On the 2nd Day of Blogmas We Have Michele Hauf
Dec 10, 2009
JJBC~Do you read any reviews on your books?
MH~Yes. No. Yes. I’m trying to stop. But the good ones do make you feel good, and the bad ones, well... Yes. No. :-)
JJBC~Do you read your own books after they make it to final print?
MH~Sometimes. I write what I love to read, so my fav reads are always books I’ve written. I’ve actually been eager to dig out my old Bombshells and reread those. It’s been a while, and I loved the heroines in those books.
JJBC~What do you like to Read? Your Favorite Genre?
MH~Paranormal and historical romance, with some urban fantasy tossed in. And Young Adult. And a lot of non-fiction set during the time periods I like to write in.
JJBC~Do you have a favorite book /series?
MH~I’m loving Kresley Cole’s Immortals series! Is this about my stuff? If so, I am in love with the book I’m working on right now, but it doesn’t have a title. ;-)
JJBC~ How did you get into writing?
MH~Wanted to see if I could write down one of the stories I frequently kept in my brain. Always telling myself long, elaborate stories/daydreams.
JJBC~Did you always want to be a writer?
MH~Nope, though I’ve always like the idea of telling a story, even if it was only to myself.
JJBC~How old were you when you began to write?
MH~It was right after my son was born, and I needed to fill the time while on maternity leave.
JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
MH~Yes, I’m very fortunate.
JJBC~What’s a typical writing day for you like?
MH~It varies, but I get up, do the blog crawl and answer emails, then write until around noon. Lunch, then write a bit. Always meet Dr. Oz at 2:00. He talks while I walk on the glider (gotta get my exercise in!), then back to a bit more writing.
JJBC~Do you set a daily writing goal?
MH~Nope. Goals can be dangerous. I know how I work, and some days I put out a tremendous amount of words, other days, not so much. It all works out one way or another.
JJBC~When and where do you like to write?
MH~Mornings are best. Fresh mind, fresh ideas. Though morning doesn’t start until 9:00 am, right? Always seated before my desk, though I’ve been thinking about getting a laptop and trying that. I wonder if I’d be too distracted sitting somewhere away from my desk that I’d never get a thing done?
JJBC~Are there any processes you use when writing? Do you keep journals, sticky notes, chicken scratch on the back of receipts?
MH~I do keep notes. Actually after my first draft, I outline each chapter to come up with a sort of map of what I have. Then, I always have notes I’ve scribbled while driving. The best ideas come to me while driving!
JJBC~Do you prefer to write on a computer, typewriter, or paper and pen?
MH~Computer. I can’t read my own writing. I caution myself every time I do written edits on the page to write neatly. It never works. There are many edits I just give up trying to figure out because my chicken scratches make no sense whatsoever.
JJBC~What is the hardest / easiest part of writing for you?
MH~The hardest part is trying to stay fresh and not repeating myself from story to story. The easiest is the excitement for new characters and story ideas that translates to the page.
JJBC~What’s the best thing about being an author?
MH~Besides working in pajamas, I get a small thrill out of seeing my book in a Target store. :-)
JJBC~How long did you write before you became a published author?
MH~I sent my first book off to Zebra. It sold six months later. (But that doesn’t mean I haven’t received many rejections since then.)
JJBC~Who’s your favorite hero/heroine?
MH~I love Blu and Creed from the upcoming HER VAMPIRE HUSBAND. She’s a sassy werewolf princess with a penchant for multi-colored wigs and saying exactly what she thinks. He’s an arrogant, ancient vampire lord who can resist the werewolf’s charms. Those two, I love ‘em!
JJBC~What are you reading at the moment?
MH~Charlotte Featherstone’s ADDICTED, which is AWESOME. And I’m reading PLEASURE AND PRIVILEGE, which is all about Paris in 18th century.
JJBC~Is there a questions you have always wanted to be asked in an interview? If so how would you answer it?
MH~Who’s your favorite villain? The castrato from MY LADY MADNESS, who had a psychic connection to the heroine (they were twins) and tried to kill her throughout the story.
JJBC~Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
MH~Just write. Every day. Write. Then, write some more.
JJBC~Can you tell you tell us a little bit about Her Vampire Husband?
