On The 10th Day of Blogmas We Have Caridad Pineiro
Dec 19, 2009
On The 10th Day of Blogmas We Have Author of " Sins of the Flesh" Caridad Pineiro. Help me give a warm welcome to Caridad * woo hoo, yay,clap,clap,clap* Thank you for being here today Caridad! And thank you for giving us this wonderful interview, and an insight into being an author.
JJBC~Do you read any reviews on your books?

JJBC~Do you read your own books after they make it to final print?
CP~ I sometimes do, but usually not for a year or more after the release.
JJBC~What do you like to Read? Your Favorite Genre?
CP~I like to read romantic suspense more than anything, although paranormals run a close second.
JJBC~Do you have a favorite book /series?
CP~The IN DEATH Series by J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts. In fact, I just started trying to catch up on some of the earlier books which I missed.
JJBC~ How did you get into writing?
CP~ My fifth grade teacher handed out an assignment on the first day of school – to write a book to be placed in the class lending library. I started writing and never stopped!
JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
CP~Writing is not my full time job. I work in New York City as an attorney full-time.
JJBC~What’s a typical writing day for you like?
CP~I usually write during the commute to and from the office. On the weekends I get up really early and put in three or four hours of writing before the family gets up around 9 or 10.
JJBC~Do you set a daily writing goal?
CP~Not usually, but I do try to write every day no matter what.
JJBC~When and where do you like to write?
CP~ My favorite place to write is on my balcony during the summer. There’s something very relaxing about being outdoors in those early morning hours.
JJBC~Do you prefer to write on a computer, typewriter, or paper and pen?
CP~ My handwriting is really really really bad, so I always write using a computer.
JJBC~What is the hardest / easiest part of writing for you?
CP~The hardest part is always revisions, especially when they are changing your vision for the book or one of the characters. Luckily those are few and far between.
JJBC~What’s the best thing about being an author?
CP~ Meeting lots and lots of new and interesting people.
JJBC~How long did you write before you became a published author?
CP~ I wrote for about eight years before selling my first book.
JJBC~Who’s your favorite hero/heroine?
CP~This is a tough one. It’s almost like asking a parent to pick their favorite child! Can I plead the fifth?
JJBC~What are you reading at the moment?
JJBC~Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
CP~ Never give up. It’s a tough business filled with lots of rejection, but you can’t let that stop you from reaching for your dreams.
JJBC~Is there anything else you would like to share with your followers today?
CP~I love hearing from people and chatting with them, so please drop by and visit me/write to me at my website – www.caridad.com

Mick Carrera is a mercenary and an expert at capturing elusive, clever prey. Yet the woman he’s hunting down is far from the vicious killer he’s been told to expect: Caterina is wounded, vulnerable, and a startling mystery of medical science. Even more, she’s a beautiful woman whose innocent sensuality tempts Mick to show her exactly how thrilling pleasure can be. The heat that builds between them is irresistible, but surrendering to it could kill them both . . . for a dangerous group is plotting its next move using Caterina as its deadly pawn.
JJBC~Can you tell you tell us a little bit about Sins of The Flesh?
CP~SINS OF THE FLESH is about a woman – Caterina Shaw – who has been genetically engineered against her will. When one of the scientists decides to blow the whistle on the illegal activities, he is murdered. Since Caterina escapes during the crime, she is framed for the murder and a dark mercenary – Mick Carerra – is sent to track her down. Mick knows that his job may involve elimination of Caterina, but when he finds her, he realizes that all he has been told isn’t necessarily the truth.
JJBC~How did you come up with the idea for Sins of The Flesh? From a dream, from watching tv, while reading another book?
CP~ I love science and wanted to be able to incorporate it into a story in a way that would be new and interesting. I thought about all the different things that had been happening in the scientific world that could impact us and realized that a lot was going on with genetically modified organisms. I thought – what would be the ultimate genetically modified being? A human! The idea was born from that thought.
JJBC~Did you have to do any type of research before writing this book?
CP~I was a science major in college and kept up with what was happening in the field of genetics. Once I decided on the story line, I did more research online and by discussing what I had planned to put in the book with someone who was working on a doctorate in gene expression.
JJBC~Who’s your favorite character and why?
CP~Mick is my favorite because he seems like such a hard-assed bad boy at first, but as the story progresses, you find out that he is actually a very honorable and loving man.
JJBC~Are any of your characters based on people in your life?
CP~My villains. The ones I like to kill off on page 10! It’s very cathartic.
JJBC~Did the overall book turn out like your original idea of the story?
CP~The book totally came out as I had envisioned it and I was really happy that my editor was on board with the whole idea for the book and for the series.
