Known to PBR fans as the “Australian Sensation,” Brendon Clark burst into the elite Built Ford Tough Series during the 2003 season. Clark has made a name for himself ever since by consistently placing in the top ten at PBR events. He won his first event in August of 2004 in Oklahoma City.

Over the last five years Clark has evolved into one of the sports leading profiles with guest appearances on the Versus television network commentary team, as well as being one of the main bull riders used to promote the sport of professional bull riding in the USA and back in his home land of Australia. His knowledge and ability to promote this sport, as well as his professional approach is second to none, which is one of the main reasons fans and media look to Clark for photos, autographs and interviews.

Blog Bash Day 9 with Laurie Hunsaker

Aug 11, 2011

My favorite recipe for cake is for some weird reason called a
Tom Selleck Cake

 No, it won't look like *that* once you're done ;)

Blog Bash Day 8 with Virna DePaul + Giveaway

Aug 10, 2011


I have been a huge Linda Howard fan for a quite a long time. My all-time favorite book by her, however, is Dream Man. In my opinion, the story is the perfect example of what makes Howard such an amazing author—she effortlessly weaves a compelling suspense without ever once losing sight of the emotional and complex journey of the hero and heroine as they fight their way to their happily ever after. You can imagine how thrilled I was to learn that Tara Parsons, Senior Editor with HQN books, referred to me as a “young Linda Howard” when discussing my debut novel with the line, Shades of Desire.

In Shades of Desire, the heroine is a world-famous photographer who takes a picture she shouldn’t have just before she goes blind. Afterwards, she must help a cop track down a killer who’s put her in his sights.

Shades Of Desire comes out in April of 2012. But before that, I have two other releases.

Dangerous To Her is my debut with the Harlequin Romantic Suspense line. It’s about a cop who goes undercover to investigate a judge and ends up reuniting with his college love and the daughter he never knew about.

Blog Bash Day 7 with Leanna Renee Hieber + Giveaway

Aug 9, 2011


Ever since I read The Picture of Dorian Gray, it has remained with me, it haunts me with its hidden layers, its sensuality, its bold darkness and paranormal threads, its controversy and beauty, it captured my imagination and since then, I've always wanted to write a haunted painting novel. And finally I have, as my November YA release, DARKER STILL: a Novel of Magic Most Foul combines many of my great Gothic loves as they mix their way onto my page in new and original ways.

Dorian Gray, a handsome young man, receives a beautiful painting of himself from his good friend Basil Hallward. In the same moment, a new acquaintance, Lord Henry, introduces Dorian to the ideals of youthfulness and hedonism, of which Gray becomes immediately obsessed. Meanwhile, the painting in Dorian's possession serves as a constant reminder of his passing beauty and youth, driving his obsession.

Blog Bash Day 6 with Eliza Gayle + Giveaway

Happy Blogoversary JoJo!
I can't believe we are only a few days away from the next fabulous Authors After Dark. It's going to be fun to see everyone again as well as meet all kinds of new people. I met JoJo last year and can't wait to catch up. *tackle hug*

Let's start our Monday off with an awesome hottie. I've recently become enamored with Michael Fassbender and when I was looking for a hot Irishman to inspire me for my latest WIP, I could resist him. Technically he's German Irish but having spent most of his growing up years in Ireland he sounds pretty darn Irish. And it is all about the accent isn't it? God, I love a man with a sexy accent. Let's not even get into my obsession with Gerard. ;)

Blog Bash Winners post Week #1

2 year

Thank you everyone for being so patient with me as I worked on getting my Internet back! Again so sorry in all the delays. Still not exactly sure what went wrong, but Its back now! So today we will have the winners post, and I will also be posting today’s author Leanna Renee Hieber, and yesterdays Author Eliza Gayle ;0)

So lets get to the winners shall we? Last week Author winners are:

*important* Blog Bash and Follower celebration update

Aug 7, 2011

*~* please bare with me as Im attempting to post this from my phone *~*

I want to thank everyone who has stopped by and helping me celebrate my blog bash and follower giveaway. But due to internet issues (as in its not working AT ALL) todays post and further post Will be delayed a bit till i can figure out what's wrong. I plan on calling first thing in the morning when they open.