MH~HER VAMPIRE HUSBAND is actually the third book in the Wicked Games series, but it is very much a stand-alone book. I wanted to try the ‘arranged marriage’ plot and what better conflict than to pair natural enemies such as a vampire and a werewolf? And the hero is about 900 years older than the heroine, so the generation gap is huge. I had great fun with this book, and I think it shows in the relationship between the hero and heroine. The story takes place as the werewolf and vampire nations attempt to stop the warring between them, and hope that by orchestrating a marriage between the two that will show them all that they can learn to love and respect one another. Of course, both sides have ulterior motives. ;-)
JJBC~How did you come up with the idea for this series? From a dream, from watching tv, while reading another book?
MH~Like I said, I wanted to try the arranged marriage plot, and once I knew who the hero and heroine were, the story sort of told itself. The book also features cameo appearances from characters in previous books, such as: Ivan and Dez Drake (The Devil To Pay), Nikolaus and Ravin Drake (Kiss Me Deadly), Severo (Moon Kissed), and of course Himself.
JJBC~Did you have to do any type of research before writing this book?
MH~I always include research in my books, though my vampire world is pretty well established by now, so I don’t have to add much to that. The hero is a vampire who possesses witch magic, so I had to expand on that. And then the most research was in wolf packs and incorporating that into the werewolf lifestyle.
JJBC~Who’s your favorite character and why?
MH~The heroine, Blu Masterson, is fun, funky, sassy, and I’d love to go out and party with her sometime. She’s very confident, and that small part of her that is frightened she hides well (and under bright colored wigs). She isn’t afraid to stand before a vampire and give him what for, and neither is she afraid to eat Count Chocula cereal in front of her vampire hubby. ;-)
JJBC~Are any of your characters based on people in your life?
JJBC~Did the overall book turn out like your original idea of the story?
JJBC~Can you tell us a little bit about when and where the story takes place?
MH~Takes place right now in Minneapolis. Actually, that’s not quite right. The timeline of the Wicked Games series takes place 25 years from the end of His Forgotten Forever. In The Devil To Pay I moved it all up 25 years because the hero is the son of a couple from Kiss Me Deadly. (Is that confusing enough for you?) So it’s in the future, but I didn’t want them to be futuristic, or to have readers wondering what technology should be used, so I write it in the now, but it’s...not. (Again. Confusing. But that’s how it works.)
JJBC~Do you have any idea how many book are going to be in this series?
MH~HER VAMPIRE HUSBAND is the last in the Wicked Games series. But readers should know that all my paranormal series take place in the same ‘world’. So the series may feature different creatures like vamps and witches, weres and vamps, even angels and demons, but it’s all happening in the same world.
JJBC~Doy uo have anything new in the works you wouls like to share with your fans today?
MH~My next series for Nocturne is OF ANGELS AND DEMONS. The first book, ANGEL SLAYER will be out June 2010.
Here’s a list of Michele’s 2010 releases, if any are curious:
April – Her Vampire Husband, HQN
“The Vampire’s Tango”, Nocturne Bites
May – Rogue Angel: The Bone Conjurer (Alex Archer pseudonym)
June – Angel Slayer, Nocturne
“Halo Hunter”, Nocturne Bites
December - “untitled Xmas story”, Nocturne Bites
My Bonus Question:
JJBC~If you could be trapped in any series/book which would it be and why?
MH~I have to go back to my historicals and pick the Saint-Sylvestre series, which was TAME ME NOT, BETRAY ME NOT, and ENCHANT ME NOT. Set in 17th century Paris, it would be the perfect time and place for me to be trapped. And not a vamp or werewolf in sight, so all I’d have to fear is lack of toilet paper! ;-)
Thank you so much Michele for sharing with us today !!!
You can also Find Michele at :
VampChix Blog
Vampire Vixens
***Hold up , don’t leave !!! Michele is stopping by through out the day to answer questions any of you lovely fans has , and she has a also offered signed copys of " Midnight Cravings, and Moon Kissed " for me to give away to one lucky reader !!!
So go ahead ask away!! The contest Ends Dec. 23 with a vlog drawing on Dec 25th
Giveaway Rules:
1~ Answer 1 of the questons:
Whats your Fav Michele Hauf Book? (not required to have read to enter)
Who's your Favorite Villan?
