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Halloween Day Bash: Part 2: Costume Ball

Oct 31, 2010

Welcome to part 2 of JoJosBookCorner Halloween Day Bash. What would a Halloween party be without a Costume Ball!!! So today we have some of the wonderful Authors who have been here this week, And they have all come with dates! Who are their dates you ask?!?! Well they have all generously brought their Heros as dates! And I have come with my Fav Hero


Halloween Bash: Part 1: Voting Party


To start off the Halloween Party today, We have all the wonderful pictures you have all created throughout the week. I thank each and every one of you who participated!!! I am such a sucker for games, and I hope you all enjoyed them!

So how this will work is each category will have its own section with a form below it. You just pick which number is your favorite, and submit it. Then sometime tomorrow i will talley all the votes, and winners will be selected. Thats it! And if you wouldn't mind, help spread the word so we can get some voting!!!

Halloween Bash: Day 7 with Author Leanna Renee Hieber

Oct 30, 2010

Hello friends!

My favourite thing about Halloween is EVERYTHING. One year, when I was a professional actress in residence at the Commonweal Theatre of Minnesota, playing Mina in Dracula, I created a month-long Halloween celebration calendar that included many activities, readings, movie nights, decorating a Halloween tree, pumpkin carving, scarecrow making, and more. That year I was crowned the Queen of Halloween by the town, and an artisan even crafted an Edward Gorey crown for me.

Winning the costume contest at Authors After Dark was a particular honour. If any of you have seen me in person, you know I take costuming VERY seriously. Dressing up as Miss Percy definitely is my favourite costume of all time. Halloween infuses everything I love into one holiday; fun with the dark side of things, a celebration of all things that are strange and beautiful, costuming, historical tradition, parties with friends and communities coming together, spooky stories, all things pumpkin related (YUM), and best of all we Gothlings get to celebrate in high style- although for we Goth kids, as the Ministry song says: “Every day is Halloween”.

Halloween Bash: Day 6 with Author Joey W. Hill

Oct 29, 2010

Halloween Bash

It’s hard to narrow down my favorite part of Halloween, because, just like Stella, it’s my favorite holiday. For one thing, I’m Wiccan, and Samhain (the other name for All Hallow’s Eve) is our New Year’s Eve, so to speak. It’s the night the Veil is thinnest between the here and now and the worlds beyond – the afterlife, the Fae worlds, all the unknown dimensions. If you step out on a Halloween night and inhale deeply, you can sense it. There’s just something special about that night.

Another favorite part for me is the trick-or-treaters themselves. Each year of course, fewer and fewer of them come out, as churches, schools and other youth outlets offer kids “safe” places to go for organized Halloween activities. Pfffft (Me blowing raspberry). Mom, Dad – stop being such pussies and let them go out in packs to trick or treat at total strangers’ houses, just like we used to do. 99.9% of us survived it, after all (lol).

Halloween Bash: Day 5 PM with Author Sonya Bateman

Oct 28, 2010

Thanks for having me over tonight, JoJo – and happy Halloween, everybody!
So, as we all know, Halloween is awesome. It’d be even more awesome for me if I lived in, say, Florida, or Pennsylvania, or anywhere we don’t get two inches of snow on Halloween every other year. Yeah, that’d be fantastic. Because, oddly enough, while most of the country gets to enjoy a wide variety of costuming options, we folks in central New York tend to dress up like... Eskimos. Or Cruella DeVille. Or Storm Troopers, gorillas, lumberjacks – anything that involves layers and/or fur. By October 31, it’s bloody cold out there.

I live in a small town. Our family traditions have always included donning our elaborate homemade (and warm) costumes, piling into the car and driving to the town proper. We spend a few hours traipsing around knocking on doors with scads of other town families – the kids lining up at the doors, the adults hanging back and sharing sips of liquid fire from discreet flasks, rubbing our reddened hands together and trying to cup our cold noses against the wind. The last trick-or-treat stop is always the house on Church Street next to the Presbyterian church, where the elderly man who lives there is always on his porch in his Santa suit, giving out candy canes AND Hershey minis (double candy bonus... from Santa!).

