On The 11th Day Of Blogmas We Have Ms. Missy Jane
Dec 20, 2009
On the 11th Day of Blogmas We Have Author of " They Call Me Death" Ms. Missy Jane. Help me give a warm welcome to Missy *whoop.whoop,yay,clap,clap,clap* Ms.Missy Jane has stopped by and given a wonderful Interview. So Head on down and get to know a little bit more about MsMissy Jane!

JJBC~Do you read any reviews on your books?
MMJ~I read all reviews that I'm made aware of, even if they're not good news. I'm pretty thick skinned and seriously appreciate constructive criticism.
JJBC~Do you read your own books after they make it to final print?
MMJ~As for the final copies of my books, I'll admit I haven't read either of them cover to cover. I already know the story and tend to skip to my favorite parts ;)
JJBC~What do you like to Read? Your Favorite Genre?
MMJ~My favorite genres to read are horror, paranormal and historical romances, historical fiction and classic literature.
JJBC~Do you have a favorite book?
MMJ~My most favorite book of all time is Of Mice and Men. It's the first book I read that made me cry.
JJBC~ How did you get into writing?
MMJ~I began writing a few years ago after reading Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory's series "The Obsidian Trilogy" and wishing it hadn't ended. I was so intrigued by that world that images and characters began popping into my head. I created my own world and fantasy story and couldn't seem to stop writing after that.
JJBC~Did you always want to be a writer?
MMJ~I remember writing when I was in elementary school, but I'd wanted to be and artist. By the time I reached high school I wanted to be a photographer and spent many years pursuing that dream.
JJBC~Is writing your full time job?
MMJ~Unfortunately writing isn't my full time job. I actually work in customer service right now in the financial industry, but I'm hoping to cut back on that and eventually be a writer full time.
JJBC~Do you set a daily writing goal?
MMJ~I don't set specific goals on my daily writing because I never know what I'm going to be working on. I have MANY works in progress and when I reach a point on one with nowhere to go for the moment, I switch to another. Keeping up with a daily word count is simply too hard when doing that.

After losing my family to the shifters, I joined the Combined Human States Army. Now I find myself on the front lines, defending the wall between my species and theirs. My mission is simple: keep the animals on their side by whatever means necessary—and I’m good at it. I don’t talk to them. I don’t sympathize with them. I sure as hell don’t admire them…until one saves my life.
Andor isn’t like any shifter I’ve ever met. He’s a three-hundred-year-old golden eagle asking for help finding missing shifters who may be in my lands. I just have to decide between helping the animals or ignoring signs that my fellow humans aren’t what I thought they were. But how can I help a species I hate and fear? Even if Andor makes me feel alive again?
In the land of the shifters…they call me Death.
In the land of the shifters…they call me Death.
JJBC~How did you come up with the idea for Mutual Desire? From a dream, from watching tv, while reading another book?
MMJ~My book, They Call Me Death, started in my head as a vision of Alexia standing on the wall with her gun in her hand. I knew some basic traits I wanted her to have and went from there.
JJBC~Did you have to do any type of research before writing this book?
MMJ~I had to do research for Andor's character. I wanted him to really be a golden eagle and had to check what region they live in and some basic info on their habits. I also researched the weapons my characters use.
JJBC~Who’s your favorite character and why?
MMJ~When I began, Andor was my favorite character. However, now that I've started on the sequel I think I like Lance more. He is pretty complex and though very alpha, he knows when to bow down in situations.
JJBC~Do you have any idea how many book are going to be in this series?
MMJ~Right now I've begun books for three other characters: Lance, Sandulf and Kotori. Kotori's book was completely unexpected, but he insisted on having one too ;)
JJBC~ Thank you Ms. Missy Jane for taking the time to be here today and for the Wonderful Interview!!
You Can Also Find Ms. Missy Jane here:
About Missy
Missy's Writing
Missy's Contest Page
Missy's Links
***Don't go away, Ms.Missy Jane is stopping by through out the day. to chat, and answer questions. She is also giving away a signed CD of one of her books to 1 lucky winner!!! WOO HOO!!! Is that not Awesome !!!
How to Enter the Giveaway: (This giveaway is open US only)
1~ Answer the following questions:
~Which series have you read, that you wish hadn't ended?
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Follow Missy on Twitter
4~Follow JoJo on Twitter
5~Become Friends With Missy on FaceBook
6~ Become Friends With Missy on MySpace
7~ Retweet this (MUST leave link, a point for each tweet)
8~ Ask Missy a Question
** Please confirm you have completed at least 4 things to enter.**
**Please note if you donot have a Facebook / or Myspace account**
***All contests are open till Dec 23rd , you can find their individual interview links at the top under my header
16 Hottie Follwers Thoughts:
1~I have not read your books but; they sound really good!
2~Following JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~Following Missy on Twitter
4~Following JoJo on Twitter
5~Become Friends With Missy on FaceBook
8~Is it easy to come up with new stories or characters for your books?