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Michele on Twitter
4~Follow JoJosBookCorner on Twitter
***Please don't forget to comeback for all the interviews for the extra giveaways, and please leave in your comments what country you are from for extras too !!!
50 Hottie Follwers Thoughts:
What an awesome interview! I have to lower my head and admit that I have not read any of Michele's books, but now that I have been introduced to this awesome sounding author, I hope to change that very soon!
Michele - Are there any other genres that pique your interest to try your writing hand at? Also, do you ever place yourself within in any of your characters and/or books?
I follow JoJo's Blog
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I follow Michele on Twitter now
Am hopping over to sign up for Michele's newsletter!
Thanks JoJo and Michele!!
April (USA - forgot to put that yesterday, lol)
I'm not eligible for this contest since I'm not had the pleasure of reading any of Michele's stories yet.
I really enjoyed reading the interview and am looking forward to exploring her work.
Happy Reading
Anna Shah Hoque
April, other genres? Well, I've been fortunate enough to be able to write in the ones I love. I've written historical romance (my fav genre), action/adventure (Bombshells), paranormal, fantasy (Luna), and I even have a Rogue Angel story out, Swordsman's Legacy, under the Alex Archer pseudonym, with another out next May.
I do have a Young Adult story in teh works, but no time to write it lately! SOme day!
I just posted the first chapter for HER VAMPIRE HUSBAND at my website!
Absolutely love the interview! I can't wait to read Her Vampire Husband. I haven't read any of Michele's books, but that just sounds like something I'll love. Well, I have several of her books on my tbr list, but that one I'm looking forward to the most.
I follow Jojo's books corner
I don't twitter, sorry.
My favorite villain is Stryker from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series!
I'm a follower!
From US!
whouhouuu Great interview! I have to say that i keep looking at Michele Hauf's books on Amazon and they have been on my wish list for quite some time now. I will have to act on it soon! And the cover for Her Vampire husband is so sexy!
Have a great day ladies (i know i have YAY it's my Birthday!)
i'm from France...again ;)
I have not had the fortune to read one of Michele Hauf's books but hopefully I will soon because the Wicked Games series sounds interesting.
following this blog
following Michele on twitter
following JoJosBookCorner on twitter @throuthehaze
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
1. Whats your Fav Michele Hauf Book?
That Would Be Moon Kissed.
2. I Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3. I Am Following Michelle On Twitter.
4. I Am Following JoJosBookCorner On Twitter.
pattepoilue, a lot of my heroes tend to be French. Just love me a sexy French guy. The hero of HER VAMPIRE HUSBAND is French, natch. There's just something about a man speaking a language I don't understand that really does it for me. I order DVDs from Amazon.fr all the time (costume dramas) and watch them even though I have no clue what they are saying! I usually get movies with my fav actors: Jean-Hugues Anglade, Vincent Cassel and Vincent Perez
Thanks for all the Twitter follows, peeps! Fun!
I follow both J and Michele on twitter. And I also follow J's blog.
I haven't yet experience the marvelous that is Michele's books are but from what I have seen so far.. I would say Blu and Creed are my favorite characters.
Don't have a favorite evil villian just yet.
Thanks for another amazing author blog interview and contest.
Last but not least, Michele how did you come up with yours characters of Blu and Creed?
I briefly looked through Michele's books and can safely say that Her Vampire Husband looks awesome, so it would be my favorite for now. I hope to have many more favorites soon!
Michele: I have found that I get stories in my head with epic scenes and heroines. I have blogged a bit of these thoughts, but get stuck after a couple of paragraphs. How do you go from a couple paragraphs to a book? Do you have an entire story in your head before you start?
I am following Michele and JoJo on Twitter as well as JoJo's blog.
opps... forget to mention. USA
Her Vampire Husband.
Moon kissed. walkerd@primus.ca
This was a great interview. Michele, you are a new author to me. I really like the idea of this book and have put it on my wish list. I am eager to see how the arranged marriage of a vampire and werewolf works out!!
My favorite villan is Stefan from the Mercy Thompson series, because I am still not sure if he is friend or foe.