JJBC~Can you tell us a little bit about when and where the story takes place?
CP~ The story takes place in Philadelphia and New Jersey. There are many scenes that happen along the Jersey Shore and I did that so I could let people travel to a place that I really really love. If you visit the website or my Facebook page, I have lots of photos of the real life locations where the book is set.
JJBC~Do you have any idea how many book are going to be in this series?
CP~The next book in the series will be out in October 2010 – STRONGER THAN SIN. I am currently working on the proposal for books 3 and 4 in the series.
My Bonus Question:
JJBC~If you could be trapped in any series/book which would it be and why?
CP~If I could be trapped in any series (assuming not one of my own) – Definitely the IN DEATH series. I’d love to be Eve Dallas, but if not her, Peabody would be a fun character as well. The why is easy – fascinating lives, great loves, amazing friendships. What else could you want?
You Can Also Find Caridad here:
About Caridad
Caridad Blog
Dangerous Women Yahoo Group
Caridads Books
***Don't go away, Caridad is stopping by through out the day. to chat, and answer questions. She has also given me the opportunity to give away a signed copy of "Awakening the Beast" AND a Sins of The Flesh Lunch Bag to 1 lucky winner!!! WOO HOO!!! Is that not Awesome !!!
How to Enter the Giveaway: (This giveaway is open US only)
1~ Answer the following questions:
~Have you Read anything by Caridad? If so, what where they, and tell us what you thought about it
~If not, which of Caridads Books is calling your name to read?
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Caridad on Twitter
4~Follow JoJo on Twitter
5~Sign up for Caridads RSS feed (link at bottom of website)
6~ Join Dangerous Women Yahoo Group ( it is a blast with those ladys)
7~Become a Fan of Caridad on FaceBook
8~ Retweet this (MUST leave link, a point for each tweet)
9~ Ask Caridad a Question
** Please confirm you have completed at least 4-5 things to enter.**
**Please note if you donot have a Facebook account**
***All contests are open till Dec 23rd , you can find their individual interview links at the top under my header
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
21 Hottie Follwers Thoughts:
2. I follow the blog
3. I follow Caridad on twitter (@jone402)
4. I follow on twitter
6. I'm already a member of the DW group
8. I retweeted at http://twitter.com/jone402/status/6834255494
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
I'm from the US
1~Have you Read anything by Caridad? Not yet, but I have you on my tbr list.
~If not, which of Caridads Books is calling your name to read?
I can't wait to read Sins of the Flesh!
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog as Amanda Leigh
don't twitter
5~Signed up for Caridads RSS feed
6~ Join Dangerous Women Yahoo Group-already done!
7~Become a Fan of Caridad on FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/manda513?ref=name
9~ Ask Caridad a Question
Who are your favorite authors? Well, other than J.D. Robb.
1~ ~Have you Read anything by Caridad? Not YET!
~If not, which of Caridads Books is calling your name to read? Which one ISN'T calling my name? ;]
2~Following JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Following Caridad on Twitter
4~Following JoJo on Twitter
7~Become a Fan of Caridad on FaceBook (I don't have a FB)
8~ Retweet this (http://twitter.com/RexRobotReviews/status/6838741191)
9~ What was your favorite book as a child?
(I'm Canadian)
Thank you for the interview with Caridad. I enjoyed reading her answers and learning a bit more about her. I love the In Death series too.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you all for dropping by! I appreciate that you took the time and liked the interview. SINS OF THE FLESH is one of my favorites and I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out.
How is your weekend going? We're in the midst of a huge snowstorm here. We've got about 4 inches down on the ground and it's still coming down pretty hard.
I love Caridad's The Calling series, I try to grab those as soon as they come out. I've recommended them to everyone I know.
I follow the blog
I follow the blog on Twitter as BookOwner
I follow Caridad on Twitter as BookOwner
I already receive the feed from Caridad's blog.
I already belong to Dangerous Women from my yahoo account ernicole2001
seriousreader at live dot com
How are you guys doing tonight? I'm working on revisions for the next book in THE CALLING and as soon as I finish, I start on some minor revisions for STRONGER THAN SIN, the next book in the SINS series.
Are you getting snow? Snow is on my mind as you can tell. It's still coming down hard.
*I haven't read anything by Caridad as yet BUT I'm waiting on my copy of Sins of the Flesh...so I'm pretty psyched about reading that...
*I already follow JoJosBookCorner blog
*signed up for Caridad's RSS feed
*became a fan of Caridad's on facebook
*Already a member of Dangerous Women Yahoo Group
*QUESTION FOR CARIDAD : What are you looking forward to the most for the holidays?