Halloween Bash: Day 5 AM with Author Eliza Gayle

Thank you, JoJo for having me on your blog today. Halloween is absolutely one of my favorite holidays, if not my favorite. Some years I go all out and decorate inside and out and others it might be a little more subdued but we still do something special.

We’ve decorated our house many times into a complete bat cave, green glowing lights included. There is always a full graveyard out front and one of us always has a party. From full on adult costume parties that the neighborhood is invited to complete with my infamous Dead Drunk Cake and Froggy Swamp Punch to the kids costume parties where I gross them out with my disgusting (but surprisingly delicious) Kitty Litter Cake.

Halloween Bash: Day 4 with Author Samantha Sommersby

Oct 27, 2010

Halloween Memories:

We have a Halloween tradition of making Chili and cornbread and carving pumpkins. One year, when my son was about five, we invited the neighbors over. At the time there were four other couples in the neighborhood with children between 5-9. It was a rare, stormy night in southern California. We spread newspaper out on the kitchen floor, got all of the kids and parents set up, then lighting hit the transformer outside and the entire street was plunged into darkness. We carved the pumpkins and ate by candlelight, told silly ghost stories, and laughed until our sides hurt. My son has grown (he’s 17 now), and although the chili and cornbread recipes are the same, the carvings have become more elaborate. Last year he and hubby decided to put road flares in the pumpkins in lieu of candles. The affect was amazing!

For cool carving ideas, checkout the Extreme Pumpkins Website!

I made it to round 2......Can you help me?

Oct 26, 2010


Have you all checked out the Fabulous Halloween Giveaways going on at:


Well one of their contests was to design a thriller book cover. So I have attempted to make MY first book cover!!


Halloween Bash: Day3 with Author Stella Price

Halloween has always been my favorite time of year. Some people are Christmas people, and some, like me, consider Halloween their Christmas. See, the wonder and imagination that’s associated with Halloween has always been a powerful draw. It’s the one night a year where you can dress up as something completely different, insane or wild and no one makes fun of you. For Halloween, its like your subconscious rules, especially as children. Hopes for the future and their real selves come out in what they chose, whether it’s a princess costumes, or a cowboy… children hold so much hope, so much promise, and so much imagination, they revel in a night to bring out their darker passions and selves.

Halloween Bash: Day 2 with Author Stephanie Julian

Oct 25, 2010

I love Halloween.

I love the candy and the costumes, the chill in the air and the way the moon seems to hang huge and white in the sky.

And since I’m a TV addict, I love October for the movies and shows that have a Halloween theme.

'Glee' Does The 'Time Warp' @ Yahoo! Video

Halloween Bash: Day1 with Author Cat Johnson

Oct 24, 2010

Thanks, JoJo, for inviting me to play on your blog today. You asked my favorite part of Halloween. Actually, I think I like everything about Halloween. The autumn leaves, the cold crisp air, going pumpkin picking, seeing mums, colored gourds and Indian corn in the all adds to the feel for me. Not to mention the tons of chocolate in all shapes and sizes! And not to be totally unhealthy, I truly love roasted pumpkin seeds and apples, which are everywhere this time of year. And of course, I’m always up for dressing up. My friends and I try to do a theme. We were the cast of Gilligan’s Island one year. This year we might be the cast of the Jersey Shore at a 20 Year Reunion. LOL. I still need to buy my Snooki Bump-It!