I follow you both on twitter and the blog:)
I live in Maryland USA
My Vampire Husband sounds great Michelle. Looks like I need to get me some Nocture Bites.
I haven't actually read any of Michelle's books yet but, the wicked game series is on my TBR list. Waiting til after the holidays to pick up some new books.
I really can't think of a favorite villian.
Im a follower of JoJo but, I don't tweet so please don't hold that against me I just don't tweet but, hope I can still participate.
Florida USA
misty_labean@yahoo com
almost forgot I get JoJo's newsletter
misty_labean yahoo com
Forget once again, the Texas, USA part, hehe!!
Veronica, how did I come up with the characters of Blu and Creed? Well, it started with Blu. She's a sassy werewolf princess. I found a picture of her in a magazine (Angelina Jolie with green hair) and that just cemented the character for me. Party girl who likes to have fun, but is really, deeply, pining for true love and someone to take care of her. Then I just needed to match her to her complete opposite, which is where the 900-yr old aristocratic vampire came in. I had a LOT of fun with these characters!
Robin K, usually once I get a character in my head, then they start telling me their story. I dream a lot, and actually when I go to sleep I focus on the characters so oftentimes those dreams will just carry the story along. If a story cements over a week or two of thinking about it and dreaming, then I start writing the draft. I consider a good first draft around two hundred pages, from beginning to end. If I can write 'the end' then I know I can go back and flesh out the entire story.
Thanks to JoJo for having me at the blog today! Hope everyone has an awesome Xmas and stays warm. I'm freezing here in MN. Brrr...
This has turned out a great day so far!!! Thank you Michele for the wonderful interview, and for stopping by today to chat! i wish i could have been here more but im lack of internet till the weekend!!
Michele, don't worry, i can't read my own hand writing either !! LOL
As far as my faorite villan i would have to say layel from gena showalters, atlantis series. But then again im not sure you can actually count him as a true villan !!!
Great interview!!! It has piqued my interest in your books Michele. I don't have a favorite book yet since I haven't read any of Michele's books yet, but "Her Vampire Husband" sounds really interesting. I'm gonna have to fix the non-read situation!!
I follow JoJo's Blog and
I follow JoJo on Twitter, and now
I follow Michele on Twitter. Thanks JoJo and Michele!!
Hmmm...I don't really like villians as a general rule. I'm a hero kind of gal. BUT if I had to pick one it would be Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer when he was bad.
I follow JoJo on Twitter and Michele. Plus I'm a follower of your blog.
Thanks for the cool Cmas fun!
Hi :)
I Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog & Twitter & Follow Michele on Twitter.
I loved this interview. Thank you for having Michele here & thanks to Michele for sharing and responding in the comments. I love how active Michele is in the internet with her sites and twitter. That was how I was introduced to her and her writing.
Happy Holidays,
I hope I'm not posting too late!!
I haven't read any of Hauf's books yet (don't worry, they've been added to the TBR list!) but just because of the sensual cover- Her Vampire Husband!
I follow JJBC on twitter & the blog =)
I haven't read any of Michele books as yet.
My favourite villians has to be the one that started a whole genre, namely DRACULA !.
I follow Jojos
I follow Michele via Google RSS
I am an International entry from South Africa.
Wonderful interview you two!
I think my favorite would be Moon Kissed. I'm doing all the following and I'm from the Netherlands.
Michele i love reading books where the hero is French and 'sexy' *g* I'd just like to meet this type of French guy in real life ;)
Vincent Perez is damn sexy, i love this actor nomnomnomnom
I have never read a book by Michele Hauf, but she has been on my list of books to read. :D Thanks for the interview! :D
I already follow your blog.
My favorite villan is Lash (JR Ward, Brotherhood Series)
I already follow Michele on Twitter
I already follow you on Twitter
I am sad to say have had this particular wish list of books now for awhile, want to read the entire WG series and wallet has not allowed me to buy yet.
That being said would have to say that right now because of researching the titles the book that I fell in love with and want to read the most first is "Moon Kissed". The story of Bella and Sevaro is a true Beauty and The Beast with an ironic twist that is my favorite part of books in this genre...
Plus beautiful human turns vamp loves enemy werewolf, what is not to like?
