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Dec 30, 2009

Authors ~ Publishers ~Followers

*~* UPDATE *~*

JoJo's Book Corner is currently not accepting review requests at the moment until we have caught up with the Wonderful Stack we currently have. If you are still interested in a review and do not  have a time frame , please feel free to contact me. Hopefully things will be back open shortly!
Thank you
If you would like me to review your books , if you are interested in guest blogging, participating inTuesday Talking Teaser, would like to do an Interview, or have me host a giveaway/ blog tour please email me jojosreviews(at)gmail(dot)com

 My favorite genres are Romance,Highlanders *sigh*, urban fantasy, paranormal romance,erotica
 but I am willing to try different genres.

For all everything else email me at

Xmas-- IMM #1

Dec 24, 2009

Important Peeps:
Tigris Eden
Tigris Blog
Tigris Eden Twitter

BookReaderTimes on twitter (Ivy)
BookReaderTimes Forum

Lara Adrian

Books :
Kiss of Midnight: Lara Adrian
Kiss of Crimsin : Lara Adrian
Midnight Awakening : Lara Adrian
Midnight Rising : Lara Adrian
Veil of Midnight : Lara Adrian
Ashes of Midnight : Lara Adrian
Dark Stranger : Susan Sizemore
The Dark Divine : Bree Despain
Fire in the Blood : Kelley St. John (Blaze)
Bed on Arrival : Kelley St. John (Blaze)
Never After : Laurell K. Hammilton
                     Yasmine Galenorn
                     Marjorie M. Liu
                     Sharon Shinn

Merry Christmas Everyone !!!

On The 13th Day of Blogmas We Have Eden Bradley

Dec 22, 2009

On the 13th Day of Blogmas We have Eden Bradley, Author of the New " Winter Solstice" Help me give a warm welcome to Eden *cheer,whoop,whoop,clap,clap,clap,woo hoo* Thank you for being here today Eden. Eden is a new Author to me so i did some major scopin of her books. OMG....If you have not checked her out , you must......wait don't go yet..... Eden has stopped by today with a wonderful interview,& giveaway, and she is also stopping by throughout the day to chat. so head on down to the interview, do all the little things to enter the giveaway, then head on over and check out Edens Books. You wont regret it i promise!!!

Eden Bradley

JJBC~Do you read any reviews on your books?
EB~ I always read my reviews. They’ve been mostly good, fortunately, but the bad ones are always painful. Still, I can’t look away!

JJBC~Do you read your own books after they make it to final print?
EB~No, never. By that time I’ve read it and edited it over and over, and once I get past the ARC stage (where we proof the final copy after it’s been typeset for last minute errors) I’m done and on to the next book. And my writing schedule has been so heavey the last few years, I’m lucky if I get to read anything!

JJBC~What do you like to Read? Your Favorite Genre?
EB~I love romantic comedy, chick lit and lately I’ve been reading a lot of YA. My book are pretty dark, so I think I need a break from my own drama-lol! But sometimes I do pick up an erotic novel from one of my favorite authors, or some women’s fiction. But if I’m going for the women’s ficiton, I want the dark, heavy stuff.

JJBC~Do you have a favorite book /series?
EB~That would be like asking me to pick my favorite pair of shoes! I have a number of books on my keeper shelf, but one of my all-time favorites is Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee. I’m an old sci-fi fan and this book is my favorite kind of hard-core futuristic society with some tragic romance. Plus, Tanith Lee’s descriptive prose is like no one else’s-gorgeous!

JJBC~ How did you get into writing?
EB~I always feel sort of terrible admitting this, but in 2001 I read this really awful romance novel, and I thought, if this person could get published, I certainly must be able to! I’d been writing since I was a child, but it hadn’t occurred to me until right then that I should try to publish. My first book, an e-book, was contracted in 2004, quickly followed by another, and then I had my first book deal with Bantam/Dell in 2005.

JJBC~Did you always want to be a writer?
EB~ Always-among other things. Well, almost always. At around age five I wanted to be a nurse and a ballerina.

JJBC~How old were you when you began to write?
EB~ In the summer between third and fourth grades, I volunteered for summer school so I could take a class on creative writing. But my first real novel happened when I was twenty-five (a long time ago!)-a really terrible romance novel. Right after that I wrote an epic vampire novel that’s never seen the light of day, but I’m always threatening to rewrite it when I have time. It could still happen…

JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
EB~It was for several years, but due to the crash in the economy-and the publishing industry-I’ve had to go back to work. I got certified to teach Pilates at the beginning of this year. I do it three days a week, and I love it!

JJBC~What’s a typical writing day for you like?
EB~ Right now it’s fairly insane. On days I don’t work the day job, I get up and have a cup of tea while going through email. Since I’m not a morning person this may take a while. I really start to work between 11:00 and noon, when I edit whatever I’ve written the day before, then I start to write new pages. I often work until around ten at night. Currently, due to having over-committed to three different publishers, I have to average a minimum of 14,000 words a week (about 56 pages), although I did 73 pages last week-trying to get ahead because I’ll be out of town for a few days over the holidays, plus I’m expecting revisions on my first novel for Harlequin Spice any day now, which will take me away from my work-in-progress for at least a week. On days I teach Pilates, I still usually write in the evening, anywhere from 5-10 pages.

JJBC~Do you set a daily writing goal?
 EB~I try for a daily goal of 2,000 words minimum, but my real goals are weekly.

JJBC~When and where do you like to write?
EB~I’m a bit of a prima donna about my writing. I really need to be at home at my desk, with either total silence or a play list of music picked for that particular story and my mood that day. I can’t work on my laptop, or at a café, as many authors do. I’m too easily distracted.

JJBC~Are there any processes you use when writing? Do you keep journals, sticky notes, chicken scratch on the back of receipts?
EB~My office is covered in sticky notes! I also have random notes and bits of dialogue on pads of paper that I keep all over: by my bed, in my car, in my bathroom (I always have great ideas when I’m in the shower). Other than that, I just sit down and write. My deadlines don’t allow me to wait for a muse-I just sit at the keyboard and make myself do it. Sometimes there is crying and chocolate involved. Sad, but true…*G*

JJBC~Do you prefer to write on a computer, typewriter, or paper and pen?
EB~Definitely on the computer. My handwriting is atrocious. It’s often difficult for me to make out my scribbled notes.

JJBC~What is the hardest / easiest part of writing for you?
EB~The hardest part is just creating on demand nearly seven days a week since 2005. I get burned out. The easiest? There are days when I’m just on a roll and the words come pouring out of me so fast I can barely keep up-pure joy!

JJBC~What’s the best thing about being an author?
EB~The personal validation. The money is lovely, although it’s very hard to make enough to actually live on. But when an editor buys your book, it’s validation that you do something well enough for them to take a chance on you. And the fact that it’s something I love and would do anyway…that’s pretty amazing.

JJBC~How long did you write before you became a published author?
EB~Most of my life, but with the intent to publish, about 3 ½ years.

JJBC~Who’s your favorite hero/heroine?
EB~From my own books? I really love Valentine in my book A 21ST CENTURY COURTESAN. She’s so complex, and aside from being a call girl, there’s a lot of me in her-lol! I also love Nissa and Meeraj, the heroines I’ve been writing for my new erotic vampire/urban fantasy books from Samhain, THE SEEKING KISS and BLOODSONG, books One and Two in the Midnight Playground Series (there will be four in total). They’re tough and street-smart and fearless. I suppose you have to be to seek out a vampire for a bed partner!

JJBC~What are you reading at the moment?
EB~A great YA book by Sarah Dessen called Just Listen.