Happy Holidays
Anna Shah Hoque
Hi, I love the interview. I belong to Dangerous Women's yahoo group, and am a friend of Caridad on Facebook, follow her on Twitter as cissikat, following JoJo on Twitter as cissikat. I have read a book by Caridad, can't for the life of me remember the title, it was a holiday story, and I loved it. I am waiting and hoping to get Sins for Christmas!
Thanks for a fun contest, Merry Christmas!
I forgot to mention I'm from the US.
Thanks JoJo for introducing another wonderful writer!
1~ I'm really looking forward to reading Sins of the Flesh
2~ I follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~ I follow Caridad on Twitter
4~ I follow JoJo on Twitter
5~ I signed up for Caridads RSS feed
8~ I retweeted this: http://twitter.com/ErotRomReader/status/6859850095
I haven't tried to figure our twitter yet - I'm waiting for 'The Kid' to get home for Christmas to explain it to me! Other than that, I have done all the rest. I think I have read all of Caridad's books in print. Sins of the Flesh was my favorite and I am eagerly awaiting the next one in the series. Anyone who enjoys science, medicine, people, romance, and/or mystery will enjoy Sins. I can't think of a question at this time because Caridad answers them before I ask them. Thanks Caridad!
-I have read Sins of the Flesh and I really liked it. I can't wait for Stronger Than Sin to come out!
-I'm a follower of your blog.
-I'm following Caridad on twitter.
-I'm following you on twitter (@thebookvixen).
thebookvixen at gmail dot com
1~ Answer The Following Questions:
~Have you Read Anything By Caridad?
No, I Have Not As Of Yet.
If so, What Where They, And Tell Us What You Thought About It.
~If Not, Which Of Caridads Books Is Calling Your Name To Read?
Honor Calls From The Calling Novels Sounds Really Good To Me.
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog.
I Am Following JoJosBookCorner Blog.
3~Follow Caridad On Twitter
I Am Following Caridad On Twitter.
4~Follow JoJo On Twitter
I Am Following JoJo On Twitter.
5~Sign Up For Caridads RSS Feed (Link At bottom of website).
6~ Join Dangerous Women Yahoo Group ( It Is A Blast With Those Ladys)
I Have Joined Dangerous Women Yahoo Group.
skyla11377·skyla11377(At)AOL(Dot)com | Group Member - Edit Membership
7~Become A Fan Of Caridad On FaceBook.
I Am Friends With Caridad On Facebook.
8~ Retweet This (MUST Leave Link, A Point For Each Tweet)
I Have Tweeted About This.
9~ Ask Caridad a Question.
Hey Caridad What Are One Or Two Things We Wouldn’t Normally Know About You?
1. Follow your blog
2. Fan of Caridad on Facebook
3. Member of Dangerous Women Yahoo Group
4. Follow Caridad's RRS Feed
5. Read Sins of the Flesh and loved it. Can't wait for the next book.
6. Caridad, if you could choose to have any special power in the world, what would it be?
Whoops forgot to put email address at the bottom...
#1~ Sins Of The Flesh is calling my name to read since first review I read on this book. However after going and re-browsing the book list on web site it is no the only one that I now want....
#2~ I already Follow JJBC Blog
#3~ I already Follow Caridad on Twitter(jacabur1)
#4~ I already Follow JoJo on Twitter(jacabur1)
#5~Signed up for Caridads RSS feed
#7~ I am already a Fan of Caridad on FaceBook
My Question for the next entry is:
#9~ Caridad, how much do you wish you could write full-time or is being an attorney something for the long haul?
Jackie B Central Texas
I hate to say that I haven't read Caridad, but wow, I'd really like to read Sins of the Flesh since I've read about it. So, it's going on my TBR list! It's so cool to read reviews of authors who have families and busy lives but are still successful. For awhile I was reading about authors with no kids and writing was their only job. I was intimidated, and didn't know if I could write while caring for 3 kids and a husband!
I Follow JJBC Blog
I Follow Caridad on Twitter
I Follow JoJo on Twitter
1~I haven't had the opportunity to read any of Caridad's books but I will add to my list of authors!
2~I follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
4~I follow JoJo on Twitter
6~ I joined Dangerous Women Yahoo Group ( it is a blast with those ladys)
7~I became a Fan of Caridad on FaceBook
I've never read one of her novels.
I am awaiting Sins of the Flesh delivery as I type now!
I follow the blog (booklover0226)
I follow Cardiad on Twitter (as bl0226)
I follow JoJo on Twitter (as bl0226)
I signed up for newsletter
I became a fan on Facebook
Caridad, what is your opinion on book trailers? Do you think they help in book sales?
I’m in the USA
Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com
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