Halloween Bash Rules, Updates & Giveaways

Here is the page that will be updated daily with the giveaways!
Everyday I will add the current day.
All giveaways end Oct 31st
Games end Oct 30th with voting on Oct 31st

JoJo's 1st Halloween Bash

Oct 23, 2010

Welcome to the 1st Annual Halloween Bash on JoJos Book Corner. I have a week full of fun planned with 7 different Authors I got the chance to meet at the AAD conference in September just for you! Each day there will be a new Author sharing their favor things about halloween.  Each day there will be 3 different giveaways for you to enter! This is how it will work:
  • Each Author will have something different they will be giving away. The rules will be posted that day, for that giveaway. You MUST fill out the form.
  • For every post you comment on you will be entered into a comment giveaway.
  • Each Author will be playing a different game on their day (ex: virtual carve a pumpkin)and sharing their finished design. There will be a link to where the game is played. you play the game, then email  me ( jojosbookcornerATgmailDOTcom ) a screen shot of YOUR finished design. Please include which game in the Subject of your email. Voting on sunday

Saturday Delights # 11 Pumpkin

Its almost Halloween, and one of my Favorite things are pumpkins.
So todays Saturday Delights we are cooking with Pumpkins!!!

Cream-Filled Pumpkin Cupcakes Recipe
21 ServingsPrep: 35 min. Bake: 20 min. + cooling

My first attempt..................

Oct 16, 2010

So the wonderful ladys at
are putting on a
Halloween giveaway party with lots and lots and lots and lots *takes breath* and lots and lots of giveaways. Like over 100 books giveaways!!!! 
And one of the things you can do to participate is to design
a scary story book cover.
So I am sharing my 1st EVER attempt at a book cover
*ducks and hides* be gentle......

I Wanna Be..........

Oct 14, 2010

I don't know about you guys but halloween is one of my Fav holidays! I love decorating my house *sigh* which many do not get to see. But none the less I do love decorating it.

  • I love carving pumpkins
  • Dressing up
  • Pumpkin Pies
  • Trick-or-Treaters
  • Everything in between

We dont get trick-or-treaters at our house *sniffle* (the kids are always so cute!) cause we live in the middle of nowhere, but i do normally buy atleast 1 bag of candy just in case. Heck if 1 kid stopped by they would get it ALL! *snickers* ya....that parent would love me! But in the end i must eat it myself *big grin* I do have to force myself...............

Anyway I do love dressing up for halloween. I havent been to a costume party in years but I still love to look. So I thought I would share with you some of the most freakin awesome costumes I have found that I wish I could squeeze my big ars into.

Galactic Princess

Princess Leia Slave

I don't know what this is, but seriously I have those boots...........
and...well I love everything else!

Sexy Fairy

Gothic Angel

So Do you like to dress up for Halloween?
What kinds of things do you like to be?

WINNERS ..... WINNERS..... We have more WINNERS!!

Oct 1, 2010


Winners, We have

I'm sorry it has taken so long to get to some of these winners , Things have been crazy and I havent had a chance to get online recently. So I have a bunch of winners to announce! I would love to give you some Yummie eye candy to go with the winners this time, but I am currently at work and dont have all my fun programs to play with. So We are going to keep it short and sweet this time.

Wind Warrior Blog Tour Giveaway FINAL WINNERS

~Kara Piehl - Basket for Two - from the Book of Secrets Blog
~Barbara Platt - Godiva Tier - from the Shibley Smiles Blog
~Jan Herberger - Necklace - from the Intense Whisper Blog
~Pamela Shockley-  $25 Amazon Gift Card - from
~Melissa Barnes - $25 Amazon Gift Card - from the Simply Stacie Blog

Where the rain is Made Book Tour with Keta Diablo Giveaway Winner
~ waitressdani@.....  (NEW WINNER)

Guest Post Emily Ryan-Davis Giveaway Winner
~ Kelly - yvantis@.....

Congrats to the winners!!!!!! You have 48 hours to contact me with your address, before new winners will be picked. I will email you all this evening. If you read this before I send you an email thats ok, just email me with what you won in the subject along with your address. jojosbookcornerATgmailDOTcom

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