JJBC~Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
EB~Just write. Don’t wait for the muse. Practice your craft even if you don’t feel like it. And never stop learning-none of us ever knows it all.

JJBC~Is there anything else you would like to share with your followers today?
EB~Thanks so much for having me! Readers can find me on my website: or on my group blog, which I share with fellow authors R.G. Alexander, Lilli Feisty and Crystal Jordan:

Winter Solstice
Celestial Seductions, Book 1

Love with a beautiful stranger isn’t so strange—if you believe in destiny.

Clinical psychologist Destiny Walker considers herself far too logical for any of that “soul mate” nonsense. Even if her beloved, dearly departed Nana insisted she was going to meet hers someday. When a sudden downpour sends her ducking into a psychic reader’s storefront—and the woman confirms everything her grandmother said—doubt begins to sneak into the corners of her mind.

A chance meeting—more like a collision—with Superman look-alike Reece Kellan sets off a sexual chemistry reaction the likes of which she’s never felt. She isn’t prone to falling into bed with strangers, but he does things to her body that leave her breathless…and unsure where her pleasure ends and his begins.

And that’s the part that scares the hell out of her…

JJBC~How did you come up with the idea for this series? From a dream, from watching tv, while reading another book?
EB~I don’t know where most of my ideas come from-my mind just wanders…although a few of my stories have been inspired by real life events. But since I write erotica and erotic romance, I’m not saying which ones…*G*

JJBC~Did you have to do any type of research before writing this book?
EB~ Not for this one.

JJBC~Are any of your characters based on people in your life?
EB~ Definitely! My friends always make it into my books, usually as secondary characters. And two of my heroes are based on a guy with whom I had a bad breakup. I wrote about him for a number of months, resulting in two different stories. It helped me to get closure on that relationship.

JJBC~Can you tell us a little bit about the characters?
EB~Destiny Walker is a clinical psychologist. She’s a creature of logic, so when she meets the hero and some strange things start to happen, she doesn’t know what to believe, and runs scared. Luckily he’s charming enough that she can’t stay away.

Reece Kellan is a sexy Superman look-alike. Raised in Ireland and Scotland, he’s a bit of an old-fashioned gentleman, an easy-going guy, who believes in magic.

JJBC~Can you tell us a little bit about when and where the story takes place?
EB~It’s a contemporary piece that takes place in the Los Angeles area, where I live. The story starts in the North Hollywood arts district, which is a very cool part of town, with great cafes, shops and small theater.

JJBC~Do you have any idea how many book are going to be in this series?
EB~The Celestial Seductions Series will be four books, one for each solstice and equinox. SPRING EQUINOX will be out in March.
My Bonus Question:

JJBC~If you could be trapped in any series/book which would it be and why?
EB~ I tend to like either really angsty stuff or really funny stuff-I’m not sure I’d want to live in any of them. Does that make me a realist? That’s a funny idea for someone who lives mostly in my head, talking to voices that don’t really exist-lol!

You Can Also Find Eden here:
About Eden
Eden's Blog
Eden's  Books
Edens Links

***Don't go away, Eden is stopping by through out the day. to chat, and answer questions. She has also given me the opportunity to give away a signed copy of "Winter Solstice"  to 1 lucky winner!!! WOO HOO!!!

How to Enter the Giveaway: (This giveaway is open US only)
1~ Answer the following questions:
~Have you Read anything by Eden? If so, what where they, and tell us what you thought about it
~If not, which of Edens Books is calling your name to read?
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Eden's Blog
4~Follow JoJo on Twitter
5~Sign up for Eden's Newsletter (link at bottom of website)
6~Become a Friend of Eden on Myspace
7~ Retweet this (MUST leave link, a point for each tweet)
8~ Ask Eden a Question

** Please confirm you have completed at least 3-4 things to enter.**
**Please note if you donot have a Myspace account**
***All contests are open till Dec 23rd , you can find their individual interview links at the top under my

On The 12th Day of Blogmas We Have Bree Despain

Dec 21, 2009

*** UPDATE / NEWS***
Hey Everyone *Waves* Thank you so much for Joining Me so far here on JoJosBookCorner's 12 Dayz Of Blogmas!!! It truly has been as Blast. Good News ?!?!?!?! We now have a 13th Day of Blogmas!!! Is that not Awesome!!! So make sure you check back tomorrow to see who it is!!! And as for the contests, here are the extra contests we have so far:
All 12 Dayz of Blogmas
Over All (everyone)

***Remember all contests are open till Dec23rd!!!

On the 12th Day Of Blogmas We Have Bree Despain. *yay, woo hoo* Bree has stopped by to do a short interview, and is giving away a few signed book marks and stickers. So head on down and get some yummy info on Bree, and her new book which comes out tomorrow " The Dark Divine"

Bree Despain
The Short: Bree rediscovered her childhood love for creating stories when she took a semester off college to write and direct plays for at-risk, inner-city teens from Philadelphia and New York. She currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband, two young sons, and her beloved TiVo. The Dark Divine is Bree's debut novel.

The Long: As a kid, Bree would staple folded papers to make her own "novels." As a teen, she wrote stories in notebooks while her friends waited for the next page to be finished. Her teachers told her she should be a writer. But Bree thought only special people could be writers, so as the years past, she settled into the idea of becoming a lawyer or something else just as ordinary.

Bree rediscovered her childhood love for creating stories when she took a semester off college to write and direct plays for at-risk, inner city teens from Philadelphia and New York. With a renewed passion for story, and the young adult audience, she returned to Brigham Young University, filled her schedule with creative writing and literature classes, and started writing stories again. But regular life kicked in, and she soon found herself married with a new baby, working full-time, and with very little writing done.

That’s when the universe threw a pick-up truck in her path. The car accident left Bree with an understanding that life was too short to not do what you absolutely love. A few days later, her husband brought home a used laptop computer, placed it by her bedside, and said, “You’d better start writing.” Her life has never been the same since.

In a moment of karmic perfection, Bree received the offer to purchase The Dark Divine on the 6th anniversary of the car accident that put her back on the path to becoming an author.

JJBC~If you could be trapped in any series/book which would it be and why?
BD~Hands down, I’d want to be trapped in the Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters. I LOVE archeology, and the turn-of-the-century to WWI time period is my favorite era of history to read about. I’d love to be a lady who digs for ancient artifacts during the day, and then gets to wear big fancy dresses to balls and parties at night—and totally kick bad guy butt whenever it’s called for. I also wouldn’t mind getting to hang out with Ramses Emerson. *swoon*

JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
BD~I’m a full-time mom and a part-time writer, although when crunched by a deadline it feels like those roles get reversed sometimes. I love having a job where I get to work from home and be with my kids, but it’s also nice to have a babysitter who helps out for a few hours a week.

The Dark Divine

A prodigal son

A dangerous love
A deadly secret . . .

I stood back and watched his movements. Daniel had that way about him that could shut me down in an instant. . . . I kicked the gravel a couple of times and worked up my courage again. “Tell me . . . I mean . . . why did you come back? Why now, after all this time?”

Grace Divine, daughter of the local pastor, always knew something terrible happened the night Daniel Kalbi disappeared—the night she found her brother Jude collapsed on the porch, covered in blood. But she has no idea what a truly monstrous secret that night really held. And when Daniel returns three years later, Grace can no longer deny her attraction to him, despite promising Jude she’ll stay away.

As Grace gets closer to Daniel, her actions stir the ancient evil Daniel unleashed that horrific night. Grace must discover the truth behind Jude and Daniel's dark secret . . . and the cure that can save the ones she loves. But she may have to lay down the ultimate sacrifice to do it—her soul.