But until then please make sure you check out all the post currently up, and sign up for my 900 follower giveaway by using the follower / blogoversary tab at the top.

And please help spread the word. The more people to sign up and join, the more books added to the giveaway categories! If you spread the word leave a link on the main page of the giveaways via the tab. And please leave each link in a seperate comment.

Thanks for understanding guys, and hopefully i can get this fixed soon!


Blog Bash Day 5 with Elise Hepner

Aug 5, 2011

Happy Blogoversary JoJo!

I’m so happy to be spending my Friday with you! Today I’m kicking off some steamy reads for Friday Forget About Finds since I tend towards the naughtier side of fiction. Some of them are a bit sexier than other’s so I’ve provided  my own heat scale to gauge them.

Fogging the Windows—Heavy romance with heavy petting and a little sex

Breaking the Bed—Frank sex with multiple scenes and a lack of pretty words for you-know-what

Every Which Way But Sunday—Graphic sex with everything but the kitchen sink—and even that for some cleaning up!

Blog Bash Day 4 with Denise Robbins + Giveaway

Aug 4, 2011

Congratulations JoJo on your blog anniversary!

Thanks for letting me be a part of the celebration. I noticed you have a HOTTIE of the Month topic on your blog so I thought I would share with you a HOTTIE that I enjoy. Well, I, uh don’t exactly get to enjoy him. But he is great eye candy. I’m talking Gerard Butler. I mean seriously, what woman wouldn’t want to do this man. He looks great in a tux or a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, not to mention bare chested. [fanning myself with my hand]

OH! I love how when he smiles his lips quirk up on one side. It’s his signature grin. It’s almost as if he’s keeping a secret from the rest of the world when he smiles.

Do you think I could convince him to be the model for my next novel, PHISH NET STALKINGS? He is Scottish and has worn a skirt before so perhaps adding a pair of fishnets beneath a leather skirt would be no big deal. Hm. [finger to lips] Note to self. . . ask Gerard if he will model for me.

Blog Bash Day 3 with Caridad Pineiro + Giveaway

Aug 3, 2011


Happy Blogoversary to you, JoJo!

It’s so great to be here with you today and to know that I’ll shortly be seeing you at Authors After Dark.  ** SQUEEEEE – JoJo **

But before we really get going, we need something to wake us up this morning and what could be better than some sexy man candy.  I’ve always preferred my men to be tall, dark and blue-eyed, but lately those blondes have been calling to me, maybe because of all the sexy surfer dudes that I’ve been seeing along the shore.  I can totally picture this sexy blonde, Daniel Craig, sauntering out of the surf, can’t you?

Blog Bash Day 2 with Berinn Rae + Giveaway

Aug 2, 2011


Author Berinn Rae
new author of paranormal romance and urban fantasy

Blog Bash Day1 with Cynthia Eden + Giveaway

Aug 1, 2011

Hi, everyone!  And happy anniversary to you, JoJo!

jensen-ackles-jensen-ackles-6505537-413-475 Of course, what celebration would be complete without a handsome man around?  My guy of choice? Jensen Ackles from Supernatural (he plays bad-boy demon hunter Dean—a truly awesome character). Sure, he may not have giant, bulging muscles (though I think he looks pretty darn good), but the guy has a wicked good grin, and he’s someone you could always count on in a fight. Sexy.

900 Follower & Blogoversary Giveaways!!!!


2 year

This months celebrations will be done in 3 different giveaways.

First my 900 follower giveaway. All you need to do is fill out the form (located below) then for every post you comment on in the month of August (must be posted between aug1st – aug 31st) you’ll get another entry into the giveaway. This giveaway will last all month. And since i am celebrating you, my old followers, my new followers, and my future followers, there will be 3 categories.

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