My favorite Villian has always been Lasher in Anne Rices Mayfair Witches series....
I follow JJBC and Michele on Twitter (@jacabur1)
I follow JJBC blog on Google Friend Connect
I follow Vamp Chix Blog on Google Friend Connect
I have bookmarked and will now get updates from Vampire Vixens and thanks for the link
I would consider it a great win, you managed to pick the 2 books would have wanted if had to choose....
Jackie B Central Texas
My favorite villian would be Hannibal Lechter and if I could be in a book or series it would be The Stephanie Plum series, these crack me up! tWarner419@aol.com
My favorite book of Michele's is The Devil To Pay, although I have enjoyed every one of hers that I have read. I am from the USA.
I follow on google
I follow on twitter as BookOwner
I follow Michele on twitter as BookOwner
I haven't read any of Michele's books but The Vampire Husband sounds great. I appreciate the chance to win one of her books.
I follow this blog through google reader but do not subscribe to twitter.
Haven't read any of her books yet, I'm afraid.
I live in the US, and follow JoJo and Michele on twitter with @radlilim.
Also following the blog.
I have a suggestion that you make the "follow" links open a new window automatically so I don't have to worry about loosing your page. Just a suggestion for the future.
Kiss Me Deadly is my favorite because that was the one that turned me on to MH. My favorite villain is Lestat just because he is so deliciously flawed.
Unfortunately I haven't read any of Michele's books.
1~ I haven't read any of Michele's books, but am anticipating Her Vampire Husband. :)
Fav. villain - Gotta be Lestat too! ;)
2~ I follow JoJosBookCorner Blog.
3~ I follow Michele on Twitter: @INCiDeNT_Zinc
From the UK . . .
4~ I follow JoJo on twitter: @INCiDeNT_Zinc
1. My favorite of Michele's is Dark Rapture. My original copy was hard to find but well worth it. And a baddie vamp for me is Damian from The Vampire Diaries. He seems to enjoy killing a bit too much.
2. I follow the blog
3. I follow on twitter (@jone402)
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I'm from the US
I really want to read one of your books but haven't been sure what to start with.
My favorite villain is Stryker from Sherrilyn Kenyons Dark Hunters.
I follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
I really want to read one of your books but haven't been sure what to start with.
My favorite villain is Stryker from Sherrilyn Kenyons Dark Hunters.
I follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
I live in the U.S.
My favorite book (so far) is Kiss Me Deadly. I downloaded it free a couple about a month ago and loved it so much I bought all the other books in the series! :-D
I'm a follower of the blog.
I'm already following Michelle on Twitter @amandamakepeace
Now I'm following JoJosBookCorner too! (@amandamakepeace)
And now I'm off to check out the other interviews!
Amanda in the USA
+1 My favourite villan is Neferet from the House of Night Series...she's so evil!!
+2 new follower
+3 follow Michele on twitter
+4 i follow JoJosBookCorner on twitter
United Kindom
Thanks for the great interview. I have not read any of Michele's books so thank you for turning me on to them. Her Vampire Husband sounds great so I will have to go add it to my TBR list.
My favorite villain is Eric from Sookie books although he is not always the villain..lol!!
I Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
I Follow Michele on Twitter
I Follow JoJosBookCorner on Twitter
My favorite Michele Hauf book is Kiss Me Deadly
Please enter me in the giveaway
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I follow JoJosBookCorner on twitter
Great interview. My fav is Moon Kissed.
My fav villian is Mark from Grave Secret.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
My favorite book is Moon Kissed.
My favorite villian is Katherine from The Vampire Diaries book 3 The Fury.
I'm a new follower of the blog and
I follow Michele on twitter (forceofstars) and
I follow JoJosBookCorner on twitter
I'm from Denmark:-)
1. I haven't read any of her books yet.
2. Blog follower
3. Follow Michele on twitter
4. Follow Jojo on twitter.
- I'm from Spain
Unfortunately, I haven’t read any of Michele’s books, yet.
I follow the blog (booklover0226)
I Follow Michele on Twitter (as bl0226)
I follow JoJo on Twitter (as bl0226)
I’m in the USA
Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com
I actually didn't read anything by this author but would like to give her try in the future.
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
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