JJBC~Did you have to do any type of research before writing The Dark Divine?
BD~Yes. And I also did a lot of research while writing of the book. I actually really enjoy research, and it’s a great thing to do on the days when I don’t feel like writing. I also love the fact that watching movies and reading books is considered “working.” I researched everything from what time the sunsets in Minnesota in December, to moon phases, to art exhibits at the MoMA. But mostly I researched the mythology behind the paranormal creatures in my book. I love coming across a little know tidbit of information, or historical account, that changes everything I thought I knew.

JJBC~Was there any part of this book that was harder for you to write than the others?
BD~Ha ha. Funny you should ask. There is actually a scene in my book that my family and friends refer to as “that %&#@ing scene” because of how many times I had to rewrite it. Most of my edits with my editor were relatively minor, but he made me rewrite this particular scene over and over again. “It’s just not good enough yet,” he kept saying, or “It’s good, but it needs to be fantastic.” At the time I hated rewriting that scene, but now I think it’s one of the best scenes in the book. Almost everyone who has read the book agrees. Sorry, I can’t tell you about the scene, though. It would be a HUGE spoiler. I’m just happy that my editor kept pushing me to make the scene the best it could be.
You Can Also Find Bree here:
Bree's Books
Bree's Blog
Bree's Links
***Don't go away, Bree is also giving away some sighned book marks, and some stickers to a few lucky winners!!!

How to Enter the Giveaway: (This giveaway is open US only)
1~ Answer the following questions:
~What was your childhood dream? Are you living it?
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Bree on Twitter
4~Follow JoJo on Twitter
5~Become friends on Brees Blog
6~ Become a Fan of Bree on FaceBook
7~ Retweet this (MUST leave link, a point for each tweet)

** Please confirm you have completed at least 3 things to enter.**
**Please note if you do not have a Facebook  account**
***All contests are open till Dec 23rd , you can find their individual interview links at the top under my header

On The 11th Day Of Blogmas We Have Ms. Missy Jane

Dec 20, 2009

On the 11th Day of Blogmas We Have Author of " They Call Me Death" Ms. Missy Jane. Help me give a warm welcome to Missy *whoop.whoop,yay,clap,clap,clap* Ms.Missy Jane has stopped by and given a wonderful Interview. So Head on down and get to know a little bit more about MsMissy Jane!

Ms. Missy Jane is the alter ego of a Texas mother of four who has been married to the same wonderful man for thirteen years. About five years ago Missy finished reading a book by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory, titled The Outstretched Shadow, and thought “Now, what if…” and a monster was created. Missy now spends most of her time lost in worlds of her own making alternately loving and hating such creatures as vampires, shape-shifters and gargoyles (to name a few). When not writing, she spends her time reading, taking photos of her four beautiful daughters and training her husband to believe she’s always right.

JJBC~Do you read any reviews on your books?
MMJ~I read all reviews that I'm made aware of, even if they're not good news. I'm pretty thick skinned and seriously appreciate constructive criticism.

JJBC~Do you read your own books after they make it to final print?
MMJ~As for the final copies of my books, I'll admit I haven't read either of them cover to cover. I already know the story and tend to skip to my favorite parts ;)

JJBC~What do you like to Read? Your Favorite Genre?
MMJ~My favorite genres to read are horror, paranormal and historical romances, historical fiction and classic literature.

JJBC~Do you have a favorite book?
MMJ~My most favorite book of all time is Of Mice and Men. It's the first book I read that made me cry.

JJBC~ How did you get into writing?
MMJ~I began writing a few years ago after reading Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory's series "The Obsidian Trilogy" and wishing it hadn't ended. I was so intrigued by that world that images and characters began popping into my head. I created my own world and fantasy story and couldn't seem to stop writing after that.

JJBC~Did you always want to be a writer?
MMJ~I remember writing when I was in elementary school, but I'd wanted to be and artist. By the time I reached high school I wanted to be a photographer and spent many years pursuing that dream.

JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
MMJ~Unfortunately writing isn't my full time job. I actually work in customer service right now in the financial industry, but I'm hoping to cut back on that and eventually be a writer full time.

JJBC~Do you set a daily writing goal?
MMJ~I don't set specific goals on my daily writing because I never know what I'm going to be working on. I have MANY works in progress and when I reach a point on one with nowhere to go for the moment, I switch to another. Keeping up with a daily word count is simply too hard when doing that.


My name is Alexia Williams. In my world, North America is divided between north and south—but not the way it’s taught in the history books.
After losing my family to the shifters, I joined the Combined Human States Army. Now I find myself on the front lines, defending the wall between my species and theirs. My mission is simple: keep the animals on their side by whatever means necessary—and I’m good at it. I don’t talk to them. I don’t sympathize with them. I sure as hell don’t admire them…until one saves my life.
Andor isn’t like any shifter I’ve ever met. He’s a three-hundred-year-old golden eagle asking for help finding missing shifters who may be in my lands. I just have to decide between helping the animals or ignoring signs that my fellow humans aren’t what I thought they were. But how can I help a species I hate and fear? Even if Andor makes me feel alive again?
In the land of the shifters…they call me Death.

JJBC~How did you come up with the idea for Mutual Desire? From a dream, from watching tv, while reading another book?
MMJ~My book, They Call Me Death, started in my head as a vision of Alexia standing on the wall with her gun in her hand. I knew some basic traits I wanted her to have and went from there.

JJBC~Did you have to do any type of research before writing this book?
MMJ~I had to do research for Andor's character. I wanted him to really be a golden eagle and had to check what region they live in and some basic info on their habits. I also researched the weapons my characters use.

JJBC~Who’s your favorite character and why?
MMJ~When I began, Andor was my favorite character. However, now that I've started on the sequel I think I like Lance more. He is pretty complex and though very alpha, he knows when to bow down in situations.

JJBC~Do you have any idea how many book are going to be in this series?
MMJ~Right now I've begun books for three other characters: Lance, Sandulf and Kotori. Kotori's book was completely unexpected, but he insisted on having one too ;)

JJBC~ Thank you Ms. Missy Jane for taking the time to be here today and for the Wonderful Interview!!

You Can Also Find Ms. Missy Jane here:
About Missy
Missy's Writing
Missy's Contest Page
Missy's Links

***Don't go away, Ms.Missy Jane is stopping by through out the day. to chat, and answer questions. She is also giving away a signed CD of one of her books to 1 lucky winner!!! WOO HOO!!! Is that not Awesome !!!

How to Enter the Giveaway: (This giveaway is open US only)
1~ Answer the following questions:
~Which series have you read, that you wish hadn't ended?
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Missy on Twitter
4~Follow JoJo on Twitter
5~Become Friends With Missy on FaceBook
6~ Become Friends With Missy on MySpace
7~ Retweet this (MUST leave link, a point for each tweet)
8~ Ask Missy a Question
** Please confirm you have completed at least 4 things to enter.**
**Please note if you donot have a Facebook / or Myspace account**
***All contests are open till Dec 23rd , you can find their individual interview links at the top under my header

On The 10th Day of Blogmas We Have Caridad Pineiro

Dec 19, 2009

On The 10th Day of Blogmas We Have Author of " Sins of the Flesh" Caridad Pineiro. Help me give a warm welcome to Caridad * woo hoo, yay,clap,clap,clap* Thank you for being here today Caridad! And thank you for giving us this wonderful interview, and an insight into being an author.