1. I haven't read Missy's books, but have put them on my TBR list.
2. Following JoJoBookCorner Blog
3. Became friends with Missy on Facebook
4. Question- Who or what do you base your characters on? Are any of them based on people you know, family members or friends?
Dang! Did it again...
1~ Answer The Following Questions:
~Which Series Have You Read, That You Wish Hadn't Ended?
The Series That I Wish Would Not Have Ended Would Be The Twilight Series By Stephanie Meyer.
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog.
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3~Follow Missy On Twitter.
I Am Following Missy On Twitter.
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I Am Following JoJo On Twitter.
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7~ Retweet this (MUST Leave Link, A Point For Each Tweet).
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8~ Ask Missy A Question.
Hey Missy What Are One Or Two Things We Wouldn’t Normally Know About You?
1~Which series have you read, that you wish hadn't ended?
At the time I was incredibly sad that the Twilight saga ended.
2~Follow JoJosBookCorner Blog as Amanda Leigh
Don't twitter
5~Became Friends With Missy on FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/manda513?ref=name
6~ Become Friends With Missy on MySpace http://www.myspace.com/manda513
8~ Who are your favorite authors?
I would love to win this contest!
I'm from the US
I haven't read any of your books yet... can't wait, though
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1~ I haven't read any of Missy's book yet
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(from the Netherlands)
2. Follow the blog
3. Follow Missy on twitter (@jone402)
4. Follow JoJo on twitter
5. I became friends with Missy
7. I retweeted here....http://twitter.com/jone402/status/6907470163
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
I'm from the US
I am from the US
Jackie B Central Texas
#1 I have read the "Rogue Mage Series" by Faith Hunter at the beginning of the year and wish very much it had not ended. Am now reading her new "Jane Yellowrock" series who is a vampire bounty hunter/shape shifter and it is super so far....
#2~ I already Follow JJBC Blog(jacabur)
#3~ I already Follow Missy on Twitter(jacabur1)
#4~ I already Follow JoJo on Twitter(jacabur1)
My question for entry is as follows:
#8~ Missy when and if you have the time will you be available in the Austin Texas area for book signings?
I have "They Call Me Death" and after read it and then found the short story on your free E-Read would love to meet you in person and tell you how much love these stories and am so looking forward to more and hope they do not stop 4 books.....
Thank you everyone for reading my interview! I'm thrilled at all of the interest in They Call Me Death. Here are the answers to the questions so far, please let me know if I've missed any:
Sue- it takes very little for my imagination to run away and a story/characters to form in my head. Sometimes a phrase or scene will pop up in my mind and a whole new world is born.
Lisa- the stories published so far are not based on anything in reality. However, I have a couple in the works with characters based on people I know. They're quite humorous and hopefully will be published some day.
Skyla- one thing some people might not guess is that I only began reading romance about three years ago. I've always been a huge horror fan, but I go through phases. For a while I read nothing but historical fiction.
Amanda- my favorite authors change on a regular basis. However a couple that have lasted through the years are Stephen King and Clive Barker. Right now I really like Jacquelyn Frank, Kerrelyn Sparks, Lynsay Sands and Patricia Briggs.
Jackie- I didn't realize I had a fan in Austin! I love that drive, so I can promise that as soon as I find a store willing to take me in for a couple of hours I'll make the trip up there for a signing. Might not be until February, but details will be on my site as soon as it's arranged.
Any more questions? I'll check in again tomorrow. Thank you!
-Missy Jane
*make reading a guilty pleasure...*
There are some very cool fantasy books I've read that ended too soon for me- The Wayfarer Redemption series by Sara Douglass. I was so hoping there would be more books, but it looks like their won't be:( Same with The Symphony of Ages series by Elizabeth Haydon. I SO wish she would write more!
I'm following JoJo and Missy on Twitter, plus I follow JoJo's blog and I answered the question:)
Good interview...I enjoyed it!!
1~ Answer the following questions:
~Which series have you read, that you wish hadn't ended? The Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward. LOVED that series!!
2~I follow JoJosBookCorner Blog
3~I follow Missy on Twitter
4~I follow JoJo on Twitter
5~I became Friends With Missy on FaceBook
I didn't want the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling to end.
I didn't want the Bridgertons to end but they did run out of siblings :)
- follower of blog, and Missy and JoJo on Twitter
The Adrien English mysteries.
I follow the blog (booklover0226)
I follow Missy on Twitter (as bl0226)
I follow JoJo on Twitter (as bl0226)
I became a fan on Facebook
Missy, what is your opinion on book trailers? Do you think they help in book sales?
I don’t have MySpace account
I’m in the USA
Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com
Welcome new commenters ;)
Tracy, my feelings about book trailers are a little mixed up. When I first saw one I thought it was kind of cheesy and laughed my butt off. However, lots of authors do them now. They can be kind of pricey and I have yet to hear whether or not they generate more sales. I don't intend to put the money or effort into one in the near future, but that doesn't mean someday I won't change my mind. Wonder when George Lucas has an opening in his schedule... ;P
-Missy Jane
*make reading a guilty pleasure...*
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