JJBC~Do you read any reviews on your books?
CP~I do read the reviews and try to take a moment to thank people when they take the time to do a review. I always appreciate hearing about what people liked or disliked in a book so that I can keep on improving.

JJBC~Do you read your own books after they make it to final print?
CP~ I sometimes do, but usually not for a year or more after the release.

JJBC~What do you like to Read? Your Favorite Genre?
CP~I like to read romantic suspense more than anything, although paranormals run a close second.

JJBC~Do you have a favorite book /series?
CP~The IN DEATH Series by J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts. In fact, I just started trying to catch up on some of the earlier books which I missed.

JJBC~ How did you get into writing?
CP~ My fifth grade teacher handed out an assignment on the first day of school – to write a book to be placed in the class lending library. I started writing and never stopped!

JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
CP~Writing is not my full time job. I work in New York City as an attorney full-time.

JJBC~What’s a typical writing day for you like?
CP~I usually write during the commute to and from the office. On the weekends I get up really early and put in three or four hours of writing before the family gets up around 9 or 10.

JJBC~Do you set a daily writing goal?
CP~Not usually, but I do try to write every day no matter what.

JJBC~When and where do you like to write?
CP~ My favorite place to write is on my balcony during the summer. There’s something very relaxing about being outdoors in those early morning hours.

JJBC~Do you prefer to write on a computer, typewriter, or paper and pen?
CP~ My handwriting is really really really bad, so I always write using a computer.

JJBC~What is the hardest / easiest part of writing for you?
CP~The hardest part is always revisions, especially when they are changing your vision for the book or one of the characters. Luckily those are few and far between.

JJBC~What’s the best thing about being an author?
CP~ Meeting lots and lots of new and interesting people.

JJBC~How long did you write before you became a published author?
CP~ I wrote for about eight years before selling my first book.

JJBC~Who’s your favorite hero/heroine?
CP~This is a tough one. It’s almost like asking a parent to pick their favorite child! Can I plead the fifth?

JJBC~What are you reading at the moment?

JJBC~Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
CP~ Never give up. It’s a tough business filled with lots of rejection, but you can’t let that stop you from reaching for your dreams.

JJBC~Is there anything else you would like to share with your followers today?
CP~I love hearing from people and chatting with them, so please drop by and visit me/write to me at my website –


Caterina Shaw’s days are numbered. Her only chance for survival is a highly experimental gene treatment – a risk she willingly takes. But now Caterina barely recognizes herself. She has new, terrifying powers, an exotic, arresting body — and she’s been accused of a savage murder, sending her on the run.

Mick Carrera is a mercenary and an expert at capturing elusive, clever prey. Yet the woman he’s hunting down is far from the vicious killer he’s been told to expect: Caterina is wounded, vulnerable, and a startling mystery of medical science. Even more, she’s a beautiful woman whose innocent sensuality tempts Mick to show her exactly how thrilling pleasure can be. The heat that builds between them is irresistible, but surrendering to it could kill them both . . . for a dangerous group is plotting its next move using Caterina as its deadly pawn.

JJBC~Can you tell you tell us a little bit about Sins of The Flesh?
CP~SINS OF THE FLESH is about a woman – Caterina Shaw – who has been genetically engineered against her will. When one of the scientists decides to blow the whistle on the illegal activities, he is murdered. Since Caterina escapes during the crime, she is framed for the murder and a dark mercenary – Mick Carerra – is sent to track her down. Mick knows that his job may involve elimination of Caterina, but when he finds her, he realizes that all he has been told isn’t necessarily the truth.

JJBC~How did you come up with the idea for Sins of The Flesh? From a dream, from watching tv, while reading another book?
CP~ I love science and wanted to be able to incorporate it into a story in a way that would be new and interesting. I thought about all the different things that had been happening in the scientific world that could impact us and realized that a lot was going on with genetically modified organisms. I thought – what would be the ultimate genetically modified being? A human! The idea was born from that thought.

JJBC~Did you have to do any type of research before writing this book?
CP~I was a science major in college and kept up with what was happening in the field of genetics. Once I decided on the story line, I did more research online and by discussing what I had planned to put in the book with someone who was working on a doctorate in gene expression.

JJBC~Who’s your favorite character and why?
CP~Mick is my favorite because he seems like such a hard-assed bad boy at first, but as the story progresses, you find out that he is actually a very honorable and loving man.

JJBC~Are any of your characters based on people in your life?
CP~My villains. The ones I like to kill off on page 10! It’s very cathartic.

JJBC~Did the overall book turn out like your original idea of the story?
CP~The book totally came out as I had envisioned it and I was really happy that my editor was on board with the whole idea for the book and for the series.

JJBC~Can you tell us a little bit about when and where the story takes place?
CP~ The story takes place in Philadelphia and New Jersey. There are many scenes that happen along the Jersey Shore and I did that so I could let people travel to a place that I really really love. If you visit the website or my Facebook page, I have lots of photos of the real life locations where the book is set.

JJBC~Do you have any idea how many book are going to be in this series?
CP~The next book in the series will be out in October 2010 – STRONGER THAN SIN. I am currently working on the proposal for books 3 and 4 in the series.

My Bonus Question:
JJBC~If you could be trapped in any series/book which would it be and why?
CP~If I could be trapped in any series (assuming not one of my own) – Definitely the IN DEATH series. I’d love to be Eve Dallas, but if not her, Peabody would be a fun character as well. The why is easy – fascinating lives, great loves, amazing friendships. What else could you want?

You Can Also Find Caridad here:

About Caridad
Caridad Blog
Dangerous Women Yahoo Group
Caridads Books

***Don't go away, Caridad is stopping by through out the day. to chat, and answer questions. She has also given me the opportunity to give away a signed copy of "Awakening the Beast" AND a Sins of The Flesh Lunch Bag to 1 lucky winner!!! WOO HOO!!! Is that not Awesome !!!

How to Enter the Giveaway: (This giveaway is open US only)
1~ Answer the following questions:
~Have you Read anything by Caridad? If so, what where they, and tell us what you thought about it
~If not, which of Caridads Books is calling your name to read?
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Caridad on Twitter
4~Follow JoJo on Twitter
5~Sign up for Caridads RSS feed (link at bottom of website)
6~ Join Dangerous Women Yahoo Group ( it is a blast with those ladys)
7~Become a Fan of Caridad on FaceBook
8~ Retweet this (MUST leave link, a point for each tweet)
9~ Ask Caridad a Question

** Please confirm you have completed at least 4-5 things to enter.**
**Please note if you donot have a  Facebook account**
***All contests are open till Dec 23rd , you can find their individual interview links at the top under my header

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On The 9th Day of Blogmas We Have Rachel Jameson

Dec 17, 2009

On the 9th Day of Blogmas We Have Rachel Jameson. Help me give a warm welcome to one of the sweetest tweeps in the world!! *clap, clap, clap, woo hoo* Now i met Rachel on twitter a few months back, lemme tell ya, she is too sweet, and too funny! So head on down to the Interview and get to know a little more about Rachel Jameson!

JJBC~What do you like to Read? Your Favorite Genre?
RJ~Oh, now that is a hard one! I read a lot! I love books! I love falling into the depths of a story, and emerging changed in some small way from the content. My favorites are historical fiction, fantasy, fairy tales, myths (especially the Greek) and now romance. I’ve only recently come into the romance genre, having avoided romance up until almost two years ago like the plague because I thought it was all ridiculous, and so I unfortunately missed out on a wonderful genre for many reading years. I’m so glad I found it, for I’ve certainly been changed by the genre in such a profound way.

JJBC~Do you have a favorite book /series?
RJ~This is an even harder question! The first thing that pops into my mind is The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver. She paints with words. On Fortune’s Wheel by Cynthia Voigt and the rest of the series, though the first one stands out to me the best, with Beryl and Orien. I love Cat’s Cradle by Vonnegut, Catcher in the Rye by Salinger, Brave New World by Huxley. I love anything by Donna Jo Napoli, especially Song of the Magdalene and Zel. I love the Enchanted Forest series by Patricia C. Wrede, and His Dark Materials series by Pullman. Garth Nix’s Sabriel/Abhorsen series. Oh I’ve really enjoyed Maria V. Snyder’s Poson/Fire/Magic Study series. I have a favorite, somewhat obscure YA – The Ramsay Scallop by Frances Temple. I really enjoy Sarah Dunant and Tracy Chevalier. They take history and bring it to life so well. My favorite historical fiction book about Lucrezia Borgia is titled Lucrezia Borgia and is by John Faunce. It fleshes her out and gives her reason in such an excellent way. As for romance, I love Eloisa James, Julia Quinn, Jo Beverly, Sabrina Darby, Eden Bradley, and many more! Ack, there’s too many to name! But those above were definitely a part of making me fall in love with Romance. Yeah, can’t pick a favorite!

JJBC~ How did you get into writing?
RJ~I have a very fertile imagination. Before I could write, I was making up stories in my head. I have a very bad habit of day dreaming at all times of day and night – and my day dreams tend to take weeks as I run them through from beginning to end, with full conversations and everything. I think the stories have just been in me from the beginning. Of course, it’s getting them out of my head and onto paper that’s the problem sometimes.

JJBC~Did you always want to be a writer?
RJ~I don’t know. I wanted to be many things, from a lawyer to a Queen, to a secretary to an astronaut. I always wrote stories down, but I’m not sure if I started out dreaming about being published. I always assumed I’d write, I just didn’t know if I’d do anything with it. Now, I most certainly want to be a writer! (Hopefully, one readers will clamor to read!)

JJBC~How old were you when you began to write?
RJ~Oh wow, I don’t know. Pretty young. I know the first story I “published” (i.e. spiral bound and laminated) was about a woman who had swallowed a cherry pit, which you’re never supposed to do, and a cherry tree had grown in her stomach and right out her mouth. It sounds a bit morbid as I think about it now, LOL.

JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
RJ~Yes, and no. I also am a full time caretaker for my 85 year old Grandmother. So writing gets done in between errands, doctors, events, and running up and down the stairs a zillion times a day. I’m very lucky in that I am able to stay home and write for the most part. As it is for most people, money is a bit tight, so hopefully soon I will be getting some transcription work, which will be my other part time job.

JJBC~What’s a typical writing day for you like?
RJ~I haven’t had a “typical” writing day in a while. I need to get back into that. I know I’m not one who can set my alarm for 4 or 5 am and get up and write for a few hours. I get cranky if I don’t get some sleep, so I’d be a really mean writer if I did that. My characters would have to endure lots of dismemberments, arguments, and near deaths if I got up that early. So I know what I need to do is try to set some uninterrupted time aside (at a decent hour) and force myself to write, even on days when its hard to get the writing out. There’s a wonderful writing community, The Romance Divas. They have all sorts of fantastic resources, advice, support. It’s a great place to find beta readers and critique partners, and a great place to make invaluable friendships. I tend to turn on Romance Divas when I wake up, and head into the chat room. We run 20 minute writing challenges, and that can help get the word count in. Some days I can write well in there, and some I have to have NO distractions at all, or else I can’t write.

JJBC~Do you set a daily writing goal?
RJ~On days when I’m writing, I do try and get 500-2000 words in. But if all I can get is one scene, I take that. If I get 5000 words, I feel great even though my hands ache. For me, personally, I’d rather write than pay attention to my word count. I find that if I focus too much on the word count, it can alter my story so that I’m trying to fit a certain space, rather than just writing the story.

JJBC~When and where do you like to write?
RJ~The when changes daily, depending on what’s going on. I have to have music. Silence is not a friend to me. It makes me antsy and distracted. Sometimes I’ll put a song on repeat, and sink into writing with the music as a background. Sometimes I’ll search through songs to try and get a certain feel for a scene. Friends find it odd, but I tend to write lying down in bed. I have a bad back, so sitting is harder for me. And yet, I can sometimes work harder if I’m sitting. I imagine it comes from school.

I’m lucky enough to be a part of the great writing community, The Romance Divas, and there are quite a few who live in Los Angeles. We get together and write often, which is such a fantastic thing. I ended up purchasing a netbook, which has been great for writing in coffee shops. It took a bit to get used to, but now that I have, I can sit with some L.A. divas, write, and if any of us need to brainstorm, we pull down our headphones and toss around ideas.

JJBC~Are there any processes you use when writing? Do you keep journals, sticky notes, chicken
scratch on the back of receipts?
 RJ~I have always plotted. Outlined. For some reason, with this one I’m working on now, I’m pantsing. Not sure how well that’s going. I’m seeing the big scenes perfectly, but not what connects them. I do do the chicken scratch on little pieces of paper torn off of something, usually envelopes, but I invariably lose track of where I put the little notes. I’ve found if I make an email or a separate word document with the note in it, I do a lot better. I think part of the problem I’m having, is before, I’ve written a lot of Historical Fiction – where the characters are already set. I just have to figure out what I feel is their motivation for their actions that have already happened, their secret desires that aren’t in the known histories. With Romance, I get to make up my own characters, but that’s a double-edged sword, wherein I have to make up everything about them. Nothing is set, nothing is known ahead of time. So I’m learning how to do things differently, and while it’s a great experience, it can be trying at times. They’re very different mediums in some instances, and in some ways, very similar.

JJBC~Do you prefer to write on a computer, typewriter, or paper and pen?
RJ~Oh definitely computer. I prefer to write on my 15” laptop, but I prefer to edit on my netbook. The size of it feels closer to the size of a book, and for some reason I find it easier to edit on it. I can’t read my own handwriting much of the time, so paper and pen is out. *G* I think there are some typewriters up in the attic, but they’re too noisy. Can’t hear the music, can’t hear my thoughts over the click-clack of the keys.

JJBC~What is the hardest / easiest part of writing for you?
RJ~Hardest is definitely getting it out of my head. In my head, I see it so clearly! It plays like a movie – I see the colors, the scents, the feel – everything. And then I try and take that out of my head and put it on paper, and at first it feels flat and like its missing something. Through edits and layering, I can bring back what played in my imagination, but it can be very hard sometimes. The easiest part for me is just the dreaming up a story.

JJBC~What’s the best thing about being an author?
RJ~Oh man, everything! I get to be a part of books! To me, books are the best thing in the world. If I was given $100,000 and told to buy anything, first would be books. If there was anything left over, I’d get some shoes, music, and maybe some electronics. But books first and foremost. Even better is that I get to create them! I get to dream up a character and tell his or her story. I get to (hopefully) make the reader fall into my story, and fall in love with the characters and the world. If I’ve succeeded, they will

JJBC~What are you working on at the moment?
RJ~Well I’m working on a few things at the moment. One, is the one that I think is my heart book. The one that is the strongest in me, but is also the most difficult to write. Because it is, I’m also working/planning a few others. I have one that involves a wedding dress – before there is even an engagement *G*. I think this one will be a lot of fun. I have another with a very klutzy heroine.
The one that I think will take the longest to write, simply because of the amount of research involved, is a Georgian-set piracy tale involving abolition. It takes place in England, and an as yet unknown part of the sea. I haven’t decided yet. There are a few more, that are more glimpses of a story than anything else yet.

JJBC~Who’s your favorite hero/heroine?
RJ~This is the hardest question! If I think in terms of characters, rather than heroes and heroines, Lucrezia Borgia pops into my head. She is quite the character! I’ve loved learning everything I can about her. As for hero/heroine that’s the favorite? I don’t think I have a distinct favorite. I like strong, intelligent heroes and heroines that aren’t afraid to admit their faults and limits. Some that come to mind are Beryl and Orien in On Fortune’s Wheel. Their love is so strong, it changes a kingdom. I love the characters in Austen, of course, though I think for me, they come off stronger in movies than in the books sometimes. I think it has more to do with being told to read something than in finding it on my own. That can alter my perception of a book and its characters. I had sort of a reawakening to some of the characters in Austen when I saw some of the movies. Then, I went back, read them, and they were stronger for me. I love Elenor and Thomas in Ramsay Scallop. When they finally realize and admit their love, it’s such a powerful moment for me. They are so young, and yet they undertake such an extraordinary journey, learning about the world, themselves, and each other in the process. My favorite heroes and heroines are the ones that stick with you – even if only certain aspects of their story or their character are what remain in your mind; they become a part of you.

JJBC~What are you reading at the moment?
RJ~I’m beta reading a YA by a friend, as well as Stealing the Bride by Elizabeth Boyle. I’m also reading Perfume by Patrick Suskind, but as it’s a little heavy, I keep putting it down for a break. I’m reading a few different books for research, including The Mysteries of Udolpho by Anne Radcliffe.

JJBC~Is there a questions you have always wanted to be asked in an interview? If so how would you
answer it?
RJ~Oh wow. I haven’t a clue. I guess a fun one would be what magical power would you want. I think that would have to be teleportation, especially the ability to teleport large objects. No more air travel! No more stuck in rush hour traffic! That, or time travel and invisibility. I’d love to be a fly on the wall so to speak in so many times in the past. Imagine all the answers I could have about all the things we wonder about!

JJBC~Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
RJ~Yes. Write. Just write. Write the story as it needs to be written, not how it fits into a certain genre, or word count. If you end up with a 250,000 word novel, yeah you’re going to have to edit it quite a lot, but you’ll have gotten the story out of you. And if you can try and push yourself, it will be hard, but it will help in the end. Try and do more today then you did yesterday. And more tomorrow than you did today. If you can, do 10 pages a day. And most importantly, is have fun. If you’re enjoying your story, there’s a good chance that readers will as well!

JJBC~Is there anything else you would like to share with your followers today?
RJ~Always be willing to try something new. I’ve always said I’d eat anything at least once, and I have if it’s been offered. But with books, I’ve been a snob. I’ve only recently come into the romance genre, having avoided it up until almost two years ago. I wish that I had been more open and willing to try new things, because then I could have been enjoying Romances for a longer time than I have, and I also would have had a better venue for my writing sooner if I had.

JJBC~How did you come up with the ideas for what you write? From a dream, from watching tv, while reading another book?
RJ~Like Athena coming fully formed out of Zeus’s head, I think some ideas come to me fully formed. Others, I get more of a glimmer. Last night, I saw a villain who died, but as he died, there was such a look of anguished sorrow on his face, there had to be a story there! What it is, I haven’t a clue, but I wrote it down. I’m going to have to figure out what he might have done, or might not have done, to end his life that way. I know that it wasn’t a sorrow over dying, but over something that went wrong in the past.

As for tv, books, etc, yes those can cause ideas to spring forth, but usually I’m watching something, or reading something, and get irked that I could do it differently, sometimes even thinking I could do it better if it was done another way, and so I attempt to do that. I did get one idea from a movie, that I haven’t gotten to, but have written notes on. It was a French film, about love and Paris, and it was about a man who was about to break up with his wife – he’d been having an affair – but when she walks into the café and starts sobbing before he’s even told her, he finds out that she has terminal cancer. He leaves his mistress, and spends the last months of his wife’s life taking care of her, doing all the things that will make her last days happy. And the last line of the film is “By acting like a man in love, he became a man in love again.” I loved that. He fell so deeply back into love with his wife, that her final days were truly spent surrounded by his love. So, it gave me an idea *G*.

JJBC~Do you do any type of research before writing?
RJ~Oh, yes. I love that not only do I have to, I get to. As I write Historicals, I need to do some research before I write, and even during the writing, and sometimes afterwards to make sure I have nothing too modern in the story. Certain phrases and words that seem perfectly normal can make the story feel out of time – even phrases just like “the first time she had sex.” I definitely do research especially if that particular book revolves around a distinct event in time, or an object from the period. The hardest, and yet still fascinating thing I’ve had to research is how long it would take carriage with a team of 6 to get from London to Cornwall, and how long it would take a carriage with a team of 2 to do the same. And not now, on modern roads, but in the early 1800s. I love being able to delve into books from the time, into books about the time, and find all the information I need, so that I can in turn transform it into a part of the story.

JJBC~ as per the contest you did, that i looooved so much, what is your favorite/worst male climax line?
RJ~Hah! I still think “he reached his crisis” might be one of the worst. “The decisive moment” irks me, as I just don’t think men have much choice in the matter towards the end. *G* Words like spewed and discharged are just ewww. As for my favorite? Hmm, that’s harder. I think “his penis spoke its famous last words,” may be one of the funniest things ever, but I can’t imagine ever actually using it in a book! I like “le petite mort”, shattered/shattering, and the good old come/cum. Glad you enjoyed the contest! It was fun and bizarre all at the same time! I certainly learned some terms I had never thought to know, and some that I wish weren’t burned into my brain. Hehe.

My Bonus Question:
JJBC~If you could be trapped in any series/book which would it be and why?
RJ~I think it would have to be mostly fantasy. Magic. Something not final. There’s always something more that can happen. Non-fantasy/magic stories, they have a definitive end. I think I would like to be in something where anything and everything can happen. But as for a single book? I’m certain it wouldn’t be a Dicken’s novel. A little too dreary for me. I think it would have to be an amalgamation of a few books. I’d make my own world out of them. Hey, I’m a writer, I can do what I want, right? I’d take aspects from Nix, Napoli, Chevalier, Jordon, Tolkien, Wrede, Voigt, Pullman, Furlong. Maybe a little Austen thrown in, with a little Kingsolver, and some Dunant as well. Maybe for a little darkness, some Brothers Grimm to even things out.

JJBC~Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!!! i appreciate it ! This was a blast, and Thank you for the Inteerview!
RJ~Thank you! I so appreciate this opportunity! It’s an honor to be interviewed along with this great authors.

You Can Find Also Find Rachel Here:
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Blogging at Romantic Inks -

***Don't go away, Rachel is stopping by through out the day. to chat, and answer questions. Rachels good friend Eden Bradley has also given me the opportunity to give 1 lucky winner a PDF E-book of her book  "  SEEKING KISS "WOO HOO!!! Is that not Awesome !!!

How to Enter the Giveaway: (This giveaway is open WORLD WIDE)

1~ Answer the following questions:
~Whats your favorite/Worst male climax line?
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Rachel on Twitter
4~Follow JoJo on Twitter
5~Follow Blogging at Romantic Inks
6~ Sign up for Romantic Inks Newsletter
7~Become a Friend/fan of Rachel on FaceBook
8~ Retweet this (MUST leave link, a point for each tweet)
9~ Ask Rachel a Question

** Please confirm you have completed at least 4-5 things to enter.**
**Please note if you donot have a  Facebook account**
***All contests are open till Dec 23rd , you can find their individual interview links at the top under my header

On The 8th Day Of Blogmas We Have Cynthia Eden

Dec 16, 2009

On the 8th Day of Blogmas we have the Outstanding Author of  "Eternal Hunter" Cynthia Eden. Help Me give her a warm Welcome!! *cheer, cheer, clap,clap,clap,woo hoo* Thank you so much Cythia for being here today! I just last night finished reading Eternal Hunter, and i have to say O.M.G. That is an Awesome book !!! I could not put it down. Jude........all i can say is "Where can i get me one of him !!!"  *clears throat* that is partially why this is late going up today :0) Hopefully i will get me review up this week.I cannot wait till "I'll Be Slaying You" comes out in July 2010. It is Def. going to be a Pre-Order for me !
OK Everone onto the Interview. Head on Down and get to know Cynthia Eden a little better. But dont leave to fast. Cynthia Is going to be visiting us through out the day to chat and answer questions. Cynthia has also generously given me the opportunity to give one lucky reader a Signed copy of " Eternal Hunter" AND " Hotter After Midnight" Is that not AWESOME!!!! So head on down and lets get started !!!

JJBC~Do you read your own books after they make it to final print?

CE~I don’t read them. Is that wrong? But by that time, I’ve read the story about 6 times and I pretty much have it memorized.

JJBC~What do you like to Read? Your Favorite Genre?
CE~Romances! Romances are—by far—my favorite books, and I particularly enjoy paranormals and romantic suspenses.

JJBC~Did you always want to be a writer?
CE~As soon as I learned how to read, I wanted to write. Did I know that I would by lucky enough to live my dream? Oh, no, but I am so thrilled every day that I have the chance to write my stories.

JJBC~How old were you when you began to write?
CE~I wrote my first story when I was 6. I wrote my first novel when I was 18. I sold my first novel…many years after that. J

JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
CE~I am very fortunate to be able to say that yes, it is my full-time job. When I first published, it wasn’t. I juggled a teaching job and writing, but after I had my son, I was able to stay home with him and write full-time.

JJBC~Do you set a daily writing goal?
CE~Yes, when I am on a deadline, I write ten pages—or I don’t sleep! I find this goal works well. Except for the lack of sleep part.
JJBC~When and where do you like to write?
CE~I write any place that is quiet enough for me. I just grab the laptop, find my quiet spot, and I’m good.

JJBC~Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
CE~Yes, keep writing. Don’t ever give up. Write the story that calls to you and keep writing—even if you get rejected, even if friends tell you that you’re wasting your time…just keep following your dream.

Assistant DA Erin Jerome has a secret. Make that two. One: She’s not entirely human–she’s Other, desperately trying to keep her supernatural strength under wraps. Two: she’s got a killer stalking her–an Other rogue set on “gifting” her bloody corpses, not to mention nights lying awake in terror. Small wonder she’s been having bad luck with men.

But the bounty hunter on her new case isn’t worried about any of that. Jude Donovan is a shapeshifter himself, and the new DA’s midnight hair and addictive scent tell him all he thinks he needs to know: She’s gorgeous, she’s definitely not human, and she’s bringing out the animal in him in a really good way. He might have to track a psychotic Other stalker through half of Louisiana. But he might also get the chance to watch Erin’s wild side come out and play.

~Can you tell you tell us a little bit about the book?
CE~I’d be happy to! J ETERNAL HUNTER is the first book in my new Night Watch series (books about paranormal bounty hunters). My hero, Jude Donovan, is a white tiger shifter—and he is a man who always catches his prey.

JJBC~How did you come up with the idea for this book/series? From a dream, from watching tv, while reading another book?
CE~I knew I wanted to start a new series, and I was brainstorming then the following sentence just popped into my mind: “Sometimes, it takes a monster to catch a monster.” And that is the premise for the whole series. The paranormal monsters in my “world” can only be taken down by equally powerful creatures. Demons hunt demons. Shifters hunt shifters, and, well, I think you get where I’m going with this…

JJBC~Who’s your favorite character and why?
CE~I had a great time with all the characters in this book, but my favorite was the heroine, Erin Jerome. On the surface, Erin seems fragile, but the surface can be so deceiving. She’s one of the most physically powerful heroines I’ve created, and, for fun, she’s also psychic. Erin has death dreams—she can dream and see exactly how a person will die. The dreams are always of violent deaths. No gentle passings in the night for her. As you might expect, she’s got a few issues.

JJBC~Do you have any idea how many book are going to be in this series?
CE~I’ve written three books so far. The second book in the series, I’LL BE SLAYING YOU will be out in July of 2010. I turn away from the shifters a bit in this book and focus more on vampires.

My Bonus Question:

JJBC~If you could be trapped in any series/book which would it be and why?
CE~Ack! That’s a hard question…hmmm…okay, I’m going old school on you. I’d like to be trapped in The Bride by Julie Garwood. This was one of the first books that I ever read (it was wonderful!), and the ex-history teacher in me would love a trip back in time.

CE~Thanks so much for interviewing me!! It’s been a pleasure! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!!
JJBC~ Thank you so much For being here today Cynthia. The Pleasure has been all mine! I am so glad i stumbled upon you in Dangerous Women Yahoo Group !

You can Also Find Cynthia:
About Cynthia
Cynthia News
Cynthia's Blog
Dangerous Women Yahoo Group
Cynthias Books
***Don't go away, Cynthia is stopping by through out the day. to chat, and answer questions. She has also given me the opportunity to give away a personally signed copy of "Eternal Hunter" AND " Hotter After Midnight" to 1 lucky winner!!! WOO HOO!!! Is that not Awesome !!!

How to Enter the Giveaway: (This giveaway is open WORLD WIDE)
1~ Answer the following questions:
~Have you Read anything by Cynthia? If so, what where they, and tell us what you thought about it
~If not, which of Cynthias Books is calling your name to read?
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Cynthia on Twitter
4~Follow JoJo on Twitter
5~Sign up for Cynthia's Newsletter
6~ Join Dangerous Women Yahoo Group ( it is a blast with thos ladys)
7~Become a Fan of Cynthia on FaceBook
8~Become Friends with Cynthia on Myspace
9~Sign up for Cynthia's Newsletter
10~ Take Cynthia's Creature Feature Quiz
11~ Retweet this (MUST leave link, a point for each tweet)
12~ Ask Cynthia a Question

** Please confirm you have completed at least 6-8 things to enter.**
**Please note if you donot have a Myspace, or Facebook account**
***All contests are open till Dec 23rd , you can find their individual interview links at the top under my header

On the 7th Day of Blogmas We Have Sabrina Darby

Dec 15, 2009

On The 7th Day of Blogmas We Have Sabrina Darby! Author of the Romance " On These Silken Sheets"
Lets give a Warm Welcome to Sabrina * woo hoo, clap,clap,clapYAY*
Thank you for being here today Sabrina! I'm so glad you could join us, And Thank you For the awesome Interview!!!
Now head on down to the interview, meet Sabrina, and get to know a lil more about her and her new romance " On These Silken Sheets" She is such a sweetie!!!
Sabrina has also Offered 1 signed copy of "On These Soilken Sheets" for me to giveaway to a lucky fan , and will also be stopping by throughout the day to chat and answer any questions! Sabrina has also offered the MOST EXCITING gift for the extra bonus!!!! but i'm not teliing what yet!!! You'll have to wait and see, but it is a totally awesome item !!!!

JJBC~Do you read any reviews on your books?

SD~If google alerts picks up a review, I do end up reading it. I like reading reviews because as much as I think I know all the strengths and flaws of my works, I am always learning more about the craft of successfully telling a story.

JJBC~Do you read your own books after they make it to final print?
SD~Yes. Of course, I’ve only had one opportunity to try this out ;-) I’ll let you know what I opt to do in the future.

JJBC~What do you like to Read? Your Favorite Genre?
SD~I tend to like regency romance, historical fiction, and early 20thc fiction.

JJBC~Do you have a favorite book /series?
SD~I don’t actually but I do love The American Woman in the Chinese Hat by Carole Maso. For pure romance, I really liked Elizabeth Boyle’s His Mistress by Morning, Meredith Duran’s Duke of Shadows, and then some real oldies that the reality of haven’t so much held up to my current standards but the memory of them has.

JJBC~Did you always want to be a writer?
SD~Pretty much. But I thought I might be a Doctor/Writer for a while, a la Crichton.

JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
SD~Not yet ;-)

JJBC~Do you set a daily writing goal?
SD~I do if I have a deadline. I like to write between 1000-1500 words a day. More of course if I can’t help myself, but with all the other stuff I do, this is a manageable amount.

JJBC~When and where do you like to write?
SD~ I mostly write at home, in the room that has been temporarily serving as an office. Sometimes I sit on the floor. Sometimes in the living room. I wrote all of On These Silken Sheets sitting at the kitchen table in a hard wooden chair.

JJBC~Are there any processes you use when writing? Do you keep journals, sticky notes, chicken scratch on the back of receipts?
SD~I have been known to write on the back of receipts. However, the majority of my writing gets done on the computer or sometimes if I am in revisions, on a printed out hard copy. All but one of my manuscripts was first written in writer isolation. However, after I discovered Romance Divas and joined RWA, that changed a bit. My sister used to be my only beta reader. Now, I’ve expanded that circle a bit.

JJBC~What is the hardest / easiest part of writing for you?
SD~Committing. If I am going to spend 3 months on a 90k novel, I need to be in love with the idea and committed to actually doing the work. I love starting the next project while finishing the first so that I have a seamless transition. Otherwise, I end up spending a few weeks or months fiddling around, unable to commit to a project.

JJBC~How long did you write before you became a published author?
SD~Most of my life? But I started writing romance a year and a half before my first romance sale.

JJBC~Who’s your favorite hero/heroine?
SD~Ok this is hard. Do you mean of my books or of fiction in general? Maybe the heroines of Frances Burney’s Evelina, or Cecilia...and for hero, I’ve said this elsewhere before but my current fave is one of AJ Chase’s. One of her unpublished manuscripts, is a romantic suspense about a hot, secretive, British choreographer and believe me, that man can move!

JJBC~Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
SD~I recently wrote a post to my aspiring romance author self of three years ago. And in the comments, other authors and aspiring authors posted their letters to themselves. It was so wonderful to read those other letters as well. I think there is a wealth of advice in that post. (

JJBC~Is there anything else you would like to share with your followers today?
SD~ I love hearing from people. Also, please do join my mailing list or stop by the website in the week before Christmas because there will be a few holiday surprises!


JJBC~Can you tell you tell us a little bit about ON THESE SILKEN SHEETS?
SD~If you want the more traditional synopsis, there is always the back of the book ;-). However, since I am here and chatting, I’ll give you my personal take. It’s 1808, London. England is at war but within the walls of Harridan House, a private club for those gentlemen and their ladies in search of amorous pursuits, the only battles are fought between the sheets. There are four interconnected stories that all feature the club in some way. And though these are hot stories, with explicit language, they are very much love stories. Each of the novellas shows a different facet of the journey to love and together depict a world in which there is a soul mate for everyone, even the least likely. While each novella has its own arc, I also structured the entire collection to have an emotional arc similar to a full length novel. So, in a sense, novella one “Against the Wall” is the first lusty explosion of a love affair, novella two is the deepening of the relationship, novella three, “Roses are Rouge,” is the dark moment, and novella four is the maturation and happily ever after. Of course, there is also a little epilogue at the end.

JJBC~How did you come up with the idea for this book? From a dream, from watching TV, while reading another book?
SD~Hehe. The very first image in my head was the opening scene of “Against the Wall,” the first novella in On These Silken Sheets. Only, the scene was happening in a present-day night club. I started transposing it to the past and wondering if a happily ever after could happen between two people who had essentially an anonymous one night stand. The conceit of Harridan House came up during the creation of that novella and then the other three novellas just unrolled––almost inevitably––from there.

JJBC~Did you have to do any type of research before writing this book?
SD~I had been working on another book set in the same year before I wrote On These Silken Sheets and did extensive research for that story. For the novellas, I mostly did additional focused research on specific topics that arose, such as what issues were being discussed in Parliament during May of 1808 and the layout of Brighton prior to the Prince Regent’s redesign.

JJBC~Who’s your favorite character and why?
SD~Robert, the hero of the last novella, because by the time you get to him, he’s been seen through the filter of six other protagonists. And when he is seen through the eyes of the right woman...he’s his own man and a worthy hero in his own right.

JJBC~Can you tell us a little bit about the characters?

“Against the Wall”
Carolina, debutante and erstwhile virgin
Harry, male slut

“The Education of Lord Oakley”
Oakley, staid but sexy parliamentarian
Maggie, frustrated widow

“Roses are Rouge”
Diana, Not just another Regency widow
Jason, A man with a history of lusting after Diana

“A Maid for the Taking”
Lucy, A maid
Robert, A lord doing the forbidden––dabbling in trade
JJBC~ Is this book going to be a series?

SD~I would love to write more Harridan House stories.

JJBC~Do you have any idea how many book are going to be in this series?
SD~If I had my way, there would be at least four more. Possibly 5.

JJBC~Do you have a favorite scene?
SD~Sigh. It would have to be the moment that Lord Oakley realizes he is in love in “The Education of Lord Oakley”. It’s just...well, I don’t really want to give it away for those who haven’t read it yet.

My Bonus Question:

JJBC~If you could be trapped in any series/book which would it be and why?
SD~Room With A View because both the movie and book are good, and every other book I can think of is too angsty for real life. But Room With A View, with Freddy and Cecil and George Emerson, has so many great men. I mean, am I trapped in the book as an existing character or as a random person, because that might really mess up the plot, a la Lost in Austen. If it is just about living in the world of the book, it becomes more difficult, because rather than just thinking about being a hero or heroine, I have to think about details, like hygiene of the time, and legal issues, and... Yeah, I see why this is a bonus question! ;-)

Thank you so muh for being here Sabrina, and for this wonderful interview!

You can Also Find Sabrina:
On These Silken Sheets Excerpt

***Don't go away, Sabrina is stopping by through out the day. to chat, and answer questions. She has also given me the opportunity to give away a personally signed copy of On these Silken Sheets to 1 lucky winner!!!
How to Enter the Giveaway: (This giveaway is open US only, but dont forget still comment and chat to enter the over all 12 Dayz of Blogmas contest)
1~ Answer  the following questions:
~Have you read any regency romance, historical fiction, and early 20thc fiction?
~If so, what where they, and tell us what you thought about it
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Sabrina on Twitter
4~Follow JoJo on Twitter
5~Sign up for Sabrinas book updates (link at bottom of page)
6~ Retweet this (MUST leave link, a point for each tweet)
7~ Ask Sabrina a Question

** Please confirm you have completed at least 4 things to enter.**
***All contests are open till Dec 23rd , you can find their individual interview links at the top under my header

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